Note to Self: Sketch-and-Solve with a Gaussian Embedding

In the comments to my post Does Sketching Work?, I was asked a very interesting question, which I will paraphrase as follows:

Is the sketch-and-solve least-squares solution \hat{x} = \operatorname*{argmin}_{\hat{x}} \norm{(SA)\hat{x} - Sb} an unbiased estimate of the true least squares solution of x = \operatorname*{argmin}_x \norm{Ax - b}?

In this post, I will answer this question for the special case in which S is a Gaussian sketch, and I will also compute the expected least-squares residual \expect \norm{A\hat{x}-b}^2. Throughout this post, I will assume knowledge of sketching; see my previous two posts for a refresher if needed. For this post, A will have dimensions n\times d and S will have dimensions \ell\times n, and these parameters are related n\ge \ell \ge d.

I thought I knew the answer to this question—that sketch-and-solve suffers from inversion bias. Indeed, the fact I remembered is that

(1)   \[\expect\Big[\big((SA)^\top (SA)\big)^{-1}\Big] \ne \big(A^\top A\big)^{-1}\]

for the sketching matrices S in common use. The issue of the inversion bias (1) is discussed in this paper.

However, the inversion bias (1) does not imply that sketch-and-solve is biased. In fact, for a Gaussian sketch1Note that, typically, we use a sketch S where the variance of the entries is 1/d. The sketch-and-solve solution (SA)^\dagger (Sb) does not change under a scaling of the matrix S. Thus, we are free to take the entries to have variance one.

(2)   \[S \in \real^{\ell\times n} \quad \text{with } S_{ij} \sim \text{Normal}(0,1) \text{ iid},\]

sketch-and-solve is unbiased.

Theorem (Gaussian sketch-and-solve is unbiased). Let S be a Gaussian sketch (2) and let A \in \real^{n\times d} be a full column-rank matrix. Then

(3)   \[\expect[(SA)^\dagger(Sb)] = A^\dagger b. \]

That is, the sketch-and-solve solution (SA)^\dagger(Sb) is an unbiased estimate for the least-squares solution A^\dagger b.

Here, {}^\dagger is the Moore–Penrose pseudoinverse, which effectuates the least-squares solution:

    \[A^\dagger b = \operatorname*{argmin}_{x\in\real^d} \norm{Ax - b}.\]

In particular, by the normal equations, we have the relation

(4)   \[A^\dagger = (A^\top A)^{-1} A^\top,\]

valid for any matrix A with full column-rank.

Let us prove this theorem. The Gaussian sketch (1) is orthogonally invariant: that is, V^\top SU has the same distribution as S for any orthogonal matrices U and V. Thus, we are free to reparametrize. Let

    \[A = U\twobyone{\Sigma}{0}V^\top\]

be a (full) singular value decomposition of A. Make the changes of variables

    \[A \mapsto U^\top A V, \quad S \mapsto V^\top SU, \quad b \mapsto U^\top b.\]

After this change of variables, S still has the same distribution (2) and

    \[A = \twobyone{\Sigma}{0}.\]

Partition the reparametrized b and S conformally with A:

    \[b = \twobyone{b_1}{b_2}, \quad S = \onebytwo{S_1}{S_2}.\]

Under this change of variables, the least-squares solution is

(5)   \[A^\dagger b = \Sigma^{-1}b_1.\]

Now, we are ready to prove the claim (3). Observe that SA = S_1\Sigma. Begin by using the normal equations (4) to write out the sketch-and-solve solution

    \[(SA)^\dagger (Sb) = [(SA)^\top (SA)]^{-1}(SA)^\top (Sb).\]

Observe that SA = S_1\Sigma. Thus,

    \[(SA)^\dagger (Sb) = [\Sigma S_1^\top S_1\Sigma]^{-1}\Sigma S_1^\top \onebytwo{S_1}{S_2}\twobyone{b_1}{b_2}.\]

Simplify to obtain

    \[(SA)^\dagger (Sb) = \Sigma^{-1}(S_1^\top S_1)^{-1} S_1^\top (S_1b_1 + S_2 b_2).\]

Using the normal equations (4) and the solution formula (5), we obtain

(6)   \[(SA)^\dagger (Sb) = \Sigma^{-1}b_1 + \Sigma^{-1} S_1^\dagger S_2b_2 = A^\dagger b + \Sigma^{-1} S_1^\dagger S_2b_2. \]

By the definition (2) of S, S_1 and S_2 are independent and \expect[S_2] = 0. Thus, taking expectations, we obtain

    \[\expect[(SA)^\dagger (Sb)] = A^\dagger b + \Sigma^{-1} \expect[S_1^\dagger] \expect[S_2]b_2 = A^\dagger b.\]

The desired claim (3) is proven.

Note that the solution formula (6) holds for any sketching matrix S. We only use Gaussianity at the last step, where we invoke three properties (1) S is mean zero; (2) S is orthogonally invariant; and (3) conditional on the first d columns of S, the last n-d columns of S are mean-zero.

The Least-Squares Residual for Gaussian Sketch-and-Solve

The solution formula (6) can be used to understand other properties of the Gaussian sketch-and-solve solution. In this section, we use (6) to understand the expected squared residual norm

    \[\expect \norm{A\hat{x} - b}^2,\]

where \hat{x} = (SA)^\dagger (Sb) is the sketch-and-solve solution. We write the expected residual norm as

    \[\expect\norm{A\hat{x} - b}^2 = \expect\norm{\twobyone{b_1 + S_1^\dagger S_2b_2}{0} - \twobyone{b_1}{b_2}}^2 = \norm{b_2}^2 + \expect\norm{S_1^\dagger S_2b_2}^2.\]

Now, use the Gaussian–inverse Gaussian matrix product formula to compute the expectation, obtaining

    \[\expect\norm{A\hat{x} - b}^2 = \left(1+\frac{d}{\ell-d-1}\right)\norm{b_2}^2.\]

Finally, we recognize \norm{b_2} is the optimal least-squares residual \min_x \norm{Ax - b}. Thus, we have shown

    \[\expect\norm{A\hat{x} - b}^2 = \left(1+\frac{d}{\ell-d-1}\right)\min_{x\in\real^d} \norm{Ax-b}^2.\]

Note that this is an exact formula for the expected squared residual for the sketch-and-solve solution! Thus, the sketch-and-solve solution has an expected squared residual that factor 1 + d/(\ell-d-1) larger than the optimal value. In particular,

    \[\expect\norm{A\hat{x} - b}^2 = \left(1+\varepsilon\right)\min_{x\in\real^d} \norm{Ax-b}^2 \quad \text{when } \ell = \frac{d}{\varepsilon} + d + 1.\]

Remark (Existing literature): When I originally wrote this post, I had not seen these results anywhere in the literature. Thanks to Michał Dereziński, who provided me with the following references: the following lecture notes of Mert Pilanci, equation 1 in this recent paper of Michał’s, and this recent survey by Michał and Michael Mahoney. I find it striking that these basic and beautiful results appear to only have been explicitly recorded very recently. Very big thanks also to Rob Webber for providing help in preparing this post.

Note to Self: Hanson–Wright and Trace Estimation with Random Vectors on the Sphere

Tyler Chen has just released an excellent monograph on the Lanczos method, one of the most powerful algorithms for extracting information from a symmetric matrix A. I would definitely recommend checking it out.

One of the subjects touched on by this book is stochastic trace estimation, a topic I’ve written about several times before on this blog. In his book, Tyler uses stochastic trace estimates based on random vectors on the sphere (a great choice), and he provides a simple, but often pessimistic, mathematical analysis of this approach. To complement Tyler’s amazing book, I felt it was a good opportunity to share a sharper analysis that I came up with using a more sophisticated argument. I would not be surprised if this argument appears elsewhere in the literature, but I am not aware of a source.

Let x,x_1,\ldots,x_m be random vectors in \real^n drawn uniformly at random from the sphere of radius \sqrt{n},1Informally, we define the uniform distribution on the sphere to be such that the probability that x belongs to a set U is the ratio of the (hyper-)surface area of U to the (hyper-)surface area of the full sphere. Formally, the uniform distribution on the sphere can be defined multiple ways. First, treating the sphere as a subset of \real^n, we can define the uniform distribution as the (n-1)-dimensional Hausdorff measure, normalized so that the sphere has unit measure. Second, observe that the sphere is acted upon in a natural way by the group of orthogonal matrices. The uniform distribution is the unique probability measure which is invariant to this group action. let A be a real symmetric matrix, and define the quadratic form

    \[q \coloneqq x^\top Ax\]

and the Girard–Hutchinson trace estimator

    \[\hat{\tr}\coloneqq \frac{1}{m}\sum_{i=1}^m x_i^\top Ax_i.\]

Both q and \hat{\tr} are unbiased estimates for the trace of A, \expect[q] = \expect[\hat{\tr}] = \tr A. The goal of this post will be to bound the probability of these quantities being much smaller or larger than the trace of A.

Hanson–Wright on the Sphere

Observe that \hat{\tr} is an average of m independent copies of the random variable q. Therefore, we will begin our analysis with the quadratic form q and discuss the Girard–Hutchinson estimate \hat{\tr} at the end of the post.


Begin by introducing the centered matrix

    \[\overline{A} = A - \frac{\tr A}{n}I.\]

The transformation A\mapsto\overline{A} has the effect of shifting A’s eigenvalues to have mean zero. Consequently, since the trace is the sum of the eigenvalues, \overline{A} has trace zero.

Now, rewrite q in terms of the centered matrix \overline{A}:

    \[q = x^\top A x = x^\top \overline{A} x + \frac{\tr A}{n} \cdot x^\top I x = x^\top \overline{A} x + \tr A.\]

In the final equality, we use the fact that x is on the sphere of radius \sqrt{n} so that x^\top I x = \norm{x}^2 = n. Rearranging, we see that the error \overline{q}\coloneqq q-\tr A satisfies

    \[\overline{q} = q-\tr A = x^\top \overline{A}x.\]

We have shown that the error \overline{q} depends only on the centered matrix \overline{A} rather than the original matrix A. This observation is at the root of the reason that quadratic forms with vectors on the sphere have smaller tail probabilities than other distributions like the Gaussian distribution. Indeed, \overline{A} is smaller than A when measured using the Frobenius norm \norm{\overline A}_{\rm F} \le \norm{A}_{\rm F}, and the spectral norm is never much larger \norm{\overline{A}} \le 2\norm{A}. These observations will be important later.

Laplace Transform Method and Comparison to Standard Gaussian Vectors

To derive exponential concentration inequalities, we make use of the Laplace transform method. For a random variable z, define the cumulant generating function (cgf)

    \[\xi_z(\theta) = \log (\expect [\exp(\theta z)]).\]

Bounds on the cgf immediately yield bounds on the random variable taking large values, so it will behoove us to estimate this quantity for \overline{q}.

To estimate the cgf of \overline{q}, we will make use of a comparison between Gaussian vectors and random vectors on the sphere. Recall that a standard Gaussian vector g is a vector with independent standard Gaussian entries. Standard Gaussian random vectors are spherically symmetric, meaning they can be written in the form g = a\cdot x, where x is a uniform random vector on the sphere and a is a scaling factor.2Concretely, a\sqrt{n} is a \chi random variable with n degrees of freedom. The scaling factor a is independent of x and, in this case, satisfies \expect[a^2] = 1.3Indeed, the expected squared length of a standard Gaussian random vector is \expect[\norm{g}^2] = \sum_{i=1}^n \expect[g_i^2] = n. But also, \expect[\norm{g}^2] = \expect[a^2] \cdot \expect[\norm{x}^2] = \expect[a^2] \cdot n. Therefore, \expect[a^2]=1.

Using this relationship, the error \overline{q} can be connected to the standard Gaussian random vector g as follows

    \[g^\top \overline{A} g = a^2 \cdot x^\top \overline{A} x = a^2 \cdot \overline{q}.\]

Intuitively, we might expect that multiplying the random error \overline{q} by a scaling factor of mean one should only have the effect of increasing the variability of \overline{q} and thus increasing its probability of taking large values. Based on this intuition, we might conjecture that the cgfs are related

    \[\xi_{\overline{q}}(\theta) \le \xi_{g^\top A g}(\theta) \quad \text{for all } \theta \in \real.\]

Indeed, this conjecture is true.

Proposition (Scaling hurts). Let z be a random variable and let b be a random variable with expectation 1, independent of z. Then

    \[\xi_{z}(\theta) \le \xi_{bz}(\theta) \quad \text{for all } \theta \in \real.\]

To prove this result, let \expect_b and \expect_z denote expectations take over the randomness in b and z separately. The total expectation is \expect[\cdot] = \expect_z[\expect_b[\cdot ]]. Begin with the right-hand side and invoke Jensen’s inequality over b:

    \[\xi_{bz}(\theta) = \xi_z(\theta) = \log (\expect_z [\expect_b [\exp(\theta bz)]]) \ge \log (\expect_z [\exp(\theta \expect_b[b]z)]) = \xi_z(\theta).\]

In the last line, we use the hypothesis \expect[b] = 1 and the definition of the cgf.

Having established this proposition, we conclude that \xi_{\overline{q}}(\theta) \le \xi_{g^\top \overline{A} g}(\theta) for all \theta.

Completing the Analysis

Finally, invoking a standard bound for the cgf of g^\top \overline{A}g for a trace-zero matrix \overline{A}, we obtain

    \[\xi_{\overline{q}}(\theta) \le \xi_{g^\top \overline{A} g}(\theta) \le \frac{\theta^2 \norm{\overline{A}}_{\rm F}^2}{1 - 2\theta \norm{\overline{A}}}.\]

A cgf bound of this form immediately yields the following tail bound (see BoucheronLugosi, and Massart’s Concentration Inequalities page 29 and Exercise 2.8):

    \[\prob \{ x^\top A x - \tr(A) \ge t \} \le \exp \left( - \frac{t^2/2}{2 \norm{\overline{A}}_{\rm F}^2 + 2 \overline{\norm{\overline{A}}t}} \right).\]

One can also control the lower tail event x^\top A x - \tr(A) \le -t by instantiating this result with -A. Union bounding over the upper and lower tails gives the symmetric bound

    \[\prob \{ |x^\top A x - \tr(A)| \ge t \} \le 2\exp \left( - \frac{t^2/2}{2 \norm{\overline{A}}_{\rm F}^2 + 2 \overline{\norm{\overline{A}}t}} \right).\]

Is This Bound Good?

Tail bounds for quadratic forms such as x^\top A x or g^\top A g are known as Hanson–Wright inequalities. For vectors on the sphere, our bound shows the tail probabilities decay like \exp(-O(t^2/\norm{\overline{A}_{\rm F}}^2)) for small t > 0 and \exp(-O(t/\norm{\overline{A}})) for large t>0. This pattern of results “subgaussian scaling for small t, subexponential scaling for large t” is typical for Hanson–Wright inequalities.

The Hanson–Wright inequalities for vectors on the sphere exhibit faster decay rate than for standard Gaussian vectors. Indeed, a standard Gaussian random vector g obeys a Hanson–Wright inequality of the form

    \[\prob \{ g^\top A g - \tr A \ge t \} \le \exp \left( -\frac{t^2/2}{C\norm{A}_{\rm F}^2 + c t \norm{A}}\right)\]

for positive constants C,c > 0. For vectors on the sphere, \norm{A}_{\rm F}^2 and \norm{A} have been replaced by \norm{\overline{A}}_{\rm F}^2 and \norm{\overline{A}} which are always smaller (and sometimes much smaller). The smaller tail probabilities for x^\top A x versus g^\top A g is a real phenomenon, not an artifact of the mathematical analysis.

As another way to evaluate the quality of these bounds, recall that a Gaussian random variable with mean zero and variance v has tail probabilities roughly of size \exp(-t^2/2v). For small t, our Hanson–Wright inequality for vectors on the sphere has the same form with v = 2\norm{\overline{A}}_{\rm F}^2. The true variance of q = x^\top A x is

    \[\Var(q) = \frac{n}{n+2} \cdot 2\norm{\overline{A}}_{\rm F}^2,\]

which is close to v = 2\norm{\overline{A}}_{\rm F}^2 for large n. (See this post of mine for a derivation of the variance formula.) Thus, even up to the constants, the Hanson–Wright inequality we’ve derived for random vectors on the sphere is nearly as good as one could possibly hope (at least for small t).

Girard–Hutchinson Estimator on the Sphere

Using our results for one quadratic form, tail bounds for the Girard–Hutchinson estimator \overline{\tr} = m^{-1} \sum_{i=1}^m x_i^\top A x_i easily follow. Indeed, the cgf is additive for independent random variables and satisfies the identity \xi_{cz}(\theta) = \xi_z(c\theta) for constant $c, so

    \[\xi_{\overline{\tr}}(\theta) = \sum_{i=1}^m \xi_{x_i^\top Ax_i}(\theta/m) \le m \cdot \frac{(\theta/m)^2 \norm{\overline{A}}_{\rm F}^2}{1 - 2(\theta/m)\norm{\overline{A}}}.\]

This cgf bound leads to tail bounds

    \begin{align*}\prob \{ \overline{\tr} - \tr(A) \ge t \} &\le \exp \left( - \frac{t^2/2}{2m \norm{\overline{A}}_{\rm F}^2 + 2m \overline{\norm{\overline{A}}t}} \right), \\\prob \{ |\overline{\tr} - \tr(A)| \ge t \} &\le 2\exp \left( - \frac{t^2/2}{2m \norm{\overline{A}}_{\rm F}^2 + 2m \overline{\norm{\overline{A}}t}} \right).\end{align*}

Rejection Sampling

I am delighted to share that my paper Embrace rejection: Kernel matrix approximation with randomly pivoted Cholesky has been released on arXiv, joint with Joel Tropp and Rob Webber.

On the occasion of this release, I want to talk about rejection sampling, one of the most powerful ideas in probabilistic computing. My goal is to provide an accessible and general introduction to this technique, with a more “applied math” rather than statistical perspective. I will conclude with some discussion of how we use it in our paper.

Motivating Application: Randomized Kaczmarz

Consider the task of solving a linear system of equations Ax = b, where A \in \real^{n\times d} is a matrix and b \in \real^n is a vector. For simplicity, we assume that this system is consistent (i.e., there exists a solution x_\star such that Ax_\star = b). The randomized Kaczmarz algorithm is a mathematically elegant algorithm for solving this problem, due to Strohmer and Vershynin. Beginning with initial solution x \gets 0, randomized Kaczmarz repeatedly performs the following steps:

  1. Sample. Generate a random row index I according to the probability distribution \prob \{I = i\} = \norm{a_i}^2 / \norm{A}_{\rm F}^2. Here, and going forward, a_i^\top denotes the ith row of A and \norm{\cdot}_{\rm F} is the Frobenius norm.
  2. Update. Set x \gets x + (b_I - a_I^\top x \cdot a_I) / \norm{a_I}^2.

Convergence theory of the randomized Kaczmarz iteration is very well-studied; see, e.g., section 4.1 of this survey for an introduction.

For this post, we will consider a more basic question: How can we perform the sampling step 1? If n and d are not very large, this is an easy problem: Simply sweep through all the rows a_i and compute their norms \norm{a_i}^2. Then, sampling can be done using any algorithm for sampling from a weighted list of items. But what if n is very large? Suppose, even, that it is computationally expensive to read through the matrix, even once, to compute the row norms. What can we do now?

Here is one solution is using rejection sampling. Suppose that we know a bound on the row norms of A:

(1)   \[\norm{a_i}^2 \le B \quad \text{for each } i = 1,\ldots,n.\]

For instance, if the entries of A take values in the range [-1,1], then (1) holds with B = d. To sample a row i with probability \norm{a_i}^2/\norm{A}_{\rm F}^2, we perform the following the rejection sampling procedure:

  1. Propose. Draw a random row index 1\le J\le n uniformly at random (i.e., J is equally likely to be any row index between 1 and n.)
  2. Accept/reject. Make a random choice: With probability p_J = \norm{a_J}^2/B, accept and set I\gets J. With the remaining probability 1-p_J, reject and return to step 1.

Why does this procedure work? As an intuitive explanation, notice that each row i is equally likely to be proposed and has probability proportional to \norm{a_i}^2 of being accepted. Therefore, under this procedure, each row i has probability proportional to \norm{a_i}^2 of being selected, just as desired for randomized Kaczmarz. If this intuitive justification is unsatisfying, we’ll have a formal derivation of correctness below (in a more general context).

I find rejection sampling to be super neat. In this case, it allows us to use simple ingredients (uniform row sampling and an upper bound on the row norms) to accomplish a more complicated task (sampling according to the squared row norms). We can sample from an interesting probability distribution (the squared row norm distribution) by thinning out samples from a simple distribution. This is a powerful idea that has many applications. (And, I believe, many more applications are waiting to be discovered.)

Rejection Sampling in General

Let’s now discuss rejection sampling in a bit more generality. Say I have a list of n things each of which has a weight w_i\ge 0. Our goal is to choose a random index I with probability proportional to w_i, i.e., \prob \{ I = i\} = w_i / \sum_{j=1}^n w_j. We will call w the target distribution. (Note that we do not require the weights w_i to be normalized to satisfy \sum_{i=1}^n w_i =1.)

Suppose that sampling from the target distribution is challenging, but we can sample from a proposal distribution \rho, i.e., we can efficiently generate random J such that \prob \{J = i\} = \rho_i / \sum_{j=1}^n \rho_j. Further, suppose that the proposal distribution dominates the target distribution in the sense that

    \[w_i \le \rho_i \quad \text{for each } i=1,\ldots,n.\]

Under this general setting, we can sample I from the target distribution using rejection sampling, similar to above:

  1. Propose. Draw a random row index J from the proposal distribution.
  2. Accept/reject. Make a random choice: With probability p_J = w_J/\rho_J, accept and set I\gets J. With the remaining probability 1-p_J, reject and return to step 1.

We recognize the squared row-norm sampling above as an example of this general strategy with w_i = \norm{a_i}^2 and \rho_i = B for all i.

Let us now convince ourselves more carefully that rejection sampling works. On any given execution of the rejection sampling loop, the probability of proposing index i is \rho_i / \sum_{j=1}^n \rho_j, after which the probability of accepting i is w_i / \rho_i. Therefore, the probability of outputting i at any given loop is

    \[\prob \{\text{$i$ accepted this loop}\} = \frac{\rho_i}{\sum_{j=1}^n \rho_j} \cdot \frac{w_i}{\rho_i} = \frac{w_i}{\sum_{j=1}^n \rho_j}.\]

The probability that any index i on that loop is accepted is thus

    \[\prob \{\text{any accepted this loop}\} = \sum_{i=1}^n \prob \{\text{$i$ accepted this loop}\} = \frac{\sum_{i=1}^n w_i}{\sum_{i=1}^n \rho_i}.\]

The rejection sampling loop accepts with fixed positive probability each execution, so it eventually accepts with 100% probability. Thus, the probability of accepting i conditional on some index being accepted is

    \[\prob \{\text{$i$ accepted this loop} \mid \text{any accepted this loop}\} = \frac{\prob \{\text{$i$ accepted this loop}\}}{\prob \{\text{any accepted this loop}\}} = \frac{w_i}{\sum_{j=1}^n w_j}.\]

Therefore, rejection sampling outputs a sample I from the target distribution w as promised.

As this analysis shows, the probability of accepting on any given execution of the rejection sampling loop is \sum_{i=1}^n w_i / \sum_{i=1}^n \rho_i, the ratio of the total mass of the target w_i to the total mass of the proposal \rho_i. Thus, rejection sampling will have a high acceptance rate if w_i \approx \rho_i and a low acceptance rate if w_i \ll \rho_i. The conclusion for practice is that rejection sampling is only computationally efficient if one has access to a good proposal distribution \rho_i, that is both easy to sample from and close to the target w_i\approx \rho_i.

Here, we have presented rejection sampling as a strategy for sampling from a discrete set of items i=1,\ldots,n, but this not all that rejection sampling can do. Indeed, one can also use rejection sampling for sampling a real-valued parameters x \in \real or a multivariate parameter x \in \real^n from a given (unnormalized) probability density function (or, if one likes, an unnormalized probability measure).

Before moving on, let us make one final observation. A very convenient thing about rejection sampling is that we only need the unnormalized probability weights w_i and \rho_i to implement the procedure, even though the total weights \sum_{j=1}^n w_i and \sum_{j=1}^n \rho_i are necessary to define the sampling probabilities \prob \{I = i\} = w_i / \sum_{j=1}^n w_j and \prob \{J = i\} = \rho_i / \sum_{j=1}^n \rho_j. This fact is necessary for many applications of rejection sampling. For instance, in the randomized Kaczmarz use, rejection sampling would be much less useful if we needed the total weight \sum_{i=1}^n \norm{a_i}^2 = \norm{A}_{\rm F}^2, as computing \norm{A}_{\rm F}^2 requires a full pass over the data to compute.

Application: Randomly pivoted Cholesky

Another application of rejection sampling appears is to accelerate the randomly pivoted Cholesky algorithm, the subject of my recent paper. Here, I’ll provide an overview of the main idea with a focus on the role of rejection sampling in the procedure. See the paper for more details. Warning: Even as simplified here, this section presents a significantly more involved application of rejection sampling than we saw previously with randomized Kaczmarz!

Randomly pivoted Cholesky (RPCholesky) is a simple, but powerful algorithm for computing a low-rank approximation to a symmetric positive semidefinite matrix A, and it can be used to accelerate kernel machine learning algorithms.

Conceptually, RPCholesky works as follows. Let A^{(0)} \coloneqq A denote the initial matrix and \hat{A}^{(0)} \coloneqq 0 denote a trivial initial approximation. For j=0,1,2,\ldots,k-1, RPCholesky performs the following steps:

  1. Random sampling. Draw a random index I_{j+1} with probability \prob \{ I_{j+1} = i\} = A^{(j)}_{ii} / \sum_{i=1}^n A^{(j)}_{ii}.
  2. Update approximation. Update \hat{A}^{(j+1)} \gets \hat{A}^{(j)} + a_i^{(j)}(a_i^{(j)})^\top / A_{ii}^{(j)}. Here, a_i^{(j)} denotes the ith column of A^{(j)}.
  3. Update matrix. Update A^{(j+1)} \gets A^{(j)} + a_i^{(j)}(a_i^{(j)})^\top / A_{ii}^{(j)}.

The result of this procedure is a rank-k approximation \hat{A}^{(k)}. With an optimized implementation, RPCholesky requires only O(k^2N) operations and evaluates just (k+1)N entries of the input matrix A.

The standard RPCholesky algorithm is already fast, but there is room for improvement. The standard RPCholesky method processes the matrix A one column a_i at a time, but modern computers are faster at processing blocks of columns. Using the power of rejection sampling, we can develop faster versions of RPCholesky that take advantage of blocked computations. These blocked implementations are important: While we could handle a million-by-million matrix using the standard RPCholesky method, blocked implementations can be up to 40\times faster. In this post, I’ll describe the simplest way of using rejection sampling to implement RPCholesky.

To set the stage, let’s first establish some notation and make a few observations. Let S_j = \{I_1,\ldots,I_j\} denote the first j selected random indices. With a little matrix algebra, one can show that the approximation \hat{A}^{(j)} produced by j steps of RPCholesky obeys the formula1For those interested, observe that \hat{A}^{(j)} is an example of a Nyström approximation. The connection between Nyström approximation and Cholesky decomposition is explained in this previous post of mine.

(1)   \[\hat{A}^{(j)} = A(:,S_j) A(S_j,S_j)^{-1}A(S_j,:). \]

Here, we are using MATLAB notation for indexing the matrix A. The residual matrix A^{(j)} is given by

    \[A^{(j)} = A - \hat{A}^{(j)} = A - A(:,S_j) A(S_j,S_j)^{-1}A(S_j,:).\]

Importantly for us, observe that we can evaluate the ith diagonal entry of A^{(j)} using the formula

(2)   \[A^{(j)}_{ii} = A_{ii} - A(i,S_j) A(S_j,S_j)^{-1} A(S_j,i).\]

Compared to operating on the full input matrix A, evaluating an entry A^{(j)}_{ii} is cheap, just requiring some arithmetic involving matrices and vectors of size j.

Here, we see a situation similar to randomized Kaczmarz. At each step of RPCholesky, we must sample a random index I_{j+1} from a target distribution w_i = A_{ii}^{(j)}, but it is expensive to evaluate all of the w_i‘s. This is a natural setting for rejection sampling. As proposal distribution, we may use the initial diagonal of A, \rho_i = A_{ii}. (One may verify that, as required, w_i = A_{ii}^{(j)} \le A_{ii} = \rho_i for all i.) This leads to a rejection sampling implementation for RPCholesky:

  1. Sample indices. For j=0,1,\ldots,k-1, sample random indices I_{j+1} from the target distribution w_i = A^{(j)}_{ii} using rejection sampling with proposal distribution \rho_i = A_{ii}. Entries A_{ii}^{(j)} are evaluated on an as-needed basis using (2).
  2. Build the approximation. Form the approximation \hat{A}^{(k)} all at once using (1).

By using rejection sampling, we have gone from an algorithm which handles the matrix one column at a time to a new algorithm which processes columns of the matrix A all at once through the formula (1). In the right situations, this new algorithm can be significantly faster than the original RPCholesky method.2In its essence, this rejection sampling algorithm for RPCholesky was first proposed in this paper of mine, which uses rejection sampling to apply RPCholesky to infinite-dimensional positive definite kernel operators. The ability to handle infinite-dimensional sampling problems is another great strength of the rejection sampling approach.

We have now seen two extreme cases: the standard RPCholesky algorithm that processes the columns of A one at a time and a rejection sampling implementation that operates on the columns of A all at once. In practice, the fastest algorithm sits between these extremes, using rejection sampling to sample column indices in moderate-size blocks (say, between 100 and 1000 columns at a time). This “goldilocks” algorithm is the accelerated RPCholesky method that we introduce in our paper. Check it out for details!

Conclusion: Rejection Sampling, an Algorithm Design Tool

We’ve now seen two applications, randomized Kaczmarz and randomly pivoted Cholesky, where rejection sampling can be used to speed up an algorithm. In both cases, we wanted to sample from a distribution over n row or column indices, but it was expensive to perform a census to compute the probability weight of each item individually. Rejection sampling offers a different approach, where we generate samples from a cheap-to-sample proposal distribution and only evaluate the probability weights of the proposed items. In the right situations, this rejection sampling approach can lead to significant computational speedups.

Rejection sampling has been used by statistics-oriented folks for decades, but the power of this technique seems less well-known to researchers in applied math, scientific computation, and related areas. I think there are a lot more exciting ways that we can use rejection sampling to design better, faster randomized algorithms.

Neat Randomized Algorithms: RandDiag for Rapidly Diagonalizing Normal Matrices

Consider two complex-valued square matrices A\in\complex^{n\times n} and B\in\complex^{n\times n}. The first matrix A is Hermitian, being equal A = A^* to its conjugate transpose A^*. The other matrix B is non-Hermitian, B \ne B^*. Let’s see how long it takes to compute their eigenvalue decompositions in MATLAB:

>> A = randn(1e3) + 1i*randn(1e3); A = (A+A')/2;
>> tic; [V_A,D_A] = eig(A); toc % Hermitian matrix
Elapsed time is 0.415145 seconds.
>> B = randn(1e3) + 1i*randn(1e3);
>> tic; [V_B,D_B] = eig(B); toc % non-Hermitian matrix
Elapsed time is 1.668246 seconds.

We see that it takes 4\times longer to compute the eigenvalues of the non-Hermitian matrix B as compared to the Hermitian matrix A. Moreover, the matrix V_A of eigenvectors for a Hermitian matrix A = V_AD_AV_A^{-1} is a unitary matrix, V_A^*V_A = V_AV_A^* = I.

There are another class of matrices with nice eigenvalue decompositions, normal matrices. A square, complex-valued matrix C is normal if C^*C = CC^*. The matrix V_C of eigenvectors for a normal matrix C = V_C D_C V_C^{-1} is also unitary, V_C^*V_C = V_CV_C^* = I. An important class of normal matrices are unitary matrices themselves. A unitary matrix U is always normal since it satisfies U^*U = UU^* = I.

Let’s see how long it takes MATLAB to compute the eigenvalue decomposition of a unitary (and thus normal) matrix:

>> U = V_A;                     % unitary, and thus normal, matrix
>> tic; [V_U,D_U] = eig(U); toc % normal matrix
Elapsed time is 2.201017 seconds.

Even longer than it took to compute an eigenvalue decomposition of the non-normal matrix B! Can we make the normal eigenvalue decomposition closer to the speed of the Hermitian eigenvalue decomposition?

Here is the start of an idea. Every square matrix C has a Cartesian decomposition:

    \[C = H + iS, \quad H = \frac{C+C^*}{2}, \quad S = \frac{C-C^*}{2i}.\]

We have written C as a combination of its Hermitian part H and i times its skew-Hermitian part S. Both H and S are Hermitian matrices. The Cartesian decomposition of a square matrix is analogous to the decomposition of a complex number into its real and imaginary parts.

For a normal matrix C, the Hermitian and skew-Hermitian parts commute, HS = SH. We know from matrix theory that commuting Hermitian matrices are simultaneously diagonalizable, i.e., there exists Q such that H = QD_HQ^* and S = QD_SQ^* for diagonal matrices D_H and D_S. Thus, given access to such Q, C has eigenvalue decomposition

    \[C = Q(D_H+iD_S)Q^*.\]

Here’s a first attempt to turn this insight into an algorithm. First, compute the Hermitian part H of C, diagonalize H = QD_HQ^*, and then see if Q diagonalizes C. Let’s test this out on a 2\times 2 example:

>> C = orth(randn(2) + 1i*randn(2)); % unitary matrix
>> H = (C+C')/2;                     % Hermitian part
>> [Q,~] = eig(H);
>> Q'*C*Q                            % check to see if diagonal
ans =
  -0.9933 + 0.1152i  -0.0000 + 0.0000i
   0.0000 + 0.0000i  -0.3175 - 0.9483i

Yay! We’ve succeeded at diagonalizing the matrix C using only a Hermitian eigenvalue decomposition. But we should be careful about declaring victory too early. Here’s a bad example:

>> C = [1 1i;1i 1]; % normal matrix
>> H = (C+C')/2;
>> [Q,~] = eig(H);
>> Q'*C*Q           % oh no! not diagonal
ans =
   1.0000 + 0.0000i   0.0000 + 1.0000i
   0.0000 + 1.0000i   1.0000 + 0.0000i

What’s going on here? The issue is that the Hermitian part H = I for this matrix has a repeated eigenvalue. Thus, H has multiple different valid matrices of eigenvectors. (In this specific case, every unitary matrix Q diagonalizes H.) By looking at H alone, we don’t know which Q matrix to pick which also diagonalizes S.

He and Kressner developed a beautifully simple randomized algorithm called RandDiag to circumvent this failure mode. The idea is straightforward:

  1. Form a random linear combination M = \gamma_1 H + \gamma_2 S of the Hermitian and skew-Hermitian parts of A, with standard normal random coefficients \gamma_1 and \gamma_2.
  2. Compute Q that diagonalizes M.

That’s it!

To get a sense of why He and Kressner’s algorithm works, suppose that H has some repeated eigenvalues and S has all distinct eigenvalues. Given this setup, it seems likely that a random linear combination of S and H will also have all distinct eigenvalues. (It would take a very special circumstances for a random linear combination to yield two eigenvalues that are exactly the same!) Indeed, this intuition is a fact: With 100% probability, Q diagonalizing a Gaussian random linear combination of simultaneously diagonalizable matrices H and S also diagonalizes H and S individually.

MATLAB code for RandDiag is as follows:

function Q = rand_diag(C)
   H = (C+C')/2; S = (C-C')/2i;
   M = randn*H + randn*S;
   [Q,~] = eig(M);

When applied to our hard 2\times 2 example from before, RandDiag succeeds at giving a matrix that diagonalizes C:

>> Q = rand_diag(C);
>> Q'*C*Q
ans =
   1.0000 - 1.0000i  -0.0000 + 0.0000i
  -0.0000 - 0.0000i   1.0000 + 1.0000i

For computing the matrix of eigenvectors for a 1000\times 1000 unitary matrix, RandDiag takes 0.4 seconds, just as fast as the Hermitian eigendecomposition did.

>> tic; V_U = rand_diag(U); toc
Elapsed time is 0.437309 seconds.

He and Kressner’s algorithm is delightful. Ultimately, it uses randomness in only a small way. For most coefficients a_1,a_2 \in \real, a matrix Q diagonalizing a_1 H + a_2 S will also diagonalize A = H+iS. But, for any specific choice of a_1,a_2, there is a possibility of failure. To avoid this possibility, we can just pick a_1 and a_2 at random. It’s really as simple as that.

References: RandDiag was proposed in A simple, randomized algorithm for diagonalizing normal matrices by He and Kressner (2024), building on their earlier work in Randomized Joint Diagonalization of Symmetric Matrices (2022) which considers the general case of using random linear combinations to (approximately) simultaneous diagonalize (nearly) commuting matrices. RandDiag is an example of a linear algebraic algorithm that uses randomness to put the input into “general position”; see Randomized matrix computations: Themes and variations by Kireeva and Tropp (2024) for a discussion of this, and other, ways of using randomness to design matrix algorithms.

Neat Randomized Algorithms: Randomized Cholesky QR

As a research area, randomized numerical linear algebra (RNLA) is as hot as ever. To celebrate the exciting work in this space, I’m starting a new series on my blog where I celebrate cool recent algorithms in the area. At some future point, I might talk about my own work in this series, but for now I’m hoping to use this series to highlight some of the awesome work being done by my colleagues.

Given a tall matrix A \in \real^{m\times n} with m\ge n, its (economy-size) QR factorization is a decomposition of the form A = QR, where Q \in \real^{m\times n} is a matrix with orthonormal columns and R \in \real^{n\times n} is upper triangular. QR factorizations are used to solve least-squares problems and as a computational procedure to orthonormalize the columns of a matrix.

Here’s an example in MATLAB, where we use QR factorization to orthonormalize the columns of a 10^6\times 10^2 test matrix. It takes about 2.5 seconds to run.

>> A = randn(1e6, 1e2) * randn(1e2) * randn(1e2); % test matrix
>> tic; [Q,R] = qr(A,"econ"); toc
Elapsed time is 2.647317 seconds.

The classical algorithm for computing a QR factorization uses Householder reflectors and is exceptionally numerically stable. Since Q has orthonormal columns, Q^\top Q = I is the identity matrix. Indeed, this relation holds up to a tiny error for the Q computed by Householder QR:

>> norm(Q'*Q - eye(1e2)) % || Q^T Q - I ||
ans =

The relative error \|A - QR\|/\|A\| is also small:

>> norm(A - Q*R) / norm(A)
ans =

Here is an alternate procedure for computing a QR factorization, known as Cholesky QR:

function [Q,R] = cholesky_qr(A)
   R = chol(A'*A);
   Q = A / R;       % Q = A * R^{-1}

This algorithm works by forming A^\top A, computing its (upper triangular) Cholesky decomposition A^\top A = R^\top R, and setting Q = AR^{-1}. Cholesky QR is very fast, about 5\times faster than Householder QR for this example:

>> tic; [Q,R] = cholesky_qr(A); toc
Elapsed time is 0.536694 seconds.

Unfortunately, Cholesky QR is much less accurate and numerically stable than Householder QR. Here, for instance, is the value of \|Q^\top Q - I\|, about ten million times larger than for Householder QR!:

>> norm(Q'*Q - eye(1e2))
ans =

What’s going on? As we’ve discussed before on this blog, forming A^\top A is typically problematic in linear algebraic computations. The “badness” of a matrix A is measured by its condition number, defined to be the ratio of its largest and smallest singular values \kappa(A) = \sigma_{\rm max}(A)/\sigma_{\rm min}(A). The condition number of A^\top A is the square of the condition number of A, \kappa(A^\top A) = \kappa(A)^2, which is at the root of Cholesky QR’s loss of accuracy. Thus, Cholesky QR is only appropriate for matrices that are well-conditioned, having a small condition number \kappa(A) \approx 1, say \kappa(A) \le 10.

The idea of randomized Cholesky QR is to use randomness to precondition A, producing a matrix R_1 that B = AR_1^{-1} is well-conditioned. Then, since B is well-conditioned, we can apply ordinary Cholesky QR to it without issue. Here are the steps:

  1. Draw a sketching matrix S of size 2n\times m; see these posts of mine for an introduction to sketching.
  2. Form the sketch SA. This step compresses the very tall matrix m\times n to the much shorter matrix SA of size 2n\times n.
  3. Compute a QR factorization SA = Q_1R_1 using Householder QR. Since the matrix SA is small, this factorization will be quick to compute.
  4. Form the preconditioned matrix B = AR_1^{-1}.
  5. Apply Cholesky QR to B to compute B = QR_2.
  6. Set R = R_2R_1. Observe that A = BR_1 = QR_2R_1 = QR, as desired.

MATLAB code for randomized Cholesky QR is provided below:1Code for the sparsesign subroutine can be found here.

function [Q,R] = rand_cholesky_qr(A)
   S = sparsesign(2*size(A,2),size(A,1),8); % sparse sign embedding
   R1 = qr(S*A,"econ"); % sketch and (Householder) QR factorize
   B = A / R1; % B = A * R_1^{-1}
   [Q,R2] = cholesky_qr(B);
   R = R2*R1;

Randomized Cholesky QR is still faster than ordinary Householder QR, about 3\times faster in our experiment:

>> tic; [Q,R] = rand_cholesky_qr(A); toc
Elapsed time is 0.920787 seconds.

Randomized Cholesky QR greatly improves on ordinary Cholesky QR in terms of accuracy and numerical stability. In fact, the size of \|Q^\top Q - I\| is even smaller than for Householder QR!

>> norm(Q'*Q - eye(1e2))
ans =

The relative error \|A - QR\|/\|A\| is small, too! Even smaller than for Householder QR in fact:

>> norm(A - Q*R) / norm(A)
ans =

Like many great ideas, randomized Cholesky QR was developed independently by a number of research groups. A version of this algorithm was first introduced in 2021 by Fan, Guo, and Lin. Similar algorithms were investigated in 2022 and 2023 by Balabanov, Higgins et al., and Melnichenko et al. Check out Melnichenko et al.‘s paper in particular, which shows very impressive results for using randomized Cholesky QR to compute column pivoted QR factorizations.

References: Primary references are A Novel Randomized XR-Based Preconditioned CholeskyQR Algorithm by Fan, Guo, and Lin (2021); Randomized Cholesky QR factorizations by Balabanov (2022); Analysis of Randomized Householder-Cholesky QR Factorization with Multisketching by Higgins et al. (2023); CholeskyQR with Randomization and Pivoting for Tall Matrices (CQRRPT) by Melnichenko et al. (2023). The idea of using sketching to precondition tall matrices originates in the paper A fast randomized algorithm for overdetermined linear least-squares regression by Rokhlin and Tygert (2008).

Note to Self: Gaussian Hypercontractivity

The purpose of this note is to describe the Gaussian hypercontractivity inequality. As an application, we’ll obtain a weaker version of the Hanson–Wright inequality.

The Noise Operator

We begin our discussion with the following question:

Let f : \real^n \to \real be a function. What happens to f, on average, if we perturb its inputs by a small amount of Gaussian noise?

Let’s be more specific about our noise model. Let x \in \real^n be an input to the function f and fix a parameter 0 \le \varrho \le 1 (think of \varrho as close to 1). We’ll define the noise corruption of x to be

(1)   \[\tilde{x}_\varrho = \varrho \cdot x + \sqrt{1-\varrho^2} \cdot g, \quad \text{where } g\sim \operatorname{Normal}(0,I). \]

Here, \operatorname{Normal}(0,I) is the standard multivariate Gaussian distribution. In our definition of \tilde{x}_\varrho, we both add Gaussian noise \sqrt{1-\varrho^2} \cdot g and shrink the vector x by a factor \varrho. In particular, we highlight two extreme cases:

  • No noise. If \varrho = 1, then there is no noise and \tilde{x}_\varrho = x.
  • All noise. If \varrho = 0, then there is all noise and \tilde{x}_\varrho = g. The influence of the original vector x has been washed away completely.

The noise corruption (1) immediately gives rise to the noise operator1The noise operator is often called the Hermite operator. The noise operator is related to the Ornstein–Uhlenbeck semigroup operator P_t by a change of variables, P_t = U_{\e^{-t}}. T_\varrho. Let f : \real^n \to \real be a function. The noise operator T_\varrho is defined to be:

(2)   \[(T_\varrho f)(x) = \expect[f(\tilde{x}_\varrho)] = \expect_{g\sim \operatorname{Normal}(0,I)}[f( \varrho \cdot x + \sqrt{1-\varrho^2}\cdot g)]. \]

The noise operator computes the average value of f when evaluated at the noisy input \tilde{x}_\varrho. Observe that the noise operator maps a function f : \real^n \to \real to another function T_\varrho f : \real^n \to \real. Going forward, we will write T_\varrho f(x) to denote (T_\varrho f)(x).

To understand how the noise operator acts on a function f, we can write the expectation in the definition (2) as an integral:

    \[T_\varrho f(x) = \int_{\real^d} f(\varrho x + y) \frac{1}{(2\pi (1-\varrho^2))^{d/2}}\e^{-\frac{|y|^2}{2(1-\varrho^2)}} \, \mathrm{d} y.\]

Here, |y| denotes the (Euclidean) length of y\in\real^d. We see that T_\varrho f is the convolution of f(\varrho x) with a Gaussian density. Thus, T_\varrho acts to smooth the function f.

See below for an illustration. The red solid curve is a function f, and the blue dashed curve is T_{0.95}f.

As we decrease \varrho from 1 to 0, the function T_\varrho f is smoothed more and more. When we finally reach \varrho = 0, T_\varrho f has been smoothed all the way into a constant.

Random Inputs

The noise operator converts a function f to another function T_\varrho f. We can evaluate these two functions at a Gaussian random vector x\sim \operatorname{Normal}(0,I), resulting in two random variables f(x) and T_\varrho f(x).

We can think of T_\varrho f(x) as a modification of the random variable f(x) where “a 1-\varrho^2 fraction of the variance of x has been averaged out”. We again highlight the two extreme cases:

  • No noise. If \varrho = 1, T_\varrho f(x) = f(x). None of the variance of x has been averaged out.
  • All noise. If \varrho=0,T_\varrho f(x) = \expect_{g\sim\operatorname{Normal}(0,I)}[f(g)] is a constant random variable. All of the variance of x has been averaged out.

Just as decreasing \varrho smoothes the function T_\varrho f until it reaches a constant function at \varrho = 0, decreasing \varrho makes the random variable T_\varrho f(x) more and more “well-behaved” until it becomes a constant random variable at \varrho = 0. This “well-behavingness” property of the noise operator is made precise by the Gaussian hypercontractivity theorem.

Moments and Tails

In order to describe the “well-behavingness” properties of the noise operator, we must answer the question:

How can we measure how well-behaved a random variable is?

There are many answers to this question. For this post, we will quantify the well-behavedness of a random variable by using the L_p norm.2Using norms is a common way of measuring the niceness of a function or random variable in applied math. For instance, we can use Sobolev norms or reproducing kernel Hilbert space norms to measure the smoothness of a function in approximation theory, as I’ve discussed before on this blog.

The L_p norm of a (\real-valued) random variable y is defined to be

(3)   \[\norm{y}_p \coloneqq \left( \expect[|y|^p] \right)^{1/p}.\]

The pth power of the L_p norm \norm{y}_p^p is sometimes known as the pth absolute moment of y.

The L_p norms of random variables control the tails of a random variable—that is, the probability that a random variable is large in magnitude. A random variables with small tails is typically thought of as a “nice” or “well-behaved” random variable. Random quantities with small tails are usually desirable in applications, as they are more predictable—unlikely to take large values.

The connection between tails and L_p norms can be derived as follows. First, write the tail probability \prob \{|y| \ge t\} for t > 0 using pth powers:

    \[\prob \{|y| \ge t\} = \prob\{ |y|^p \ge t^p \}.\]

Then, we apply Markov’s inequality, obtaining

(4)   \[\prob \{|y| \ge t\} = \prob \{ |y|^p \ge t^p \} \le \frac{\expect [|y|^p]}{t^p} = \frac{\norm{y}_p^p}{t^p}.\]

We conclude that a random variable with finite L_p norm (i.e., \norm{y}_p < +\infty) has tails that decay at at a rate 1/t^p or faster.

Gaussian Contractivity

Before we introduce the Gaussian hypercontractivity theorem, let’s establish a weaker property of the noise operator, contractivity.

Proposition 1 (Gaussian contractivity). Choose a noise level 0 < \varrho \le 1 and a power p\ge 1, and let x\sim \operatorname{Normal}(0,I) be a Gaussian random vector. Then T_\varrho contracts the L_p norm of f(x):

    \[\norm{T_\varrho f(x)}_p \le \norm{f(x)}_p.\]

This result shows that the noise operator makes the random variable T_\varrho f(x) no less nice than f(x) was.

Gaussian contractivity is easy to prove. Begin using the definition of the noise operator (2) and L_p norm (3):

    \[\norm{T_\varrho f(x)}_p^p = \expect_{x\sim \operatorname{Normal}(0,I)} \left[ \left|\expect_{g\sim \operatorname{Normal}(0,I)}[f(\varrho x + \sqrt{1-\varrho^2}\cdot g)]\right|^p\right]\]

Now, we can apply Jensen’s inequality to the convex function t\mapsto t^p, obtaining

    \[\norm{T_\varrho f(x)}_p^p \le \expect_{x,g\sim \operatorname{Normal}(0,I)} \left[ \left|f(\varrho x + \sqrt{1-\varrho^2}\cdot g)\right|^p\right].\]

Finally, realize that for the independent normal random vectorsx,g\sim \operatorname{Normal}(0,I), we have

    \[\varrho x + \sqrt{1-\varrho^2}\cdot g \sim \operatorname{Normal}(0,I).\]

Thus, \varrho x + \sqrt{1-\varrho^2}\cdot g has the same distribution as x. Thus, using x in place of \varrho x + \sqrt{1-\varrho^2}\cdot g, we obtain

    \[\norm{T_\varrho f(x)}_p^p \le \expect_{x\sim \operatorname{Normal}(0,I)} \left[ \left|f(x)\right|^p\right] = \norm{f(x)}_p^p.\]

Gaussian contractivity (Proposition 1) is proven.

Gaussian Hypercontractivity

The Gaussian contractivity theorem shows that T_\varrho f(x) is no less well-behaved than f(x) is. In fact, T_\varrho f(x) is more well-behaved than f is. This is the content of the Gaussian hypercontractivity theorem:

Theorem 2 (Gaussian hypercontractivity): Choose a noise level 0 < \varrho \le 1 and a power p\ge 1, and let x\sim \operatorname{Normal}(0,I) be a Gaussian random vector. Then

    \[\norm{T_\varrho f(x)}_{1+(p-1)/\varrho^2} \le \norm{f(x)}_p.\]

In particular, for p=2,

    \[\norm{T_\varrho f(x)}_{1+\varrho^{-2}} \le \norm{f(x)}_2.\]

We have highlighted the p=2 case because it is the most useful in practice.

This result shows that as we take \varrho smaller, the random variable T_\varrho f(x) becomes more and more well-behaved, with tails decreasing at a rate

    \[\prob \{ |T_\varrho f(x)| \ge t \} \le \frac{\norm{T_\varrho f(x)}_{1+(p-1)/\varrho^2}}{t^{1 + (p-1)/\varrho^2}} \le \frac{\norm{f(x)}_p}{t^{1 + (p-1)/\varrho^2}}.\]

The rate of tail decrease becomes faster and faster as \varrho becomes closer to zero.

We will prove the Gaussian hypercontractivity at the bottom of this post. For now, we will focus on applying this result.

Multilinear Polynomials

A multilinear polynomial f(x) = f(x_1,\ldots,x_d) is a multivariate polynomial in the variables x_1,\ldots,x_d in which none of the variables x_1,\ldots,x_d is raised to a power higher than one. So,

(5)   \[1+x_1x_2\]

is multilinear, but


is not multilinear (since x_2 is squared).

For multilinear polynomials, we have the following very powerful corollary of Gaussian hypercontractivity:

Corollary 3 (Absolute moments of a multilinear polynomial of Gaussians). Let f be a multilinear polynomial of degree k. (That is, at most k variables x_{i_1}\cdots x_{i_k} occur in any monomial of f.) Then, for a Gaussian random vector x\sim \operatorname{Normal}(0,I) and for all q \ge 2,

    \[\norm{f(x)}_q \le (q-1)^{k/2} \norm{f(x)}_2.\]

Let’s prove this corollary. The first observation is that the noise operator has a particularly convenient form when applied to a multilinear polynomial. Let’s test it out on our example (5) from above. For

    \[f(x) = 1+x_1x_2,\]

we have

    \begin{align*}T_\varrho f(x) &= \expect_{g_1,g_2 \sim \operatorname{Normal}(0,1)} \left[1+ (\varrho x_1 + \sqrt{1-\varrho^2}\cdot g_1)(\varrho x_2 + \sqrt{1-\varrho^2}\cdot g_2)\right].\\&= 1 + \expect[\varrho x_1 + \sqrt{1-\varrho^2}\cdot g_1]\expect[\varrho x_2 + \sqrt{1-\varrho^2}\cdot g_2]\\&= 1+ (\varrho x_1)(\varrho x_2) \\&= f(\varrho x).\end{align*}

We see that the expectation applies to each variable separately, resulting in each x_i replaced by \varrho x_i. This trend holds in general:

Proposition 4 (noise operator on multilinear polynomials). For any multilinear polynomial f, T_\varrho f(x) = f(\varrho x).

We can use Proposition 4 to obtain bounds on the L_p norms of multilinear polynomials of a Gaussian random variable. Indeed, observe that

    \[f(x) = f(\varrho \cdot x/\varrho) = T_\varrho f(x/\varrho).\]

Thus, by Gaussian hypercontractivity, we have

    \[\norm{f(x)}_{1+\varrho^{-2}}=\norm{T_\varrho f(x/\varrho)}_{1+\varrho^{-2}} \le \norm{f(x/\varrho)}_2.\]

The final step of our argument will be to compute \norm{f(x/\varrho)}_2. Write f as

    \[f(x) = \sum_{i_1,\ldots,i_s} a_{i_1,\ldots,i_s} x_{i_1} \cdots x_{i_s}.\]

Since f is multilinear, i_j\ne i_\ell for j\ne \ell. Since f is degree-k, s\le k. The multilinear monomials x_{i_1}\cdots x_{i_s} are orthonormal with respect to the L_2 inner product:

    \[\expect[(x_{i_1}\cdots x_{i_s}) \cdot (x_{i_1'}\cdots x_{i_s'})] = \begin{cases} 0 &\text{if } \{i_1,\ldots,i_s\} \ne \{i_1',\ldots,i_{s'}\}, \\1, & \text{otherwise}.\end{cases}\]

(See if you can see why!) Thus, by the Pythagorean theorem, we have

    \[\norm{f(x)}_2^2 = \sum_{i_1,\ldots,i_s} a_{i_1,\ldots,i_s}^2.\]

Similarly, the coefficients of f(x/\varrho) are a_{i_1,\ldots,i_s} / \varrho. Thus,

    \[\norm{f(x/\varrho)}_2^2 = \sum_{i_1,\ldots,i_s} \varrho^{-2s} a_{i_1,\ldots,i_s}^2 \le \varrho^{-2k} \sum_{i_1,\ldots,i_s} a_{i_1,\ldots,i_s}^2 = \varrho^{-2k}\norm{f(x)}_2^2.\]

Thus, putting all of the ingredients together, we have

    \[\norm{f(x)}_{1+\varrho^{-2}}=\norm{T_\varrho f(x/\varrho)}_p \le \norm{f(x/\varrho)}_2 \le \varrho^{-k} \norm{f(x)}_2.\]

Setting q = 1+\varrho^{-2} (equivalently \varrho = 1/\sqrt{q-1}), Corollary 3 follows.

Hanson–Wright Inequality

To see the power of the machinery we have developed, let’s prove a version of the Hanson–Wright inequality.

Theorem 5 (suboptimal Hanson–Wright). Let A be a symmetric matrix with zero on its diagonal and x\sim \operatorname{Normal}(0,I) be a Gaussian random vector. Then

    \[\prob \{|x^\top A x| \ge t \} \le \exp\left(- \frac{t}{\sqrt{2}\mathrm{e}\norm{A}_{\rm F}} \right) \quad \text{for } t\ge \sqrt{2}\mathrm{e}\norm{A}_{\rm F}.\]

Hanson–Wright has all sorts of applications in computational mathematics and data science. One direct application is to obtain probabilistic error bounds for the error incurred by a stochastic trace estimation formulas.

This version of Hanson–Wright is not perfect. In particular, it does not capture the Bernstein-type tail behavior of the classical Hanson–Wright inequality

    \[\prob\{|x^\top Ax| \ge t\} \le 2\exp \left( -\frac{t^2}{4\norm{A}_{\rm F}^2+4\norm{A}t} \right).\]

But our suboptimal Hanson–Wright inequality is still pretty good, and it requires essentially no work to prove using the hypercontractivity machinery. The hypercontractivity technique also generalizes to settings where some of the proofs of Hanson–Wright fail, such as multilinear polynomials of degree higher than two.

Let’s prove our suboptimal Hanson–Wright inequality. Set f(x) = x^\top Ax. Since A has zero on its diagonal, f is a multilinear polynomial of degree two in the entries of x. The random variable f(x) is mean-zero, and a short calculation shows its L_2 norm is

    \[\norm{f(x)}_2 = \sqrt{\Var(f(x))} = \sqrt{2} \norm{A}_{\rm F}.\]

Thus, by Corollary 3,

(6)   \[\norm{f(x)}_q \le (q-1) \norm{f(x)}_2 \le \sqrt{2} q \norm{A}_{\rm F} \quad \text{for every } q\ge 2. \]

In fact, since the L_q norms are monotone, (6) holds for 1\le q\le 2 as well. Therefore, the standard tail bound for L_q norms (4) gives

(7)   \[\prob \{|x^\top A x| \ge t \} \le \frac{\norm{f(x)}_q^q}{t^q} \le \left( \frac{\sqrt{2}q\norm{A}_{\rm F}}{t} \right)^q\quad \text{for }q\ge 1.\]

Now, we must optimize the value of q to obtain the sharpest possible bound. To make this optimization more convenient, introduce a parameter

    \[\alpha \coloneqq \frac{\sqrt{2}q\norm{A}_{\rm F}}{t}.\]

In terms of the \alpha parameter, the bound (7) reads

    \[\prob \{|x^\top A x| \ge t \} \le \exp\left(- \frac{t}{\sqrt{2}\norm{A}_{\rm F}} \alpha \ln \frac{1}{\alpha} \right) \quad \text{for } t\ge \frac{\sqrt{2}\norm{A}_{\rm F}}{\alpha}.\]

The tail bound is minimized by taking \alpha = 1/\mathrm{e}, yielding the claimed result

    \[\prob \{|x^\top A x| \ge t \} \le \exp\left(- \frac{t}{\sqrt{2}\mathrm{e}\norm{A}_{\rm F}} \right) \quad \text{for } t\ge \sqrt{2}\mathrm{e}\norm{A}_{\rm F}.\]

Proof of Gaussian Hypercontractivity

Let’s prove the Gaussian hypercontractivity theorem. For simplicity, we will stick with the d = 1 case, but the higher-dimensional generalizations follow along similar lines. The key ingredient will be the Gaussian Jensen inequality, which made a prominent appearance in a previous blog post of mine. Here, we will only need the following version:

Theorem 6 (Gaussian Jensen). Let b : \real^2 \to \real be a twice differentiable function and let (x,\tilde{x}) \sim \operatorname{Normal}(0,\Sigma) be jointly Gaussian random variables with covariance matrix \Sigma. Then

(8)   \[b(\expect[h_1(x)], \expect[h_2(\tilde{x})]) \ge \expect [b(h_1(x),h_2(\tilde{x}))]\]

holds for all test functions h_1,h_2 : \real \to \real if, and only if,

(9)   \[\Sigma \circ \nabla^2 b \quad\text{is negative semidefinite on all of $\real^2$}.\]

Here, \circ denotes the entrywise product of matrices and \nabla^2 b : \real^2\to \real^{2\times 2} is the Hessian matrix of the function b.

To me, this proof of Gaussian hypercontractivity using Gaussian Jensen (adapted from Paata Ivanishvili‘s excellent post) is amazing. First, we reformulate the Gaussian hypercontractivity property a couple of times using some functional analysis tricks. Then we do a short calculation, invoke Gaussian Jensen, and the theorem is proved, almost as if by magic.

Part 1: Tricks

Let’s begin with “tricks” part of the argument.

Trick 1. To prove Gaussian hypercontractivity holds for all functions f, it is sufficient to prove for all nonnegative functions f\ge 0.

Indeed, suppose Gaussian hypercontractivity holds for all nonnegative functions f. Then, for any function f, apply Jensen’s inequality to conclude

    \begin{align*} T_\varrho |f|(x) &= \expect_{g\sim \operatorname{Normal}(0,1)} \left| f(\varrho x+\sqrt{1-\varrho^2}\cdot g)\right| \\&\ge \left| \expect_{g\sim \operatorname{Normal}(0,1)} f(\varrho x+\sqrt{1-\varrho^2}\cdot g)\right| \\&= |T_\varrho f(x)|.\end{align*}

Thus, assuming hypercontractivity holds for the nonnegative function |f|, we have

    \[\norm{T_\varrho f(x)}_{1+(p-1)/\varrho^2} \le \norm{T_\varrho |f|(x)}_{1+(p-1)/\varrho^2} \le \norm{|f|(x)}_p = \norm{f}_p.\]

Thus, the conclusion of the hypercontractivity theorem holds for f as well, and the Trick 1 is proven.

Trick 2. To prove Gaussian hypercontractivity for all f\ge 0, it is sufficient to prove the following “bilinearized” Gaussian hypercontractivity result:

    \[\expect[g(x) \cdot T_\varrho f(x)]\le \norm{g(x)}_{q'} \norm{f(x)}_p\]

holds for all g\ge 0 with \norm{g(x)}_{q'} < +\infty. Here, q'=q/(q-1) is the Hölder conjugate to q = 1+(p-1)/\varrho^2.

Indeed, this follows3This argument may be more clear to parse if we view f and g as functions on \real equipped with the standard Gaussian measure \gamma. This result is just duality for the L_q(\gamma) norm. from the dual characterization of the norm of T_\varrho f(x):

    \[\norm{T_\varrho f(x)}_q = \sup_{\substack{\norm{g(x)} < +\infty \\ g\ge 0}} \frac{\expect[g(x) \cdot T_\varrho f(x)]}{\norm{g(x)}_{q'}}.\]

Trick 2 is proven.

Trick 3. Let x,\tilde{x} be a pair of standard Gaussian random variables with correlation \rho. Then the bilinearized Gaussian hypercontractivity statement is equivalent to

    \[\expect[g(x) f(\tilde{x})]\le (\expect[(g(x)^{q'})])^{1/q'} (\expect[(f(\tilde{x})^{p})])^{1/p}.\]

Indeed, define \tilde{x} = \varrho x + \sqrt{1-\varrho^2} \cdot g for the random variable in the definition of the noise operator T_\varrho. The random variable \tilde{x} is standard Gaussian and has correlation \varrho with f, concluding the proof of Trick 3.

Finally, we apply a change of variables as our last trick:

Trick 4. Make the change of variables u \coloneqq f^p and v \coloneqq g^{q'}, yielding the final equivalent version of Gaussian hypercontractivity:

    \[\expect[v(x)^{1/q'} u(\tilde{x})^{1/p}]\le (\expect[v(x)])^{1/q'} (\expect[u(\tilde{x}))])^{1/p}\]

for all functions u and v (in the appropriate spaces).

Part 2: Calculation

We recognize this fourth equivalent version of Gaussian hypercontractivity as the conclusion (8) to Gaussian Jensen with

    \[b(u,v) = u^{1/p}v^{1/q'}\]

. Thus, to prove Gaussian hypercontractivity, we just need to check the hypothesis (9) of the Gaussian Jensen inequality (Theorem 6).

We now enter the calculation part of the proof. First, we compute the Hessian of b:

    \[\nabla^2 b(u,v) = u^{1/p}v^{1/q'}\cdot\begin{bmatrix} - \frac{1}{pp'} u^{-2} & \frac{1}{pq'} u^{-1}v^{-1} \\ \frac{1}{pq'} u^{-1}v^{-1} & - \frac{1}{qq'} v^{-2}\end{bmatrix}.\]

We have written p' for the Hölder conjugate to p. By Gaussian Jensen, to prove Gaussian hypercontractivity, it suffices to show that

    \[\nabla^2 b(u,v)\circ \twobytwo{1}{\varrho}{\varrho}{1}= u^{1/p}v^{1/q'}\cdot\begin{bmatrix} - \frac{1}{pp'} u^{-2} & \frac{\varrho}{pq'} u^{-1}v^{-1} \\ \frac{\varrho}{pq'} u^{-1}v^{-1} & - \frac{1}{qq'} v^{-2}\end{bmatrix}\]

is negative semidefinite for all u,v\ge 0. There are a few ways we can make our lives easier. Write this matrix as

    \[\nabla^2 b(u,v)\circ \twobytwo{1}{\varrho}{\varrho}{1}= u^{1/p}v^{1/q'}\cdot B^\top\begin{bmatrix} - \frac{p}{p'} & \varrho \\ \varrho & - \frac{q'}{q} \end{bmatrix}B \quad \text{for } B = \operatorname{diag}(p^{-1}u^{-1},(q')^{-1}v^{-1}).\]

Scaling A\mapsto \alpha \cdot A by nonnegative \alpha and conjugation A\mapsto B^\top A B both preserve negative semidefiniteness, so it is sufficient to prove

    \[H = \begin{bmatrix} - \frac{p}{p'} & \varrho \\ \varrho & - \frac{q'}{q} \end{bmatrix} \quad \text{is negative semidefinite}.\]

Since the diagonal entries of H are negative, at least one of H‘s eigenvalues is negative.4Indeed, by the Rayleigh–Ritz variational principle, the smallest eigenvalue of a symmetric matrix H is \lambda_{\rm min}(H) = \min_{\norm{x}=1} x^\top Hx. Taking x = e_i for i=1,2,\ldots to be each of the standard basis vectors, shows that the smallest eigenvalue of A is smaller than the smallest diagonal entry of H. Therefore, to prove H is negative semidefinite, we can prove that its determinant (= product of its eigenvalues) is nonnegative. We compute

    \[\det H = \frac{pq'}{p'q} - \varrho^2 .\]

Now, just plug in the values for p'=p/(p-1), q=1+(p-1)/\varrho^2, q'=q/(q-1):

    \[\det H = \frac{pq'}{p'q} - \varrho^2 = \frac{p-1}{q-1} - \varrho^2 = \frac{p-1}{(p-1)/\varrho^2} - \varrho^2 = 0.\]

Thus, \det H \ge 0. We conclude H is negative semidefinite, proving the Gaussian hypercontractivity theorem.

Don’t Use Gaussians in Stochastic Trace Estimation

Suppose we are interested in estimating the trace \tr(A) = \sum_{i=1}^n A_{ii} of an n\times n matrix A that can be only accessed through matrix–vector products Ax_1,\ldots,Ax_m. The classical method for this purpose is the GirardHutchinson estimator

    \[\hat{\tr} = \frac{1}{m} \left( x_1^\top Ax_1 + \cdots + x_m^\top Ax_m \right),\]

where the vectors x_1,\ldots,x_m are independent, identically distributed (iid) random vectors satisfying the isotropy condition

    \[\expect[x_ix_i^\top] = I.\]

Examples of vectors satisfying this condition include

Stochastic trace estimation has a number of applications: log-determinant computations in machine learningpartition function calculations in statistical physicsgeneralized cross validation for smoothing splines, and triangle counting in large networks. Several improvements to the basic Girard–Hutchinson estimator have been developed recently. I am partial to XTrace, an improved trace estimator that I developed with my collaborators.

This post is addressed at the question:

Which distribution should be used for the test vectors x_i for stochastic trace estimation?

Since the Girard–Hutchinson estimator is unbiased \expect[\hat{\tr}] = \tr(A), the variance of \hat{\tr} is equal to the mean-square error. Thus, the lowest variance trace estimate is the most accurate. In my previous post on trace estimation, I discussed formulas for the variance \Var(\hat{\tr}) of the Girard–Hutchinson estimator with different choices of test vectors. In that post, I stated the formulas for different choices of test vectors (Gaussian, random signs, sphere) and showed how those formulas could be proven.

In this post, I will take the opportunity to editorialize on which distribution to pick. The thesis of this post is as follows:

The sphere distribution is essentially always preferable to the Gaussian distribution for trace estimation.

To explain why, let’s focus on the case when A is real and symmetric.1The same principles hold in the general case, but the variance formulas are more delicate to state. See my previous post for the formulas. Let \lambda_1,\ldots,\lambda_n be the eigenvalues of A and define the eigenvalue mean

    \[\overline{\lambda} = \frac{\lambda_1 + \cdots + \lambda_n}{n}.\]

Then the variance of the Girard–Hutchinson estimator with Gaussian vectors x_i is

    \[\Var(\hat{\tr}_{\rm Gaussian}) = \frac{1}{m} \cdot 2 \sum_{i=1}^n \lambda_i^2.\]

For vectors x_i drawn from the sphere, we have

    \[\Var(\hat{\tr}_{\rm sphere}) = \frac{1}{m} \cdot \frac{n}{n+2} \cdot 2\sum_{i=1}^n (\lambda_i - \overline{\lambda})^2.\]

The sphere distribution improves on the Gaussian distribution in two ways. First, the variance of \Var(\hat{\tr}_{\rm sphere}) is smaller than \Var(\hat{\tr}_{\rm Gaussian})by a factor of n/(n+2) < 1. This improvement is quite minor. Second, and more importantly, \Var(\hat{\tr}_{\rm Gaussian}) is proportional to the sum of A‘s squared eigenvalues whereas \Var(\hat{\tr}_{\rm sphere}) is proportional to the sum of A‘s squared eigenvalues after having been shifted to be mean-zero!

The difference between Gaussian and sphere test vectors can be large. To see this, consider a 1000\times 1000 matrix A with eigenvalues uniformly distributed between 0.9 and 1.1 with a (Haar orthgonal) random matrix of eigenvectors. For simplicity, since the variance of all Girard–Hutchinson estimates is proportional to 1/m, we take m=1. Below show the variance of Girard–Hutchinson estimator for different distributions for the test vector. We see that the sphere distribution leads to a trace estimate which has a variance 300× smaller than the Gaussian distribution. For this example, the sphere and random sign distributions are similar.

DistributionVariance (divided by \tr(A)^2)
Gaussian2.0\times 10^{-3}
Sphere6.7\times 10^{-6}
Random signs6.7\times 10^{-6}

Which Distribution Should You Use: Signs vs. Sphere

The main point of this post is to argue against using the Gaussian distribution. But which distribution should you use: Random signs? The sphere distribution? The answer, for most applications, is one of those two, but exactly which depends on the properties of the matrix A.

The variance of the Girard–Hutchinson estimator with the random signs estimator is

    \[\Var(\hat{\tr}_{\rm signs}) = 2 \sum_{i\ne j} A_{ij}^2.\]

Thus, \Var(\hat{\tr}_{\rm signs}) depends on the size of the off-diagonal entries of A; \Var(\hat{\tr}_{\rm signs}) does not depend on the diagonal of A at all! For matrices with small off-diagonal entries (such as diagonally dominant matrices), the random signs distribution is often the best.

However, for other problems, the sphere distribution is preferable to random signs. The sphere distribution is rotation-invariant, so \Var(\hat{\tr}_{\rm sphere}) is independent of the eigenvectors of the (symmetric) matrix A, depending only on A‘s eigenvalues. By contrast, the variance of the Girard–Hutchinson estimator with the random signs distribution can significantly depend on the eigenvectors of the matrix A. For a given set of eigenvalues and the worst-case choice of eigenvectors, \Var(\hat{\tr}_{\rm sphere}) will always be smaller than \Var(\hat{\tr}_{\rm signs}). In fact, \Var(\hat{\tr}_{\rm sphere}) is the minimum variance distribution for Girard–Hutchinson trace estimation for a matrix with fixed eigenvalues and worst-case eigenvectors; see this section of my previous post for details.

In my experience, random signs and the sphere distribution are both perfectly adequate for trace estimation and either is a sensible default if you’re developing software. The Gaussian distribution on the other hand… don’t use it unless you have a good reason to.

How Good Can Stochastic Trace Estimates Be?

I am excited to share that our paper XTrace: Making the most of every sample in stochastic trace estimation has been published in the SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications. (See also our paper on arXiv.)

Spurred by this exciting news, I wanted to take the opportunity to share one of my favorite results in randomized numerical linear algebra: a “speed limit” result of Meyer, Musco, Musco, and Woodruff that establishes a fundamental limitation on how accurate any trace estimation algorithm can be.

Let’s back up. Given an unknown square matrix A, the trace of A, defined to be the sum of its diagonal entries

    \[\tr(A) \coloneqq \sum_{i=1}^n A_{ii}.\]

The catch? We assume that we can only access the matrix A through matrix–vector products (affectionately known as “matvecs”): Given any vector x, we have access to Ax. Our goal is to form an estimate \hat{\tr} that is as accurate as possible while using as few matvecs as we can get away with.

To simplify things, let’s assume the matrix A is symmetric and positive (semi)definite. The classical algorithm for trace estimation is due to Girard and Hutchinson, producing a probabilistic estimate \hat{\tr} with a small average (relative) error:

    \[\expect\left[\frac{|\hat{\tr}-\tr(A)|}{\tr(A)}\right] \le \varepsilon \quad \text{using } m= \frac{\rm const}{\varepsilon^2} \text{ matvecs}.\]

If one wants high accuracy, this algorithm is expensive. To achieve just a 1% error (\varepsilon=0.01) requires roughly m=10,\!000 matvecs!

This state of affairs was greatly improved by Meyer, Musco, Musco, and Woodruff. Building upon previous work, they proposed the Hutch++ algorithm and proved it outputs an estimate \hat{\tr} satisfying the following bound:

(1)   \[\expect\left[\frac{|\hat{\tr}-\tr(A)|}{\tr(A)}\right] \le \varepsilon \quad \text{using } m= \frac{\rm const}{\varepsilon} \text{ matvecs}.\]

Now, we only require roughly m=100 matvecs to achieve 1% error! Our algorithm, XTrace, satisfies the same error guarantee (1) as Hutch++. On certain problems, XTrace can be quite a bit more accurate than Hutch++.

The MMMW Trace Estimation “Speed Limit”

Given the dramatic improvement of Hutch++ and XTrace over Girard–Hutchinson, it is natural to hope: Is there an algorithm that does even better than Hutch++ and XTrace? For instance, is there an algorithm satisfying an even slightly better error bound of the form

    \[\expect\left[\frac{|\hat{\tr}-\tr(A)|}{\tr(A)}\right] \le \varepsilon \quad \text{using } m= \frac{\rm const}{\varepsilon^{0.999}} \text{ matvecs}?\]

Unfortunately not. Hutch++ and XTrace are essentially as good as it gets.

Let’s add some fine print. Consider an algorithm for the trace estimation problem. Whenever the algorithm wants, it can present a vector x_i and receive back Ax_i. The algorithm is allowed to be adaptive: It can use the matvecs Ax_1,\ldots,Ax_s it has already collected to decide which vector x_{s+1} to present next. We measure the cost of the algorithm in terms of the number of matvecs alone, and the algorithm knows nothing about the psd matrix A other what it learns from matvecs.

One final stipulation:

Simple entries assumption. We assume that the entries of the vectors x_i presented by the algorithm are real numbers between -1 and 1 with up to b digits after the decimal place.

To get a feel for this simple entries assumption, suppose we set b=2. Then (-0.92,0.17) would be an allowed input vector, but (0.232,-0.125) would not be (too many digits after the decimal place). Similarly, (18.3,2.4) would not be valid because its entries exceed 1. The simple entries assumption is reasonable as we typically represent numbers on digital computers by storing a fixed number of digits of accuracy.1We typically represent numbers on digital computers by floating point numbers, which essentially represent numbers using scientific notation like 1.3278123 \times 10^{27}. For this analysis of trace estimation, we use fixed point numbers like 0.23218 (no powers of ten allowed)!

With all these stipulations, we are ready to state the “speed limit” for trace estimation proved by Meyer, Musco, Musco, and Woodruff:

Informal theorem (Meyer, Musco, Musco, Woodruff). Under the assumptions above, there is no trace estimation algorithm producing an estimate \hat{\tr} satisfying

    \[\expect\left[\frac{|\hat{\tr}-\tr(A)|}{\tr(A)}\right] \le \varepsilon \quad \text{using } m= \frac{\rm const}{\varepsilon^{0.999}} \text{ matvecs}.\]

We will see a slightly sharper version of the theorem below, but this statement captures the essence of the result.

Communication Complexity

To prove the MMMW theorem, we have to take a journey to the beautiful subject of communication complexity. The story is this. Alice and Bob are interested in solving a computational problem together. Alice has her input x and Bob has his input y, and they are interested in computing a function f(x,y) of both their inputs.

Unfortunately for the two of them, Alice and Bob are separated by a great distance, and can only communicate by sending single bits (0 or 1) of information over a slow network connection. Every bit of communication is costly. The field of communication complexity is dedicated to determining how efficiently Alice and Bob are able to solve problems of this form.

The Gap-Hamming problem is one example of a problem studied in communication complexity. As inputs, Alice and Bob receive vectors x,y \in \{\pm 1\}^n with +1 and -1 entries from a third party Eve. Eve promises Alice and Bob that their vectors x and y satisfy one of two conditions:

(2)   \[\text{Case 0: } x^\top y \ge\sqrt{n} \quad \text{or} \quad \text{Case 1: } x^\top y \le -\sqrt{n}. \]

Alice and Bob must work together, sending as few bits of communication as possible, to determine which case they are in.

There’s one simple solution to this problem: First, Bob sends his whole input vector y to Alice. Each entry of y takes one of the two value \pm 1 and can therefore be communicated in a single bit. Having received y, Alice computes x^\top y, determines whether they are in case 0 or case 1, and sends Bob a single bit to communicate the answer. This procedure requires n+1 bits of communication.

Can Alice and Bob still solve this problem with many fewer than n bits of communication, say \sqrt{n} bits? Unfortunately not. The following theorem of Chakrabati and Regev shows that roughly n bits of communication are needed to solve this problem:

Theorem (Chakrabati–Regev). Any algorithm which solves the Gap-Hamming problem that succeeds with at least 2/3 probability for every pair of inputs x and y (satisfying one of the conditions (2)) must take \Omega(n) bits of communication.

Here, \Omega(n) is big-Omega notation, closely related to big-O notation \order(n) and big-Theta notation \Theta(n). For the less familiar, it can be helpful to interpret \Omega(n), \order(n), and \Theta(n) as all standing for “proportional to n”. In plain language, the theorem of Chakrabati and Regev result states that there is no algorithm for the Gap-Hamming problem that much more effective than the basic algorithm where Bob sends his whole input to Alice (in the sense of requiring less than \order(n) bits of communication).

Reducing Gap-Hamming to Trace Estimation

This whole state of affairs is very sad for Alice and Bob, but what does it have to do with trace estimation? Remarkably, we can use hardness of the Gap-Hamming problem to show there’s no algorithm that fundamentally improves on Hutch++ and XTrace. The argument goes something like this:

  1. If there were a trace estimation algorithm fundamentally better than Hutch++ and XTrace, we could use it to solve Gap-Hamming in fewer than \order(n) bits of communication.
  2. But no algorithm can solve Gap-Hamming in fewer than \order(n) bits or communication.
  3. Therefore, no trace estimation algorithm is fundamentally better than Hutch++ and XTrace.

Step 2 is the work of Chakrabati and Regev, and step 3 follows logically from 1 and 2. Therefore, we are left to complete step 1 of the argument.


Assume we have access to a really good trace estimation algorithm. We will use it to solve the Gap-Hamming problem. For simplicity, assume n is a perfect square. The basic idea is this:

  • Have Alice and Bob reshape their inputs x,y \in \{\pm 1\}^n into matrices X,Y\in\{\pm 1\}^{\sqrt{n}\times \sqrt{n}}, and consider (but do not form!) the positive semidefinite matrix

        \[A = (X+Y)^\top (X+Y).\]

  • Observe that

        \[\tr(A) = \tr(X^\top X) + 2\tr(X^\top Y) + \tr(Y^\top Y) = 2n + 2(x^\top y).\]

    Thus, the two cases in (2) can be equivalently written in terms of \tr(A):

    (2′)   \[\text{Case 0: } \tr(A)\ge 2n + 2\sqrt{n} \quad \text{or} \quad \text{Case 1: } \tr(A) \le 2n-2\sqrt{n}. \]

  • By working together, Alice and Bob can implement a trace estimation algorithm. Alice will be in charge of running the algorithm, but Alice and Bob must work together to compute matvecs. (Details below!)
  • Using the output of the trace estimation algorithm, Alice determines whether they are in case 0 or 1 (i.e., where \tr(A) \gg 2n or \tr(A) \ll 2n) and sends the result to Bob.

To complete this procedure, we just need to show how Alice and Bob can implement the matvec procedure using minimal communication. Suppose Alice and Bob want to compute Az for some vector z with entries between -1 and 1 with up to b decimal digits. First, convert z to a vector w\coloneqq 10^b z whose entries are integers between -10^b and 10^b. Since Az = 10^{-b}Aw, interconverting between Az and Aw is trivial. Alice and Bob’s procedure for computing Aw is as follows:

  • Alice sends Bob w.
  • Having received w, Bob forms Yw and sends it to Alice.
  • Having received Yw, Alice computes v\coloneqq Xw+Yw and sends it to Bob.
  • Having received v, Bob computes Y^\top v and sends its to Alice.
  • Alice forms Aw = X^\top v + Y^\top v.

Because X and Y are \sqrt{n}\times \sqrt{n} and have \pm 1 entries, all vectors computed in this procedure are vectors of length \sqrt{n} with integer entries between -4n 10^b and 4n10^b. We conclude the communication cost for one matvec is T\coloneqq\Theta((b+\log n)\sqrt{n}) bits.


Consider an algorithm we’ll call BestTraceAlgorithm. Given any accuracy parameter \varepsilon > 0, BestTraceAlgorithm requires at most m = m(\varepsilon) matvecs and, for any positive semidefinite input matrix A of any size, produces an estimate \hat{\tr} satisfying

(3)   \[\expect\left[\frac{|\hat{\tr}-\tr(A)|}{\tr(A)}\right] \le \varepsilon.\]

We assume that BestTraceAlgorithm is the best possible algorithm in the sense that no algorithm can achieve (3) on all (positive semidefinite) inputs with m' < m matvecs.

To solve the Gap-Hamming problem, Alice and Bob just need enough accuracy in their trace estimation to distinguish between cases 0 and 1. In particular, if

    \[\left| \frac{\hat{\tr} - \tr(A)}{\tr(A)} \right| \le \frac{1}{\sqrt{n}},\]

then Alice and Bob can distinguish between cases 0 and 1 in (2′)

Suppose that Alice and Bob apply trace estimation to solve the Gap-Hamming problem, using m matvecs in total. The total communication is m\cdot T = \order(m(b+\log n)\sqrt{n}) bits. Chakrabati and Regev showed that Gap-Hamming requires cn bits of communication (for some c>0) to solve the Gap-Hamming problem with 2/3 probability. Thus, if m\cdot T < cn, then Alice and Bob fail to solve the Gap-Hamming problem with at least 1/3 probability. Thus,

    \[\text{If } m < \frac{cn}{T} = \Theta\left( \frac{\sqrt{n}}{b+\log n} \right), \quad \text{then } \left| \frac{\hat{\tr} - \tr(A)}{\tr(A)} \right| > \frac{1}{\sqrt{n}} \text{ with probability at least } \frac{1}{3}.\]

The contrapositive of this statement is that if

    \[\text{If }\left| \frac{\hat{\tr} - \tr(A)}{\tr(A)} \right| \le \frac{1}{\sqrt{n}}\text{ with probability at least } \frac{2}{3}, \quad \text{then } m \ge \Theta\left( \frac{\sqrt{n}}{b+\log n} \right).\]

Say Alice and Bob run BestTraceAlgorithm with parameter \varepsilon = \tfrac{1}{3\sqrt{n}}. Then, by (3) and Markov’s inequality,

    \[\left| \frac{\hat{\tr} - \tr(A)}{\tr(A)} \right| \le \frac{1}{\sqrt{n}} \quad \text{with probability at least }\frac{2}{3}.\]

Therefore, BestTraceAlgorithm requires at least

    \[m \ge \Theta\left( \frac{\sqrt{n}}{b+\log n} \right) \text{ matvecs}.\]

Using the fact that we’ve set \varepsilon = 1/3\sqrt{n}, we conclude that any trace estimation algorithm, even BestTraceAlgorithm, requires

    \[m \ge \Theta \left( \frac{1}{\varepsilon (b+\log(1/\varepsilon))} \right) \text{ matvecs}.\]

In particular, no trace estimation algorithm can achieve mean relative error \varepsilon using even \order(1/\varepsilon^{0.999}) matvecs. This proves the MMMW theorem.

Five Interpretations of Kernel Quadrature

I’m excited to share that my paper Kernel quadrature with randomly pivoted Cholesky, joint with Elvira Moreno, has been accepted to NeurIPS 2023 as a spotlight.

Today, I want to share with you a little about the kernel quadrature problem. To avoid this post getting too long, I’m going to write this post assuming familiarity with the concepts of reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces and Gaussian processes.

Integration and Quadrature

Integration is one of the most widely used operations in mathematics and its applications. As such, it is a basic problem of wide interest to develop numerical methods for evaluating integrals.

In this post, we will consider a quite general integration problem. Let \Omega\subseteq \real^d be a domain and let \mu be a (finite Borel) measure on \Omega. We consider the task of evaluating

    \[I[f] = \int_\Omega f(x) g(x) \, \mathrm{d}\mu(x).\]

One can imagine that g, \mu, and \Omega are fixed, but we may want to evaluate this same integral I[f] for multiple different functions f.

To evaluate, we will design a quadrature approximation to the integral I[f]:

    \[\hat{I}_{w,s}[f] = \sum_{i=1}^n w_i f(s_i) \approx I[f].\]

Concretely, we wish to find real numbers w = (w_1,\ldots,w_n) \in \real^n and points s = (s_1,\ldots,s_n) \in \Omega^n such that the approximation \hat{I}_{w,s}[f] \approx I[f] is accurate.

Smoothness and Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces

As is frequently the case in computational mathematics, the accuracy we can expect for this integration problem depends on the smoothness of the integrand f. The more smooth f is, the more accurately we can expect to compute I[f] for a given budget of computational effort.

In this post, will measure smoothness using the reproducing kernel Hilbert space (RKHS) formalism. Let \mathcal{H} be an RKHS with norm \norm{\cdot}. We can interpret the norm as assigning a roughness \norm{f} to each function f. If \norm{f} is large, then f is rough; if \norm{f} is small, then f is smooth.

Associated to the RKHS \mathcal{H} is the titular reproducing kernel k. The kernel is a bivariate function k:\Omega\times\Omega\to\real. It is related to the RKHS inner product \langle\cdot,\cdot\rangle by the reproducing property

    \[f(x)=\langle f, k(x,\cdot)\rangle \quad \text{for every }f\in\mathcal{H},x\in\Omega.\]

Here, k(x,\cdot) represents the univariate function obtained by setting the first input of k to be x.

The Ideal Weights

To design a quadrature rule, we have to set the nodes s = (s_1,\ldots,s_n) \in \Omega^n and weights w = (w_1,\ldots,w_n)\in\real^n. Let’s first assume that the nodes s are fixed, and talk about how to pick the weights w.

There’s one choice of weights w^\star that we’ll called the ideal weights. There (at least) are five equivalent ways of characterizing the ideal weights. We’ll present all of them. As an exercise, you can try and convince yourself that these characterizations are equivalent, giving rise to the same weights.

Interpretation 1: Exactness

A standard way of designing quadrature rules is to make them exact (i.e., error-free) for some class of functions. For instance, many classical quadrature rules are exact for polynomials of degree up to n-1.

For kernel quadrature, it makes sense to design the quadrature rule to be exact for the kernel function at the selected nodes. That is, we require

    \[\hat{I}_{w_\star,s}[k(s_i,\cdot)]=I[k(s_i,\cdot)] \quad \text{for } i=1,2,\ldots,n.\]

Enforcing exactness gives us n linear equations for the n unknowns w^\star_1,\ldots,w^\star_n:

    \[\sum_{j=1}^n k(s_i,s_j)w^\star_j = \int_\Omega k(s_i,x) g(x)\,\mathrm{d}\mu(x) \quad \text{for }i=1,2,\ldots,n.\]

Under mild conditions, this system of linear equations is uniquely solvable, and the solution w^\star\in\real^n is the ideal weights.

Interpretation 2: Interpolate and Integrate

Here’s another very classical way of designing a quadrature rule. First, interpolate the function values (s_i,f(s_i)) at the nodes, obtaining an interpolant \hat{f}. Then, obtain an approximation to the integral by integrating the interpolant:

    \[\hat{I}_{w^\star,s}[f] \coloneqq \int_\Omega \hat{f}(x) g(x) \, \mathrm{d}\mu(x).\]

In our context, the appropriate interpolation method is kernel interpolation.1Kernel interpolation is also called Gaussian process regression or kriging though (confusingly) these terms can also refer to slightly different methods. It is the regularization-free limit of kernel ridge regression. The kernel interpolant is defined to be the minimum-norm function \hat{f} that interpolates the data:

    \[\hat{f} = \argmin \{ \norm{h} : h(s_i) = f(s_i) \text{ for } i=1,\ldots,n\}.\]

Remarkably, this infinite-dimensional problem has a tractably computable solution. In fact, \hat{f} is the unique function of the form

    \[\hat{f} = \sum_{i=1}^n \alpha_i k(\cdot,s_i)\]

that agrees with f on the points s_1,\ldots,s_n.With a little algebra, you can show that the integral of \hat{f} is

    \[I[\hat{f}] = \sum_{i=1}^n w^\star_i f(s_i),\]

where w^\star are the ideal weights.

Interpretation 3: Minimizing the Worst-Case Error

Define the worst-case error of weights w and nodes s to be

    \[\operatorname{Err}(w,s)=\sup_{\norm{f}\le 1}\left| I[f] - \hat{I}_{w,s}[f]\right|.\]

The quantity \operatorname{Err}(w,s) is the highest possible quadrature error for a function f\in\mathcal{H} of norm at most 1.

Having defined the worst-case error, the ideal weights are precisely the weights that minimize this quantity


Interpretation 4: Minimizing the Mean-Square Error

The next two interpretations of the ideal weights will adopt a probabilistic framing. A Gaussian process is a random function f such that f’s values at any collection of points are (jointly) Gaussian random variables. We write f\sim \operatorname{GP}(0,k) for a mean-zero Gaussian process with covariance function k:

    \[\Cov(f(x),f(y))=k(x,y)\quad \text{for every } x,y\in\Omega.\]

Define the mean-square quadrature error of weights w and nodes s to be

    \[\operatorname{MSE}(w,s)\coloneqq \expect_{f\sim\operatorname{GP}(0,k)} \left( I[f] - \hat{I}_{w,s}[f] \right)^2.\]

The mean-square error reports the expected squared quadrature error over all functions f drawn from a Gaussian process with covariance function k.

Pleasantly, the mean-square error is equal ro the square of the worst-case error


As such, the ideal weights also minimize the mean-square error


Interpretation 5: Conditional Expectation

For our last interpretation, again consider a Gaussian process h\sim \operatorname{GP}(0,k). The integral of this random function I[h] is a random variable. To numerically integrate a function f, compute the expectation of I[h] conditional on h agreeing with f at the quadrature nodes:

    \[\hat{I}_{w^\star,s}[f]\coloneqq \expect_{h\sim\operatorname{GP}(0,k)}[I[h] \mid h(s_i)=f(s_i) \text{ for } i=1,\ldots,n].\]

One can show that this procedure yields the quadrature scheme with the ideal weights.


We’ve just seen five sensible ways of defining the ideal weights for quadrature in a general reproducing kernel Hilbert space. Remarkably, all five lead to exactly the same choice of weights. To me, these five equivalent characterizations give me more confidence that the ideal weights really are the “right” or “natural” choice for kernel quadrature.

That said, there are other reasonable requirements that we might want to impose on the weights. For instance, if \mu is a probability measure and g\equiv 1, it is reasonable to add an additional constraint that the weights w lie in the probability simplex

    \[w\in\Delta\coloneqq \left\{ p\in\real^n_+ : \sum_{i=1}^n p_i = 1\right\}.\]

With this additional stipulation, a quadrature rule can be interpreted as integrating f against a discrete probability measure \ \hat{\mu}=\sum_{i=1}^n w_i\delta_{s_i}; thus, in effect, quadrature amounts to approximating one probability measure \mu by another \hat{\mu}. Additional constraints such as these can easily be imposed when using the optimization characterizations 3 and 4 of the ideal weights. See this paper for details.

What About the Nodes?

We’ve spent a lot of time talking about how to pick the quadrature weights, but how should we pick the nodes s\in\Omega^n? To pick the nodes, it seems sensible to try and minimize the worst-case error \operatorname{Err}(w^\star,s) with the ideal weights w^\star. For this purpose, we can use the following formula:

    \[\operatorname{Err}(w^\star,s) = \norm{\int_\Omega (k(\cdot,x) - \hat{k}_s(\cdot,x)) g(x) \, \mathrm{d}\mu(x)}.\]

Here, \hat{k}_s is the Nyström approximation to the kernel k induced by the nodes s, defined to be

    \[\hat{k}_s(x,y) = k(x,s) k(s,s)^{-1} k(s,y).\]

We have written k(s,s) for the kernel matrix with ij entry k(s_i,s_j) and k(x,s) and k(s,y) for the row and column vectors with ith entry k(x,s_i) and k(s_i,y).

I find the appearance of the Nyström approximation in this context to be surprising and delightful. Previously on this blog, we’ve seen (column) Nyström approximation in the context of matrix low-rank approximation. Now, a continuum analog of the matrix Nyström approximation has appeared in the error formula for numerical integration.

The appearance of the Nyström approximation in the kernel quadrature error \operatorname{Err}(w^\star,s) also suggests a strategy for picking the nodes.

Node selection strategy. We should pick the nodes s to make the Nyström approximation \hat{k}_s \approx k as accurate as possible.

The closer \hat{k}_s is to k, the smaller the function k(\cdot,x) - \hat{k}_s(\cdot,x) is and, thus, the smaller the error

    \[\operatorname{Err}(w^\star,s) = \norm{\int_\Omega (k(\cdot,x) - \hat{k}_s(\cdot,x)) g(x) \, \mathrm{d}\mu(x)}.\]

Fortunately, we have randomized matrix algorithms for picking good nodes for matrix Nyström approximation such as randomly pivoted Cholesky, ridge leverage score sampling, and determinantal point process sampling; maybe these matrix tools can be ported to the continuous kernel setting?

Indeed, all three of these algorithms—randomly pivoted Cholesky, ridge leverage score sampling, and determinantal point process sampling—have been studied for kernel quadrature. The first of these algorithms, randomly pivoted Cholesky, is the subject of our paper. We show that this simple, adaptive sampling method produces excellent nodes for kernel quadrature. Intuitively, randomly pivoted Cholesky is effective because it is repulsive: After having picked nodes s_1,\ldots,s_i, it has a high probability of placing the next node s_{i+1} far from the previously selected nodes.

The following image shows 20 nodes selected by randomly pivoted Cholesky in a crescent-shaped region. The cyan–pink shading denotes the probability distribution for picking the next node. We see that the center of the crescent does not have any nodes, and thus is most likely to receive a node during the next round of sampling.

In our paper, we demonstrate—empirically and theoretically—that randomly pivoted Cholesky produces excellent nodes for quadrature. We also discuss efficient rejection sampling algorithms for sampling nodes with the randomly pivoted Cholesky distribution. Check out the paper for details!

Which Sketch Should I Use?

This is the second of a sequence of two posts on sketching, which I’m doing on the occasion of my new paper on the numerical stability of the iterative sketching method. For more on what sketching is and how it can be used to solve computational problems, I encourage you to check out the first post.

The goals of this post are more narrow. I seek to answer the question:

Which sketching matrix should I use?

To cut to the chase, my answer to this question is:

Sparse sign embeddings are a sensible default for sketching.

There are certainly cases when sparse sign embeddings are not the best type of sketch to use, but I hope to convince you that they’re a good sketching matrix to use for most purposes.


Let’s start things off with some numerical experiments.1Code for all numerical experiments can be found on the blogpost branch of the Github for my recent paper. We’ll compare three types of sketching matrices: Gaussian embeddings, a subsampled randomized trigonometric transform (SRTT), and sparse sign embeddings. See the last post for descriptions of these sketching matrices. I’ll discuss a few additional types of sketching matrices that require more discussion at the end of this post.

Recall that a sketching matrix S \in \real^{d\times n} seeks to compress a high-dimensional matrix A \in \real^{n\times k} or vector b\in\real^n to a lower-dimensional sketched matrix SA or vector Sb. The quality of a sketching matrix for a matrix A is measured by its distortion \varepsilon, defined to be the smallest number \varepsilon > 0 such that

    \[(1-\varepsilon) \norm{x} \le \norm{Sx} \le (1+\varepsilon) \norm{x} \quad \text{for every } x \in \operatorname{col}(A).\]

Here, \operatorname{col}(A) denotes the column space of the matrix A.


We begin with timing test. We will measure three different times for each embedding:

  1. Construction. The time required to generate the sketching matrix S.
  2. Vector apply. The time to apply the sketch to a single vector.
  3. Matrix apply. The time to apply the sketch to an n\times 200 matrix.

We will test with input dimension n = 10^6 (one million) and output dimension d = 400. For the SRTT, we use the discrete cosine transform as our trigonometric transform. For the sparse sign embedding, we use a sparsity parameter \zeta = 8.

Here are the results (timings averaged over 20 trials):

Our conclusions are as follows:

  • Sparse sign embeddings are definitively the fastest to apply, being 3–20× faster than the SRTT and 74–100× faster than Gaussian embeddings.
  • Sparse sign embeddings are modestly slower to construct than the SRTT, but much faster to construct than Gaussian embeddings.

Overall, the conclusion is that sparse sign embeddings are the fastest sketching matrices by a wide margin: For an “end-to-end” workflow involving generating the sketching matrix S \in \real^{400\times 10^6} and applying it to a matrix A\in\real^{10^6\times 200}, sparse sign embeddings are 14× faster than SRTTs and 73× faster than Gaussian embeddings.2More timings are reported in Table 1 of this paper, which I credit for inspiring my enthusiasm for the sparse sign embedding l.


Runtime is only one measure of the quality of a sketching matrix; we also must care about the distortion \varepsilon. Fortunately, for practical purposes, Gaussian embeddings, SRTTs, and sparse sign embeddings all tend to have similar distortions. Therefore, we are free to use the sparse sign embeddings, as they as typically are the fastest.

Consider the following test. We generate a sparse random test matrix A of size n\times k for n = 10^5 and k = 50 using the MATLAB sprand function; we set the sparsity level to 1%. We then compare the distortion of Gaussian embeddings, SRTTs, and sparse sign embeddings across a range of sketching dimensions d between 100 and 10,000. We report the distortion averaged over 100 trials. The theoretically predicted value \varepsilon = \sqrt{k/d} (equivalently, d=k/\varepsilon^2) is shown as a dashed line.

To me, I find these results remarkable. All three embeddings exhibit essentially the same distortion parameter predicted by the Gaussian theory.

It would be premature to declare success having only tested on one type of test matrix A. Consider the following four test matrices:

  • Sparse: The test matrix from above.
  • Dense: A\in\real^{10^6\times 50} is taken to be a matrix with independent standard Gaussian random values.
  • Khatri–Rao: A\in\real^{50^3\times 50} is taken to be the Khatri–Rao product of three Haar random orthogonal matrices.
  • Identity: A = \twobyone{I}{0} \in\real^{10^6\times 50} is taken to be the 50\times 50 identity matrix stacked onto a (10^6-50)\times 50 matrix of zeros.

The performance of sparse sign embeddings (again with sparsity parameter \zeta = 8) is shown below:

We see that for the first three test matrices, the performance closely follows the expected value \epsilon = \sqrt{k/d}. However, for the last test matrix “Identity”, we see the distortion begins to slightly exceed this predicted distortion for d/k\ge 20.

To improve sparse sign embeddings for higher values of d/k, we can increase the value of the sparsity parameter \zeta. We recommend

    \[\zeta = \max \left( 8 , \left\lceil 2\sqrt{\frac{d}{k}} \right\rceil \right).\]

With this higher sparsity level, the distortion closely tracks \varepsilon = \sqrt{k/d} for all four test matrices:


Implemented appropriately (see below), sparse sign embeddings can be faster than other sketching matrices by a wide margin. The parameter choice \zeta = 8 is enough to ensure the distortion closely tracks \varepsilon = \sqrt{k/d} for most test matrices. For the toughest test matrices, a slightly larger sparsity parameter \zeta = \max(8, \lceil 2\sqrt{d/k}\rceil) can be necessary to achieve the optimal distortion.

While these tests are far from comprehensive, they are consistent with the uniformly positive results for sparse sign embeddings reported in the literature. We believe that this evidence supports the argument that sparse sign embeddings are a sensible default sketching matrix for most purposes.

Sparse Sign Embeddings: Theory and Practice

Given the highly appealing performance characteristics of sparse sign embeddings, it is worth saying a few more words about these embeddings and how they perform in both theory and practice.

Recall that a sparse sign embedding is a random matrix of the form

    \[S = \frac{1}{\sqrt{\zeta}} \begin{bmatrix} s_1 & \cdots & s_n \end{bmatrix}.\]

Each column s_i is an independent and randomly generated to contain exactly \zeta nonzero entries in uniformly random positions. The value of each nonzero entry of s_i is chosen to be either +1 or -1 with 50/50 odds.

Parameter Choices

The goal of sketching is to reduce vectors of length n to a smaller dimension d. For linear algebra applications, we typically want to preserve all vectors in the column space of a matrix A up to distortion \varepsilon > 0:

    \[(1-\varepsilon) \norm{x} \le \norm{Sx} \le (1+\varepsilon) \norm{x} \quad \text{for all }x \in \operatorname{col}(A).\]

To use sparse sign embeddings, we must choose the parameters appropriately:

Given a dimension k and a target distortion \varepsilon, how do we pick d and \zeta?

Based on the experiments above (and other testing reported in the literature), we recommend the following parameter choices in practice:

    \[d = \frac{k}{\varepsilon^2} \quad \text{and} \quad \zeta = \max\left(8,\frac{2}{\varepsilon}\right).\]

The parameter choice \zeta = 8 is advocated by Tropp, Yurtever, Udell, and Cevher; they mention experimenting with parameter values as small as \zeta = 2. The value \zeta = 1 has demonstrated deficiencies and should almost always be avoided (see below). The scaling d \approx k/\varepsilon^2 is derived from the analysis of Gaussian embeddings. As Martinsson and Tropp argue, the analysis of Gaussian embeddings tends to be reasonably descriptive of other well-designed random embeddings.

The best-known theoretical analysis, due to Cohen, suggests more cautious parameter setting for sparse sign embeddings:

    \[d = \mathcal{O} \left( \frac{k \log k}{\varepsilon^2} \right) \quad \text{and} \quad \zeta = \mathcal{O}\left( \frac{\log k}{\varepsilon} \right).\]

The main difference between Cohen’s analysis and the parameter recommendations above is the presence of the \log k factor and the lack of explicit constants in the O-notation.


For good performance, it is imperative to store S using either a purpose-built data structure or a sparse matrix format (such as a MATLAB sparse matrix or scipy sparse array).

If a sparse matrix library is unavailable, then either pursue a dedicated implementation or use a different type of embedding; sparse sign embeddings are just as slow as Gaussian embeddings if they are stored in an ordinary non-sparse matrix format!

Even with a sparse matrix format, it can require care to generate and populate the random entries of the matrix S. Here, for instance, is a simple function for generating a sparse sign matrix in MATLAB:

function S = sparsesign_slow(d,n,zeta)
cols = kron((1:n)',ones(zeta,1)); % zeta nonzeros per column
vals = 2*randi(2,n*zeta,1) - 3; % uniform random +/-1 values
rows = zeros(n*zeta,1);
for i = 1:n
   rows((i-1)*zeta+1:i*zeta) = randsample(d,zeta);
S = sparse(rows, cols, vals / sqrt(zeta), d, n);

Here, we specify the rows, columns, and values of the nonzero entries before assembling them into a sparse matrix using the MATLAB sparse command. Since there are exactly \zeta nonzeros per column, the column indices are easy to generate. The values are uniformly \pm 1/\sqrt{\zeta} and can also be generated using a single line. The real challenge to generating sparse sign embeddings in MATLAB is the row indices, since each batch of \zeta row indices much be chosen uniformly at random between 1 and d without replacement. This is accomplished in the above code by a for loop, generating row indices \zeta at a time using the slow randsample function.

As its name suggests, the sparsesign_slow is very slow. To generate a 200\times 10^7 sparse sign embedding with sparsity \zeta = 8 requires 53 seconds!

Fortunately, we can do (much) better. By rewriting the code in C and directly generating the sparse matrix in the CSC format MATLAB uses, generating this same 200 by 10 million sparse sign embedding takes just 0.4 seconds, a speedup of 130× over the slow MATLAB code. A C implementation of the sparse sign embedding that can be used in MATLAB using the MEX interface can be found in this file in the Github repo for my recent paper.

Other Sketching Matrices

Let’s leave off the discussion by mentioning other types of sketching matrices not considered in the empirical comparison above.

Coordinate Sampling

Another family of sketching matrices that we haven’t talked about are coordinate sampling sketches. A coordinate sampling sketch consists of indices 1\le i_1,\ldots,i_d\le n and weights w_1,\ldots,w_d \in \real. To apply S, we sample the indices i_1,\ldots,i_d and reweight them using the weights:

    \[b \in \real^n \longmapsto Sb = (w_1 b_{i_1},\ldots,w_db_{i_d}) \in \real^d.\]

Coordinate sampling is very appealing: To apply S to a matrix or vector requires no matrix multiplication of trigonometric transforms, just picking out some entries or rows and rescaling them.

In order for coordinate sampling to be effective, we need to pick the right indices. Below, we compare two coordinate sampling sketching approaches, uniform sampling and leverage score sampling (both with replacement), to the sparse sign embedding with the suggested parameter setting \zeta = \max(8,\lceil 2\sqrt{d/k}\rceil) for the hard “Identity” test matrix used above.

We see right away that the uniform sampling fails dramatically on this problem. That’s to be expected. All but 50 of 100,000 rows of A are zero, so picking rows uniformly at random will give nonsense with very high probability. Uniform sampling can work well for matrices A which are “incoherent”, with all rows of A being of “similar importance”.

Conclusion (Uniform sampling). Uniform sampling is a risky method; it works excellently for some problems, but fails spectacularly for others. Use only with caution!

The ridge leverage score sampling method is more interesting. Unlike all the other sketches we’ve discussed in this post, ridge leverage score sampling is data-dependent. First, it computes a leverage score \ell_i for each row of A and then samples rows with probabilities proportional to these scores. For high enough values of d, ridge leverage score sampling performs slightly (but only slightly) worse than the characteristic \varepsilon = \sqrt{k/d} scaling we expect for an oblivious subspace embedding.

Ultimately, leverage score sampling has two disadvantages when compared with oblivious sketching matrices:

  • Higher distortion, higher variance. The distortion of a leverage score sketch is higher on average, and more variable, than an oblivious sketch, which achieve very consistent performance.
  • Computing the leverage scores. In order to implement this sketch, the leverage scores \ell_i have to first be computed or estimated. This is a nontrivial algorithmic problem; the most direct way of computing the leverage scores requires a QR decomposition at \mathcal{O}(nk^2) cost, much higher than other types of sketches.

There are settings when coordinate sampling methods, such as leverage scores, are well-justified:

  • Structured matrices. For some matrices A, the leverage scores might be very cheap to compute or approximate. In such cases, coordinate sampling can be faster than oblivious sketching.
  • “Active learning”. For some problems, each entry of the vector b or row of the matrix A may be expensive to generate. In this case, coordinate sampling has the distinct advantage that computing Sb or SA only requires generating the entries of b or rows of A for the d randomly selected indices i_1,\ldots,i_d.

Ultimately, oblivious sketching and coordinate sampling both have their place as tools in the computational toolkit. For the reasons described above, I believe that oblivious sketching should usually be preferred to coordinate sampling in the absence of a special reason to prefer the latter.

Tensor Random Embeddings

There are a number of sketching matrices with tensor structure; see here for a survey. These types of sketching matrices are very well-suited to tensor computations. If tensor structure is present in your application, I would put these types of sketches at the top of my list for consideration.


The CountSketch sketching matrix is the \zeta = 1 case of the sparse sign embedding. CountSketch has serious deficiencies, and should only be used in practice with extreme care.

Consider the “Identity” test matrix from above but with parameter k = 200, and compare the distortion of CountSketch to the sparse sign embedding with parameters \zeta=2,4,8:

We see that the distortion of the CountSketch remains persistently high at 100% until the sketching dimension d is taken >4300, 20× higher than k.

CountSketch is bad because it requires d to be proportional to k^2/\varepsilon^2 in order to achieve distortion \varepsilon. For all of the other sketching matrices we’ve considered, we’ve only required d to be proportional to k/\varepsilon^2 (or perhaps (k\log k)/\varepsilon^2). This difference between d\propto k^2 for CountSketch and d\propto k for other sketching matrices is a at the root of CountSketch’s woefully bad performance on some inputs.3Here, the symbol \propto is an informal symbol meaning “proportional to”.

The fact that CountSketch requires d\propto k^2 is simple to show. It’s basically a variant on the famous birthday problem. We include a discussion at the end of this post.4In fact, any oblivious sketching matrix with only 1 nonzero entry per column must have d\gtrsim k^2. This is Theorem 16 in the following paper.

There are ways of fixing the CountSketch. For instance, we can use a composite sketch S = S_2 \cdot S_1, where S_1 is a CountSketch of size k^2/\varepsilon^2 \times n and S_2 is a Gaussian sketching matrix of size k/\varepsilon^2 \times k^2/\varepsilon^2.5This construction is from this paper. For most applications, however, salvaging CountSketch doesn’t seem worth it; sparse sign embeddings with even \zeta = 2 nonzeros per column are already way more effective and reliable than a plain CountSketch.


By now, sketching is quite a big field, with dozens of different proposed constructions for sketching matrices. So which should you use? For most use cases, sparse sign embeddings are a good choice; they are fast to construct and apply and offer uniformly good distortion across a range of matrices.

Bonus: CountSketch and the Birthday Problem
The point of this bonus section is to prove the following (informal) theorem:

Let A be the “Identity” test matrix above. If S\in\real^{d\times n} is a CountSketch matrix with output dimension d\ll k^2, then the distortion of S for \operatorname{col}(A) is \varepsilon\ge 1 with high probability.

Let’s see why. By the structure of the matrix A, SA has the form

    \[SA = \begin{bmatrix} s_1 & \cdots & s_k \end{bmatrix}\]

where each vector s_i\in\real^d has a single \pm1 in a uniformly random location j\_i.

Suppose that the indices j_1,\ldots,j_k are not all different from each other, say j_i = j_{i'}. Set x = e_i - e_{i'}, where e_i is the standard basis vector with 1 in position i and zeros elsewhere. Then, (SA)x = 0 but \norm{x} = \sqrt{2}. Thus, for the distortion relation

    \[(1-\varepsilon) \norm{x} =(1-\varepsilon)\sqrt{2} \le 0 = \norm{(SA)x}\]

to hold, \varepsilon \ge 1. Thus,

    \[\prob \{ \varepsilon \ge 1 \} \ge \prob \{ j_1,\ldots,j_k \text{ are not distinct} \}.\]

For a moment, let’s put aside our analysis of the CountSketch, and turn our attention to a famous puzzle, known as the birthday problem:

How many people have to be in a room before there’s at least a 50% chance that two people share the same birthday?

The counterintuitive or “paradoxical” answer: 23. This is much smaller than many people’s intuition, as there are 365 possible birthdays and 23 is much smaller than 365.

The reason for this surprising result is that, in a room of 23 people, there are {23 \choose 2} = 23\cdot 22/2=253 pairs of people. Each pair of people has a 1/365 chance of sharing a birthday, so the expected number of birthdays in a room of 23 people is 253/365 \approx 0.69. Since are 0.69 birthdays shared on average in a room of 23 people, it is perhaps less surprising that 23 is the critical number at which the chance of two people sharing a birthday exceeds 50%.

Hopefully, the similarity between the birthday problem and CountSketch is becoming clear. Each pair of indices j_i and j_{i'} in CountSketch have a 1/d chance of being the same. There are {k\choose 2} \approx k^2/2 pairs of indices, so the expected number of equal indices j_i = j_{i'} is \approx k^2/2d. Thus, we should anticipate d \gtrapprox k^2 is required to ensure that j_1,\ldots,j_k are distinct with high probability.

Let’s calculate things out a bit more precisely. First, realize that

    \[\prob \{ j_1,\ldots,j_k \text{ are not distinct} \} = 1 - \prob \{ j_1,\ldots,j_k \text{ are distinct} \}.\]

To compute the probability that j_1,\ldots,j_k are distinct, imagine introducing each j_i one at a time. Assuming that j_1,\ldots,j_{i-1} are all distinct, the probability j_1,\ldots,j_i are distinct is just the probability that j_i does not take any of the i-1 values j_1,\ldots,j_i. This probability is

    \[\prob\{ j_1,\ldots,j_i \text{ are distinct} \mid j_1,\ldots,j_{i-1} \text{ are distinct}\} = 1 - \frac{i-1}{d}.\]

Thus, by the chain rule for probability,

    \[\prob \{ j_1,\ldots,j_k \text{ are distinct} \} = \prod_{i=1}^k \left(1 - \frac{i-1}{d} \right).\]

To bound this quantity, use the numeric inequality 1-x\le \exp(-x) for every x \in \real, obtaining

    \[\mathbb{P} \{ j_1,\ldots,j_k \text{ are distinct} \} \le \prod_{i=0}^{k-1} \exp\left(-\frac{i}{d}\right) = \exp \left( -\frac{1}{d}\sum_{i=0}^{k-1} i \right) = \exp\left(-\frac{k(k-1)}{2d}\right).\]

Thus, we conclude that

    \[\prob \{ \varepsilon \ge 1 \} \ge 1-\prob \{ j_1,\ldots,j_k \text{ are distinct} \\}\ge 1-\exp\left(-\frac{k(k-1)}{2d}\right).\]

Solving this inequality, we conclude that

    \[\prob\{\varepsilon \ge 1\} \ge \frac{1}{2} \quad \text{if} \quad d \le \frac{k(k-1)}{2\ln 2}.\]

This is a quantitative version of our informal theorem from earlier.