The Schur product theorem states that the entrywise product of two positive semidefinite matrices is also positive semidefinite. This post will present every proof I know for this theorem, and I intend to edit it to add additional proofs if I learn of them. (Please reach out if you know another!) My goal in this post is to be short and sweet, so I will assume familiarity with many properties for positive semidefinite matrices.
For this post, a matrix is positive semidefinite (psd, for short) if it is symmetric and satisfies
for all vectors
. All matrices in this post are real, though the proofs we’ll consider also extend to complex matrices. The entrywise product will be denoted
and is defined as
. The entrywise product is also known as the Hadamard product or Schur product.
It is also true that the entrywise product of two positive definite matrices is positive definite. The interested reader may be interested in seeing which of the proofs also yield this result.
Proof 1: Trace formula
We start by computing :

Recall that a matrix is psd if and only if it
is a Gram matrix (able to be expressed as
). Thus, we may write
. Substituting these expressions in the trace formula and invoking the cyclic property of the trace, we get

Proof 2: Gram matrix
Since and
are psd, they may be written as
. Letting
denote the
th rows of
, we have

Proof 3: Covariances
Let and
be independent random vectors with zero mean and covariance matrices
. The vector
is seen to have zero mean as well. Thus, the
entry of the covariance matrix

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Proof 4: Kronecker product
The Kronecker product of two psd matrices is psd. The entrywise product
is a principal submatrix of