The (ordinary) linear least squares problem is as follows: given an matrix and a vector of length , find the vector such that is as close to as possible, when measured using the two-norm. That is, we seek to
From this equation, the name “least squares” is self-explanatory: we seek which minimizes the sum of the squared discrepancies between the entries of and .
The least squares problem is ubiquitous in science, engineering, mathematics, and statistics. If we think of each row of as an input and its corresponding entry of as an output, then the solution to the least squares model gives the coefficients of a linear model for the input–output relationship. Given a new previously unseen input , our model predicts the output is approximately . The vector consists of coefficients for this linear model. The least squares solution satisfies the property that the average squared difference between the output and the prediction is as small as it could possibly be for all choices of coefficient vectors .
How do we solve the least squares problem? A classical solution approach, ubiquitous in textbooks, is to solve a system of linear equations known as the normal equations. The normal equations associated with the least squares problem (1) are given by
This system of equations always has a solution. If has full column-rank, then is invertible and the unique least squares solution to (1) is given by . We assume that has full column-rankQ for the rest of this discussion. To solve the normal equations in software, we compute and and solve (2) using a linear solver like MATLAB’s “\”.1Even better, we could us a Cholesky decomposition since the matrix is positive definite. (As is generally true in matrix computations, it is almost never a good idea to explicitly form the inverse of the matrix , or indeed any matrix.) We also can solve the normal equations using an iterative method like (preconditioned) conjugate gradient.
The purpose of the article is to advocate against the use of the normal equations for solving the least squares problems, at least in most cases. So what’s wrong with the normal equations? The problem is not that the normal equations aren’t mathematically correct. Instead, the problem is that the normal equations often lead to poor accuracy for the least squares solution using computer arithmetic.
Most of the time when using computers, we store real numbers as floating point numbers.2One can represent rational numbers on a computer as fractions of integers and operations can be done exactly. However, this is prone to gross inefficiencies as the number of digits in the rational numbers can grow to be very large, making the storage and time to solve linear algebra problems with rationals dramatically more expensive. For these reasons, the vast majority of numerical computations use floating point numbers which store only a finite number of digits for any given real number. In this model, except for extremely rare circumstances, rounding errors during arithmetic operations are a fact of life. At a coarse level, the right model to have in your head is that real numbers on a computer are stored in scientific notation with only 16 decimal digits after the decimal point.3This is a simplification in multiple ways. First, computers store numbers in binary and thus, rather than storing 16 decimal digits after the decimal point, they store 52 binary digits. This amounts to roughly 16 decimal digits. Secondly, there are different formats for storing real numbers as floating point on a computer with different amounts of stored digits. The widely used IEEE double precision format has about 16 decimal digits of accuracy; the IEEE single precision format has roughly 8. When two numbers are added, subtracted, multiplied, and divided, the answer is computed and then rounded to 16 decimal digits; any extra digits of information are thrown away. Thus, the result of our arithmetic on a computer is the true answer to the arithmetic problem plus a small rounding error. These rounding errors are small individually, but solving an even modestly sized linear algebra problem requires thousands of such operations. Making sure many small errors don’t pile up into a big error is part of the subtle art of numerical computation.
To make a gross simplification, if one solves a system of linear equations on a computer using a well-designed piece of software, one obtains an approximate solution which is, after accounting for the accumulation of rounding errors, close to . But just how close the computed solution and the true solution are depends on how “nice” the matrix is. The “niceness” of a matrix is quantified by a quantity known as the condition number of , which we denote .4In fact, there are multiple definitions of the condition number depending on the norm which one uses the measure the sizes of vectors. Since we use the 2-norm, the appropriate 2-norm condition number is the ratio of the largest and smallest singular values of . As a rough rule of thumb, the relative error between and is roughly bounded as
The “ corresponds to the fact we have roughly 16 decimal digits of accuracy in double precision floating point arithmetic. Thus, if the condition number of is roughly , then we should expect around digits of accuracy in our computed solution.
The accuracy of the least squares problem is governed by its own condition number . We would hope that we can solve the least squares problem with an accuracy like the rule-of-thumb error bound (3) we had for linear systems of equations, namely a bound like . But this is not the kind of accuracy we get for the least squares problem when we solve it using the normal equations. Instead, we get accuracy like
By solving the normal equations we effectively square the condition number! Perhaps this is not surprising as the normal equations also more-or-less square the matrix by computing . This squared condition number drastically effects the accuracy of the computed solution. If the condition number of is , then the normal equations give us absolute nonsense for ; we expect to get no digits of the answer correct. Contrast this to above, where we were able to get correct digits in the solution to despite the condition number of being times larger than !
All of this would be just a sad fact of life for the least squares problem if the normal equations and their poor accuracy properties were the best we could do for the least squares problem. But we can do better! One can solve linear least squares problems by computing a so-called QR factorization of the matrix .5In MATLAB, the least squares problem can be solved with QR factorization by calling “A\b”. Without going into details, the upshot is that the least squares solution by a well-designed6One way of computing the QR factorization is by Gram–Schmidt orthogonalization, but the accuracy properties of this are poor too. A gold-standard way of computing the QR factorization by means of Householder reflectors, which has excellent accuracy properties. QR factorization requires a similar amount of time to solving the normal equations and has dramatically improved accuracy properties, achieving the desirable rule-of-thumb behavior7More precisely, the rule of thumb is like . So even if we solve the least squares problem with QR factorization, we still get a squared condition number in our error bound, but this condition number squared is multiplied by the residual , which is small if the least squares fit is good. The least squares solution is usually only interesting when the residual is small, thus justifying dropping it in the rule of thumb.
I have not described how the QR factorization is accurately computed nor how to use the QR factorization to solve least squares problems nor even what the QR factorization is. All of these topics are explained excellently by thestandardtextbooks in this area, as well as by publicly available resources like Wikipedia. There’s much more that can be said about the many benefits of solving the least squares problem with the QR factorization,8E.g., it can work for sparse matrices while the normal equations often do not, it has superior accuracy to Gaussian elimination with partial pivoting even for solving linear systems, the “” matrix in the QR factorization can be represented implicitly as a product of easy-to-compute-with Householder reflectors which is much more efficient when, etc. but in the interest of brevity let me just say this: TL;DR when presented in the wild with a least squares problem, the solution method one should default to is one based on a well-implemented QR factorization, not solving the normal equations.
Suppose for whatever reason we don’t have a high quality QR factorization algorithm at our disposal. Must we then resort to the normal equations? Even in this case, there is a way we can reduce the problem of solving a least squares problems to a linear system of equations without squaring the condition number! (For those interested, to do this, we recognize the normal equations as a Schur complement of a somewhat larger system of linear equations and then solve that. See Eq. (7) in this post for more discussion of this approach.)
The title of this post Don’t Solve the Normal Equations is deliberately overstated. There are times when solving the normal equations is appropriate. If is well-conditioned with a small condition number, squaring the condition number might not be that bad. If the matrix is too large to store in memory, one might want to solve the least squares problem using the normal equations and the conjugate gradient method.
However, the dramatically reduced accuracy of solving the normal equations should disqualify the approach from being the de-facto way of solving least squares problems. Unless you have good reason to think otherwise, when you see , solve a different way.
Suppose we have a thin, flat (two-dimensional) plate of homogeneous material and we measure the temperature at the border. What is the temperature inside the material? The solution to this problem is described by Laplace’s equation, one of the most ubiquitous partial differential equations in physics. Let denote the temperature of the material at point . Laplace’s equation states that, at any point on the interior of the material,
Laplace’s equation (1) and the specification of the temperature on the boundary form a well-posed mathematical problem in the sense that the temperature is uniquely determined at each point .1A well-posed problem is also required to depend continuously on the input data which, in this case, are the boundary temperatures. Indeed, the Laplace problem with boundary data is well-posed in this sense. We call this problem the Laplace Dirichlet problem since the boundary conditions
Another area of physics where the Laplace equation (1) appears is the study of electrostatics. In this case, represents the electric potential at the point . The Laplace Dirichlet problem is to find the electric potential in the interior of the region with knowledge of the potential on the boundary.
The electrostatic application motivates a different way of thinking about the Laplace equation. Consider the following question:
How would I place electric charges on the boundary to produce the electric potential at each point on the boundary?
This is a deliciously clever question. If I were able to find an arrangement of charges answering the question, then I could calculate the potential at each point in the interior by adding up the contribution to the electric potential of each element of charge on the boundary. Thus, I can reduce the problem of finding the electric potential at each point in the 2D region to finding a charge distribution on the 1D boundary to that region.
We shall actually use a slight variant of this charge distribution idea which differs in two ways:
Rather than placing simple charges on the boundary of the region, we place charge dipoles.2The reason for why this modification works better is an interesting question, but answering it properly would take us too far afield from the goals of this article.
Since we are considering a two-dimensional problem, we use a different formula for the electric potential than given by Coulomb’s law for charges in 3D. Also, since we are interested in solving the Laplace Dirichlet problem in general, we can choose a convenient dimensionless system of units. We say that the potential at a point induced by a unit “charge” at the origin is given by .
With these modifications, our new question is as follows:
How would I place a density of “charge” dipoles on the boundary to produce the electric potential at each point on the boundary?
We call this function the double layer potential for the Laplace Dirichlet problem. One can show the double layer potential satisfies a certain integral equation. To write down this integral equation, let’s introduce some more notation. Let be the region of interest and its boundary. Denote points concisely as vectors , with the length of denoted . The double layer potential satisfies
where the integral is taken over the surface of the region ; denotes the directional derivative taken in the direction normal (perpendicular) to the surface at the point . Note we choose a unit system for which hides physical constants particular to the electrostatic context, since we are interested in applying this methodology to the Laplace Dirichlet problem in general (possibly non-electrostatic) applications.
There’s one last ingredient: How do we compute the electric potential at points in the interior of the region? This is answered by the following formula:
The integral equation (2) is certainly nothing to sneeze at. Rather than trying to comprehend it in its full glory, we shall focus on a special case for the rest of our discussion. Suppose the region is a circular disk with radius centered at . The the partial derivative in the integrand in (2) then is readily computed for points and both on the boundary of the circle:
Substituting in (2) then gives
The Sherman–Morrison Formula
We are interested in solving the integral equation (4) to obtain an expression for the double-layer potential , as this will give us a solution formula for the Laplace Dirichlet problem. Ultimately, we accomplish this by using a clever trick. In an effort to make this trick seem more self-evident and less of a “rabbit out of a hat”, I want to draw an analogy to a seemingly unrelated problem: rank-one updates to linear systems of equations and the Sherman–Morrison formula.3In accordance with Stigler’s law of eponymy, the Sherman–Morrison formula was actually discovered by William J. Duncan five years before Sherman, Morrison, and Woodbury. For a more general perspective on the Sherman–Morrison formula and its generalization to the Sherman–Morrison–Woodbury formula, you may be interested in the following post of mine on Schur complements and block Gaussian elimination.
Suppose we want to solve the system of linear equations
where is an square matrix and , , and are length- vectors. We are ultimately interested in finding from . To gain insight into this problem, it will be helpful to first carefully considered the problem in reverse: computing from . We could, of course, perform this computation by forming the matrix in memory and multiplying it with , but there is a more economical way:
Form .
Compute .
Standing back, observe that we now have a system of equations for unknowns and . Specifically, our first equation can be rewritten as
which combined with the second equation
gives the by system4This “state space approach” of systematically writing out a matrix–vector multiply algorithm and then realizing this yields a larger system of linear equations was initially taught to be by my mentor Shiv Chandrasekaran; this approach has much more powerful uses, such as in the theory of rank-structured matrices.
The original equation for (5) can be derived from the “lifted” equation (6) by applying Gaussian elimination and eliminating the first row of the linear system (6). But now that we have the lifted equation (6), one can naturally wonder what would happen if we instead used Gaussian elimination to eliminate the last rows of (6); this will give us an equation for which we can solved without first computing . Doing this so-called block Gaussian elimination yields
This example shows how it can be conceptually useful to lift a linear system of equations by adding additional variables and equations and then “do Gaussian elimination in a different order”. The same insight shall be useful in solving integral equations like (4).
Solving for the Double Layer Potential
Let’s try repeating the playbook we executed for the rank-one-updated linear system (5) and apply it to the integral equation (4). We are ultimately interested in computing from but, as we did last section, let’s first consider the reverse. To compute from , we first evaluate the integral
Substituting this into (4) gives the system of equations
In order to obtain (4) from (7) and (8), we add times equation (8) to equation (7). Following last section, we now instead eliminate from equation (8) using equation (7). To do this, we need to integrate equation (7) in order to cancel the integral in equation (8):
Adding times this integrated equation to equation (8) yields
Thus plugging this expression for into equation (7) yields
We’ve solved for our double layer potential!
As promised, the double layer potential can be used to give a solution formula (known as the Poisson integral formula) for the Laplace Dirichet problem. The details are a mechanical, but also somewhat technical, exercise in vector calculus identities. We plug through the details in the following extra section.
Poisson Integral Formula
Let’s finish this up by using the double layer to derive a solution formula for the electric potential at a point in the interior of the region. To do this, we use equation (3):
We now need to do a quick calculation which is somewhat technical and not particularly enlightening. We evaluate using the divergence theorem:
Computing the boundary derivative for the spherical region centered at the origin with radius , we obtain the formula
We’ve succeeded at deriving a solution formula for for points in the interior of the disk in terms of for points on the boundary of the disk. This is known as the Poisson integral formula for the disk in two dimensions. This formula can be generalized to balls in higher dimensions, though this proof technique using “Sherman–Morrison” fails to work in more than two dimensions.
Sherman–Morrison for Integral Equations
Having achieved our main goal of deriving a solution formula for the 2D Laplace Dirichlet problem for a circular domain, I want to take a step back to present the approach from two sections ago in more generality. Consider a more general integral equation of the form
where is some region in space, , , and are functions of one or two arguments on , and is a nonzero constant. Such an integral equation is said to be of the second kind. The integral equation for the Laplace Dirichlet problem (2) is of this form with , , , and . We say the kernel is separable with rank if can be expressed in the form
With the circular domain, the Laplace Dirichlet integral equation (2) is separable with rank .5E.g., set and . We shall focus on the second kind integral equation (10) assuming the kernel is separable with rank (for simplicity, we set ):
Let’s try and write this equation in a way that’s more similar to the linear system of equation (5). To do this, we make use of linear operators defined on functions:
Let denote the identity operator on functions: It takes as inputs function and outputs the function unchanged.
Let denote the “integration against operator”: It takes as input a function and outputs the number .
With these notations, equation (11) can be written as
Using the same derivation which led to the Sherman–Morrison formula for linear systems of equations, we can apply the Sherman–Morrison formula to this integral equation in operator form, yielding
Therefore, the solution to the integral equation (11) is
This can be interpreted as a kind of Sherman–Morrison formula for the integral equation (11).
One can also generalize to provide a solution formula for the second-kind integral equation (10) for a separable kernel with rank ; in this case, the natural matrix analog is now the Sherman–Morrison–Woodbury identity rather than the Sherman–Morrison formula. Note that this solution formula requires the solution of a system of linear equations. One can use this as a numerical method to solve second-kind integral equations: First, we approximate by a separable kernel of a modest rank and then compute the exact solution of the resulting integral equation with the approximate kernel.6A natural question is why one might want to solve an integral equation formulation of a partial differential equations like the Laplace or Helmholtz equation. An answer is that that formulations based on second-kind integral equations tend to lead to systems of linear equations which much more well-conditioned as compared to other methods like the finite element method. They have a number of computational difficulties as well, as the resulting linear systems of equations are dense and may require elaborate quadrature rules to accurately compute.
My goal in writing this post was to discuss two topics which are both near and dear to my heart, integral equations and the Sherman–Morrison formula. I find the interplay of these two ideas to be highly suggestive. It illustrates the power of the analogy between infinite-dimensional linear equations, like differential and integral equations, and finite-dimensional ones, which are described by matrices. Infinite dimensions certainly do have their peculiarities and technical challenges, but it can be very useful to first pretend infinite-dimensional linear operators (like integral operators) are matrices, do calculations to derive some result, and then justify these computations rigorously post hoc.7The utility of this technique is somewhat of an open secret among some subset of mathematicians and scientists, but such heuristics are usually not communicated to students explicitly, at least in rigorous mathematics classes.
In this post, I want to discuss a beautiful and somewhat subtle matrix factorization known as the Vandermonde decomposition that appears frequently in signal processing and control theory. We’ll begin from the very basics, introducing the controls-and-signals context, how the Vandermonde decomposition comes about, and why it’s useful. By the end, I’ll briefly share how we can push the Vandermonde decomposition beyond matrices to the realm of tensors, which will can allow us to separate mixed signals from multiple measurements. This tensorial generalization plays an important role in my paper -decompositions, sparse component analysis, and the blind separation of sums of exponentials, joint work with Nithin Govindajaran and Lieven De Lathauwer, which recently appeared in the SIAM Journal of Matrix Analysis and Applications.
Finding the Frequencies
Suppose I give you a short recording of a musical chord consisting of three notes. How could you determine which three notes they were? Mathematically, we can represent such a three-note chord as a combination of scaled and shifted cosine functions
We are interested in obtaining the (angular) frequencies , , and .
In the extreme limit, when we are given the values of the signal for all , both positive and negative, the frequencies are immediately given by taking a Fourier transform of the function . In practice, we only have access to the function at certain times which we assume are equally spaced
Given the samples
we could try to identify , , and using a discrete Fourier transform.1The discrete Fourier transform can be computed very quickly using the fast Fourier transform, as I discussed in a previous post. Unfortunately, this generally requires a large number of samples to identify , , and accurately. (The accuracy scales roughly like , where is the number of samples.) We are interested in finding a better way to identify the frequencies.
Now that we’ve moved from the function , defined for any real input , to a set of samples it will be helpful to rewrite our formula (1) for in a different way. By Euler’s identity, the cosines can be rewritten as
As a consequence, we can rewrite one of the frequency components in (1) as
Here, and are complex coefficients and which contain the same information as the original parameters and . Now notice that we are only interest in values which are multiples of the spacing . Thus, our frequency component can be further rewritten as
where and . Performing these reductions, our samples take the form
We’ve now reformulated our frequency problems in identifying the parameters and in the relation (2) from a small number of measurements .
Frequency Finding as a Matrix Factorization
We will return to the algorithmic problem of identifying the parameters in the relation (2) from measurements in a little bit. First, we will see that (2) can actually be written as a matrix factorization. Understanding computations by matrix factorization has been an extremely successful paradigm in applied mathematics, and we will see in this post how viewing (2) as a matrix factorization can be very useful.
While it may seem odd at first,2As pointed out to me on math stack exchange, one reason forming the Hankel matrix is sensible is because it effectively augments the sequence of numbers into a sequence of vectors given by the columns of . This can reveal patterns in the sequence which are less obvious when it is represented as given just as numbers. For instance, any seven columns of are linearly dependent, a surprising fact since the columns of have length which can be much larger than seven. In addition, as we will soon effectively exploit later, vectors in the nullspace of (or related Hankel matrices derived from the sequence) give recurrence relations obeyed by the sequence. This speaks to a general phenomenon where properties of sequence (say, arising from snapshots of a dynamical system) can sometimes become more clear by this procedure of delay embedding. it will be illuminating to repackage the measurements as a matrix:
Here, we have assumed is odd. The matrix is known as the Hankel matrix associated with the sequence . Observe that the entry in position of depends only on the sum of the indices and , . (We use a zero-indexing system to label the rows and columns of where, for instance, the first row of is row .)
Let’s see how we can interpret the frequency decomposition (2) as a factorization of the Hankel matrix . We first write out using (2):
The power was just begging to be factorized as , which we did. Equation (4) almost looks like the formula for the product of two matrices with entries , so it makes sense to introduce the matrix with entry . This is a so-called Vandermonde matrix associated with and has the form
If we also introduce the diagonal matrix , the formula (4) for can be written as the matrix factorization3In the Vandermonde decomposition , the factor appears transposed even when is populated with complex numbers! This differs from the usual case in linear algebra where we use the conjugate transpose rather than the ordinary transpose when working with complex matrices. As a related issue, observe that if at least one of the measurements is a (non-real) complex number, the Hankel matrix is symmetric but not Hermitian.
This is the Vandermonde decomposition of the Hankel matrix , a factorization of as a product of the transpose of a Vandermonde matrix, a diagonal matrix, and that same Vandermonde matrix.
The Vandermonde decomposition immediately tells us all the information and describing our sampled recording via (2). Thus, the problem of determining and is equivalent to finding the Vandermonde decomposition (5) of the Hankel matrix .
Computing the Vandermonde Decomposition: Prony’s Method
Computing the Vandermonde decomposition accurately can be a surprisingly hard task, particularly if the measurements are corrupted by even a small amount of measurement error. In view of this, I want to present a very classical way of computing this decomposition (dating back to 1795!) known as Prony’s method. This method is conceptually simple and will be a vehicle to continue exploring frequency finding and its connection with Hankel matrices. It remainsinuse, though it’s accuracy may be significantly worse compared to other methods.
As a first step to deriving Prony’s method, let’s reformulate the frequency finding problem in a different way. Sums of cosines like the ones in our expression (1) for the function often appear as the solution to a (linear) ordinary differential equation (ODE). This means that one way we could find the frequencies comprising would be to find a differential equation which satisfies. Together with the initial condition , determining all the frequencies would be very straightforward.
Since we only have access to samples of at regular time intervals, we will instead look for the “discrete-time” analog of a linear ODE, a linear recurrence relation. This is an expression of the form
In our case, we’ll have because there are six terms in the formula (2) for . Together with initial conditions , such a recurrence will allow us to determine the parameters and in our formula (2) for our sampled recordings and hence also allow us to compute the Vandermonde decomposition (5).
Observe that the recurrence (6) is a linear equation in the variables . A very good rule of thumb in applied mathematics is to always write down linear equations in matrix–vector notation in see how it looks. Doing this, we obtain
Observe that the matrix on the right-hand side of this equation is also a Hankel matrix (like in (3)) formed from the samples . Call this Hankel matrix . Unlike in (3), is rectangular. If is much larger than , will be tall, possessing many more rows than columns. We assume going forward.4 would also be fine for our purposes, but we assume to illustrate this highly typical case.
Let’s write (7) a little more compactly as
where we’ve introduced for the vector on the left-hand side of (7) and collected the recurrence coefficients into a vector . For a typical system of linear equations like (8), we would predict the system to have no solution : Because has more rows than columns (if ), the system equations (8) has more equations than unknowns. Fortunately, we are not in the typical case. Despite the fact that we have more equations than unknowns, the linear equations (8) have a unique solution .5This solution can be computed by solving the system of linear equations In particular, the matrix on the right-hand side of this equation is guaranteed to be nonsingular under our assumptions. Using the Vandermonde decomposition, can you see why? The existence of a unique solution is a consequence of the fact that the samples satisfy the formula (2). As a fun exercise, you might want to verify the existence of a unique satisfying (8)!
As a quick aside, if the measurements are corrupted by small measurement errors, then the equations (8) will usually not possess a solution. In this case, it would be appropriate to find the least squares solution to equation (8) as a way of mitigating these errors.
Hurrah! We’ve found the coefficients providing a recurrence relation (6) for our measurements . All that is left is to find the parameters and in our signal formula (2) and the Vandermonde decomposition (5). Fortunately, this is just a standard computation for linear recurrence relations, nicely paralleling the solution of (homogenous) linear ODEs by means of the so-called “characteristic equation”. I’ll go through fairly quickly since this material is well-explained elsewhere on the internet (like Wikipedia). Let’s guess that our recurrence (6) has a solution of the form ; we seek to find all complex numbers for which this is a bonafide solution. Plugging this solution into the formula (6) for gives
This is the so-called characteristic equation for the recurrence (6). As a single-variable polynomial equation of degree six, it has six complex solutions . These numbers are precisely those numbers which appear in the sequence formula (2) and the Vandermonde decomposition (5).
Finally, we need to compute the coefficients . But this is easy. Observe that the formula (2) provides the following system of linear equations for :
Again, this system of equations will have a unique solution if the measurements are uncorrupted by errors (and can be solved in the least squares sense if corrupted). This gives , completing our goal of computing the parameters in the formula (2) or, equivalently, finding the Vandermonde decomposition (5).
We have accomplished our goal of computing the Vandermonde decomposition. The approach by which we did so is known as Prony’s method, as mentioned in the introduction to this section. As suggested, this method may not always give high-accuracy results. There are two obvious culprits that jump out about why this is the case. Prony’s method requires solving for the roots of the polynomial equation (9) expressed “in the monomial basis” and solving a system of linear equations (10) with a (transposed) Vandermonde matrix. Both of theseproblems can be notoriously ill-conditioned and thus challenging to solve accurately and may require the measurements to be done to very high accuracy. Notwithstanding this, Prony’s method does useful results in some cases and forms the basis for potentially more accurate methods, such as those involving generalized eigenvalue problems.
Separating Signals: Extending the Vandermonde Decomposition to Tensors
In our discussion of the frequency identification problem, the Vandermonde decomposition (5) has effectively been an equivalent way of showing the samples are a combination of exponentials . So far, the benefits of the matrix factorization perspective have yet to really reveal themselves.
So what are the benefits of the Vandermonde decompostions? A couple of nice observations related to the Vandermonde decomposition and the “Hankelization” of the signals have already been lurking in the background. For instance, the rank of the Hankel matrix is the number of frequency components needed to describe the samples and the representation of the samples as a mixture of exponentials is uniquely determined only if the matrix does not have full rank; I have a little more to say about this at the very end. There are also benefits to certain computational problems; one can use Vandermonde decompositions to compute super high accuracy singular value decompositions of Hankel matrices.
The power of the Vandermonde decomposition really starts to shine when we go beyond the basic frequency finding problem we discussed by introducing more signals. Suppose now there are three short recordings , , and . (Here, the superscript denotes an index rather than differentiation.) Each signal is a weighted mixture of three sources, , and , each of which plays a musical chord of three notes (thus representable as a sum of cosines as in (1)). One can think of the sources of being produced three different musical instruments at different places in a room and the recordings , , and being taken from different microphones in the room.6This scenario of instruments and microphones ignores the finite propagation speed of sound, which also would introduce time delays in the sources in the recorded signals. We effectively treat the speed of sound as being instantaneous. Our goal is now not just to identify the musical notes in the recordings but also to identify how to assign those notes to reconstruct the source signals , , and .
Taking inspiration from earlier, we record samples for each recording and form each collection of samples into a Hankel matrix
Here comes the crazy part: Stack the Hankelized recordings , , and as slices of a tensor. A tensor, in this context, just means a multidimensional array of numbers. Just as a vector is a one-dimensional array and a matrix is a two-dimensional array, a tensor could have any number of dimensions. In our case, we need just three. If we use a MATLAB-esque indexing notation, is a array given by
The remarkable thing is that the source signals can be determined (under appropriate conditions) by computing a special kind of Vandermonde decomposition of the tensor! (Specifically, the required decomposition is a Vandermonde-structured -block term decomposition of the tensor .) Even more cool, this decomposition can be computed using general-purpose software like Tensorlab.
If this sounds interesting, I would encourage you to check out my recently published paper -decompositions, sparse component analysis, and the blind separation of sums of exponentials, joint work with Nithin Govindajaran and Lieven De Lathauwer and recently published in the SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications. In the paper, we explain what this -decomposition is and how applying it to can be used to separate mixtures of exponentials signals from the resulting Vandermonde structure, an idea originating in the work of De Lathauewer. A very important question for these signal separation problems is that of uniqueness. Given the three sampled recordings (comprising the tensor ), is there just one way of unscrambling the mixtures into different sources or multiple? If there are multiple, then we might have possibly computed the wrong one. If there is just a single unscrambling, though, then we’ve done our job and unmixed the scrambled signals. The uniqueness of these tensor decompositions is fairly complicated math, and we survey existing results and prove new ones in this paper.7One of our main technical contributions is a new notion of uniqueness of -decompositions which we believe is nicely adapted to the signal separation context. Specfically, we prove mathematized versions of the statement “if the source signals are sufficiently different from each others and the measurements of sufficiently high quality, then the signals can uniquely be separated”.
Conclusions, Loose Ends, and Extensions
The central idea that we’ve been discussing is how it can be useful to convert between a sequence of observations and a special matricization of this sequence into a Hankel matrix (either square, as in (3), or rectangular, as in (7)). By manipulating the Hankel matrix, say, by computing its Vandermonde decomposition (5), we learn something about the original signal, namely a representation of the form (2).
This is a powerful idea which appears implicitly or explicitly throughout various subfields of mathematics, engineering, and computation. As with many other useful ideas, this paradigm admits many natural generalizations and extensions. We saw one already in this post, where we extended the Vandermonde decomposition to the realm of tensors to solve signal separation problems. To end this post, I’ll place a few breadcrumbs at the beginning of a few of the trails of these generalizations for any curious to learn more, wrapping up a few loose ends on the way.
Is the Vandermonde Decomposition Unique?
A natural question is whether the Vandermonde decomposition (5) is unique. That is, is it possible that there exists two Vandermonde decompositions
of the same (square) Hankel matrix ? This is equivalent to whether the frequency components can be uniquely determined from the measurements .
Fortunately, the Vandermonde decomposition is unique if (and only if) the matrix is a rank-deficient matrix. Let’s unpack this a little bit. (For those who could use a refresher on rank, I have a blog post on precisely this topic.) Note that the Vandermonde decomposition is a rank factorization8Rank factorizations are sometimes referred to as “rank-revealing factorizations”. I discuss my dispreference for this term in my blog post on low-rank matrices. since has rows, has full (row) rank, and is invertible. This means that if take enough samples of a function which is a (finite) combinations of exponentials, the matrix will be rank-deficient and the Vandermonde decomposition unique.9The uniqueness of the Vandermonde decomposition can be proven by showing that, in our construction by Prony’s method, the ‘s, ‘s, and ‘s are all uniquely determined. If too few samples are taken, then does not contain enough information to determine the frequency components of the signal and thus the Vandermonde decomposition is non-unique.
Does Every Hankel Matrix Have a Vandermonde Decomposition?
This post has exclusively focused on a situation where we are provided with sequence we know to be represented as a mixture of exponentials (i.e., taking the form (2)) from which the existence of the Vandermonde decomposition (5) follows immediately. What if we didn’t know this were the case, and we were just given a (square) Hankel matrix . Is guaranteed to possess a Vandermonde decomposition of the form (5)?
Unfortunately, the answer is no; there exist Hankel matrices which do not possess a Vandermonde decomposition. The issue is related to the fact that the appropriate characteristic equation (analogous to (9)) might possess repeated roots, making the solutions to the recurrence (6) not just take the form but also and perhaps , , etc.
Are There Cases When the Vandermonde Decomposition is Guaranteed To Exist?
There is one natural case when a (square) Hankel matrix is guaranteed to possess a Vandermonde decomposition, namely when the matrix is nonsingular/invertible/full-rank. Despite this being a widely circulated fact, I am unaware of a simple proof for why this is the case. Unfortunately, there is not just one but infinitely many Vandermonde decompositions for a nonsingular Hankel matrix, suggesting these decompositions are not useful for the frequency finding problem that motivated this post.
What If My Hankel Matrix Does Not Possess a Vandermonde Decomposition?
As discussed above, a Hankel matrix may fail to have a Vandermonde decomposition if the characteristic equation (a la (9)) has repeated roots. This is very much analogous to the case of a non-diagonalizable matrix for which the characteristic polynomial has repeated roots. In this case, while diagonalization is not possible, one can “almost-diagonalize” the matrix by reducing it to its Jordan normal form. In total analogy, every Hankel matrix can be “almost Vandermonde decomposed” into a confluent Vandermonde decomposition (a discovery that appears to have been made independentlyseveraltimes). I will leave these links to discuss the exact nature of this decomposition, though I warn any potential reader that these resources introduce the decomposition first for Hankel matrices with infinitely many rows and columns before considering the finite case as we have. One is warned that while the Vandermonde decomposition is always a rank decomposition, the confluent Vandermonde decomposition is not guaranteed to be one.10Rather, the confluent Vandermonde decomposition is a rank decomposition for an infinite extension of a finite Hankel matrix. Consider the Hankel matrix This matrix has rank-two but no rank-two confluent Vandermonde decomposition. The issue is that when extended to an infinite Hankel matrix this (infinite!) matrix has a rank exceeding the size of the original Hankel matrix .
The Toeplitz Vandermonde Decomposition
Just as it proved useful to arrange samples into a Hankel matrix, it can also be useful to form them into a Toeplitz matrix
One can interconvert between Hankel and Toeplitz matrices by reversing the order of the rows. As such, to the extent to which Hankel matrices possess Vandermonde decompositions (with all the asterisks and fine print just discussed), Toeplitz matrices do as well but with the rows of the first factor reversed:
There is a special and important case where more is true. If a Toeplitz matrix is (Hermitian) positive semidefinite, then always possesses a Vandermonde decomposition of the form
where is a Vandermonde matrix associated with parameters which are complex numbers of absolute value one and is a diagonal matrix with real positive entries.12The keen-eyed reader will note that appears conjugate transposed in this formula rather than transposed as in the Hankel Vandermonde decomposition (5). This Vandermonde decomposition is unique if and only if is rank-deficient. Positive semidefinite Toeplitz matrices are important as they occur as autocorrelation matrices which effectively describe the similarity between a signal and different shifts of itself in time. Autocorrelation matrices appear under different names in everything from signal processing to random processes to near-term quantum algorithms (a topic near and dear to my heart). A delightfully simple and linear algebraic derivation of this result is given by Yang and Xie (see Theorem 1).13Unfortunately, Yang and Xie incorrectly claim that every Toeplitz matrix possesses a rank factorization Vandermonde decomposition of the form where is a Vandermonde matrix populated with entries on the unit circle and is a diagonal matrix of possibly *complex* entries. This claim is disproven by the example . This decomposition can be generalized to infinite positive semidefinite Toeplitz matrices (appropriately defined).14Specifically, one can show that an infinite positive semidefinite Toeplitz matrix (appropriately defined) also has a “Vandermonde decomposition” (appropriately defined). This result is often known as Herglotz’s theorem and is generalized by the Bochner–Weil theorem.
In this post, I want to discuss a beautiful and simple geometric picture of the perturbation theory of definite generalized eigenvalue problems. As a culmination, we’ll see a taste of the beautiful perturbation theory of Mathias and Li, which appears to be not widely known in virtue of only being explained in a technical report. Perturbation theory for the generalized eigenvalue problem is a bit of a niche subject, but I hope you will stick around for some elegant arguments. In addition to explaining the mathematics, I hope this post serves as an allegory for the importance of having the right way of thinking about a problem; often, the solution to a seemingly unsolvable problem becomes almost self-evident when one has the right perspective.
What is a Generalized Eigenvalue Problem?
This post is about the definite generalized eigenvalue problem, so it’s probably worth spending a few words talking about what generalized eigenvalue problems are and why you would want to solve them. Slightly simplifying some technicalities, a generalized eigenvalue problem consists of finding nonzero vectors and a (possibly complex) numbers such that .1In an unfortunate choice of naming, there is actually a completely different sense in which it makes sense to talk about generalized eigenvectors, in the context of the Jordan normal form for standard eigenvalue problems. The vector is called an eigenvector and its eigenvalue. For our purposes, and will be real symmetric (or even complex Hermitian) matrices; one can also consider generalized eigenvalue problemss for nonsymmetric and even non-square matrices and , but the symmetric case covers many applications of practical interest. The generalized eigenvalue problem is so-named because it generalizes the standard eigenvalue problem , which is a special case of the generalized eigenvalue problem with .2One can also further generalize the generalized eigenvalue problem to polynomial and nonlinear eigenvalue problems.
Why might we want so solve a generalized eigenvalue problem? The applications are numerous (e.g., in chemistry, quantum computation, systems and control theory, etc.). My interest in perturbation theory for generalized eigenvalue problems arose in the analysis of a quantum algorithm for eigenvalue problems in chemistry, and the theory discussed in this article played a big role in that analysis. To give an application which is more easy to communicate than the quantum computation application which motivated my own interest, let’s discuss an application in classical mechanics.
The Lagrangian formalism is a way of reformulating Newton’s laws of motion in a general coordinate system.3The benefits of the Lagrangian framework are far deeper than working in generalized coordinate systems, but this is beyond the scope of our discussion and mostly beyond the scope of what I am knowledgeable enough to write meaningfully about. If denotes a vector of generalized coordinates describing our system and denotes ‘s time derivative, then the time evolution of a system with Lagrangian functional are given by the Euler–Lagrange equations. If we choose to represent the deviation of our system from equilibrium,4That is, in our generalized coordinate system, is a (static) equilibrium configuration for which whenever and . then our Lagrangian is well-approximated by it’s second order Taylor series:
By the Euler–Lagrange equations, the equations of motion for small deviations from this equillibrium point are described by
A fundamental set of solutions of this system of differential equations is given by , where and are the generalized eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the pair .5That is, all solutions to can be written (uniquely) as linear combinations of solutions of the form . In particular, if all the generalized eigenvalues are positive, then the equillibrium is stable and the square roots of the eigenvalues represent the modes of vibration. In the most simple mechanical systems, such as masses in one dimension connected by springs with the natural coordinate system, the matrix is diagonal with diagonal entries equal to the different masses. In even slightly more complicated “freshman physics” problems, it is quite easy to find examples where, in the natural coordinate system, the matrix is nondiagonal.6Almost always, the matrix is positive definite. As this example shows, generalized eigenvalue problems aren’t crazy weird things since they emerge as natural descriptions of simple mechanical systems like coupled pendulums.
One reason generalized eigenvalue problems aren’t more well-known is that one can easily reduce a generalized eigenvalue problem into a standard one. If the matrix is invertible, then the generalized eigenvalues of are just the eigenvalues of the matrix . For several reasons, this is a less-than-appealing way of reducing a generalized eigenvalue problem to a standard eigenvalue problem. A better way, appropriate when and are both symmetric and is positive definite, is to reduce the generalized eigenvalue problem for to the symmetrically reduced matrix , which also possesses the same eigenvalues as . In particular, the matrix remains symmetric, which shows that has real eigenvalues by the spectral theorem. In the mechanical context, one can think of this reformulation as a change of coordinate system in which the “mass matrix” becomes the identity matrix .
There are several good reasons to not simply reduce a generalized eigenvalue problem to a standard one, and perturbation theory gives a particular good reason. In order for us to change coordinates to change the matrix into an identity matrix, we must first know the matrix. If I presented you with an elaborate mechanical system which you wanted to study, you would need to perform measurements to determine the and matrices. But all measurements are imperfect and the entries of and are inevitably corrupted by measurement errors. In the presence of these measurement errors, we must give up on computing the normal modes of vibration perfectly; we must content ourselves with computing the normal modes of vibration plus-or-minus some error term we hope we can be assured is small if our measurement errors are small. In this setting, reducing the problem to seems less appealing, as I have to understand how the measurement errors in and are amplified in computing the triple product . This also suggests that computing may be a poor algorithmic strategy in practice: if the matrix is ill-conditioned, there might be a great deal of error amplification in the computed product . One might hope that one might be able to devise algorithms with better numerical stability properties if we don’t reduce the matrix pair to a single matrix. This is not to say that reducing a generalized eigenvalue problem to a standard one isn’t a useful tool—it definitely is. However, it is not something one should do reflexively. Sometimes, a generalized eigenvalue problem is best left as is and analyzed in its native form.
The rest of this post will focus on the question if and are real symmetric matrices (satisfying a definiteness condition, to be elaborated upon below), how do the eigenvalues of the pair compare to those of , where and are small real symmetric perturbations? In fact, it shall be no additional toil to handle the complex Hermitian case as well while we’re at it, so we shall do so. (Recall that a Hermitian matrix satisfies , where is the conjugate transpose. Since the complex conjugate does not change a real number, a real Hermitian matrix is necesarily symmetric .) For the remainder of this post, let , , , and be Hermitian matrices of the same size. Let and denote the perturbations.
Symmetric Treatment
As I mentioned at the top of this post, our mission will really be to find the right way of thinking about perturbation theory for the generalized eigenvalue problem, after which the theory will follow much more directly than if we were to take a frontal assault on the problem. As we go, we shall collect nuggets of insight, each of which I hope will follow quite naturally from the last. When we find such an insight, we shall display it on its own line.
The first insight is that we can think of the pair and interchangeably. If is a nonzero eigenvalue of the pair , satisfying , then . That is, is an eigenvalue of the pair . Lack of symmetry is an ugly feature in a mathematical theory, so we seek to smooth it out. After thinking a little bit, notice that we can phrase the generalized eigenvalue condition symmetrically as with the associated eigenvalue being given by . This observation may seem trivial at first, but let us collect it for good measure.
Treat and symmetrically by writing the eigenvalue as with .
Before proceeding, let’s ask a question that, in our new framing, becomes quite natural: what happens when ? The case is problematic because it leads to a division by zero in the expression . However, if we have , this expression still makes sense: we’ve found a vector for which but . It makes sense to consider still an eigenvector of with eigenvalue ! Dividing by zero should justifiably make one squeemish, but it really is quite natural in the case to treat as a genuine eigenvector with eigenvalue .
Things get even worse if we find a vector for which . Then, any can reasonably considered an eigenvalue of since . In such a case, all complex numbers are simultaneously eigenvalues of , in which case we call singular.7More precisely, a pair is singular if the determinant is identically zero for all . For the generalized eigenvalue problem to make sense for a pair , it is natural to require that not be singular. In fact, we shall assume an even stronger “definiteness” condition which ensures that has only real (or infinite) eigenvalues. Let us return to this question of definiteness in a moment and for now assume that is not singular and possesses real eigenvalues.
With this small aside taken care of, let us return to the main thread. By modeling eigenvalues as pairs , we’ve traded one ugliness for another. While reformulating the eigenvalue as a pair treats and symmetrically, it also adds an additional indeterminacy, scale. For instance, if is an eigenvalue of , then so is . Thus, it’s better not to think of so much as a pair of numbers together with all of its possible scalings.8Projective space provides a natural framework for studying such vectors up to scale indeterminacy. For reasons that shall hopefully become more clear as we go forward, it will be helpful to only consider all the possible positive scalings of —e.g., all for . Geometrically, the set of all positive scalings of a point in two-dimensional space is precisely just a ray emanating from the origin.
Represent eigenvalue pairs as rays emanating from the origin to account for scale ambiguity.
Now comes a standard eigenvalue trick. It’s something you would never think to do originally, but once you see it once or twice you learn to try it as a matter of habit. The trick: multiply the eigenvalue-eigenvector relation by the (conjugate) transpose of :9For another example of the trick, try applying it to the standard eigenvalue problem . Multiplying by and rearranging gives —the eigenvalue is equal to the expression , which is so important it is given a name: the Rayleigh quotient. In fact, the largest and smallest eigenvalues of can be found by maximizing and minimizing the Rayleigh quotient.
The above equation is highly suggestive: since and are only determined up to a scaling factor, it shows we can take and . And by different scalings of the eigenvector , we can scale and by any positive factor we want. (This retroactively shows why it makes sense to only consider positive scalings of and .10To make this point more carefully, we shall make great use of the identification between pairs and the pair of quadratic forms . Thus, even though and lead to equivalent eigenvalues since , and don’t necessarily both arise from a pair of quadratic forms: if , this does not mean there exists such that . Therefore, we only consider equivalent to if .) The expression is so important that we give it a name: the quadratic form (associated with and evaluated at ).
The eigenvalue pair can be taken equal to the pair of quadratic forms .
Complexifying Things
Now comes another standard mathematical trick: represent points in two-dimensional space by complex numbers. In particular, we identify the pair with the complex number .11Recall that we are assuming that is real, so we can pick a scaling in which both and are real numbers. Assume we have done this. Similar to the previous trick, it’s not fully clear why this will pay off, but let’s note it as an insight.
Identify the pair with the complex number .
Now, we combine all the previous observations. The eigenvalue is best thought of as a pair which, up to scale, can be taken to be and . But then we represent as the complex number
Let’s stop for a moment and appreciate how far we’ve come. The generalized eigenvalue problem is associated with the expression .If we just went straight from one to the other, this reduction would appear like some crazy stroke of inspiration: why would I ever think to write down ? However, just following our nose lead by a desire to treat and symmetrically and applying a couple standard tricks, this expression appears naturally. The expression will be very useful to us because it is linear in and , and thus for the perturbed problem , we have that : consequently, is a small perturbation of . This observation will be very useful to us.
If is the eigenvector, then the complex number is .
Definiteness and the Crawford Number
With these insights in hand, we can now return to the point we left earlier about what it means for a generalized eigenvalue problem to be “definite”. We know that if there exists a vector for which , then the problem is singular. If we multiply by , we see that this means that as well and thus . It is thus quite natural to assume the following definiteness condition:
The pair is said to be definite if for all complex nonzero vectors .
A definite problem is guaranteed to be not singular, but the reverse is not necessarily true; one can easily find pairs which are not definite and also not singular.12For example, consider . is not definite since for . However, is not singular; the only eigenvalue of the pair is and is not identically zero.. (Note does not imply unless and are both positive (or negative) semidefinite.)
The “natural” symmetric condition for to be “definite” is for for all vectors .
Since the expression is just scaled by a positive factor by scaling the vector , it is sufficient to check the definiteness condition for only complex unit vectors . This leads naturally to a quantitative characterization of the degree of definiteness of a pair :
The Crawford number13The name Crawford number was coined by G. W. Stewart in 1979 in recognition of Crawford’s pioneering work on the perturbation theory of the definite generalized eigenvalue problem. of a pair is the minimum value of over all complex unit vectors .
The Crawford number naturally quantifies the degree of definiteness.14In fact, it has been shown that the Crawford number is, in a sense, the distance from a definite matrix pair to a pair which is not simultaneously diagonalizable by congruence. A problem which has a large Crawford number (relative to a perturbation) will remain definite after perturbation, whereas the pair may become indefinite if the size of the perturbation exceeds the Crawford number. Geometrically, the Crawford number has the following interpretation: must lie on or outside the circle of radius centered at for all (complex) unit vectors .
The “degree of definiteness” can be quantified by the Crawford number .
Now comes another step in our journey which is a bit more challenging. For a matrix (in our case ), the set of complex numbers for all unit vectors has been the subject of considerable study. In fact, this set has a name
The field of values of a matrix is the set .
In particular, the Crawford number is just the absolute value of the closest complex number in the field of values to zero.
It is a very cool and highly nontrivial fact (called the Toeplitz–Hausdorff Theorem) that the field of values is always a convex set, with every two points in the field of values containing the line segment connecting them. Thus, as a consequence, the field of values for a definite matrix pair is always on “one side” of the complex plane (in the sense that there exists a line through zero which lies strictly on one side of15This is a consequence of the hyperplane separation theorem together with the fact that .).
The numbers for unit vectors lie on one half of the complex plane.
The field of values lies outside the circle of radius centered at and thus on one side of the complex plane.
From Eigenvalues to Eigenangles
All of this geometry is lovely, but we need some way of relating it to the eigenvalues. As we observed a while ago, each eigenvalue is best thought of as a ray emanating from the origin, owing to the fact that the pair can be scaled by an arbitrary positive factor. A ray is naturally associated with an angle, so it is natural to characterize an eigenvalue pair by the angle describing its arc.
But the angle of a ray is only defined up additions by full rotations ( radians). As such, to associate each ray a unique angle we need to pin down this indeterminacy in some fixed way. Moreover, this indeterminacy should play nice with the field of values and the field of values of the perturbation. But in the last section, we say that each of these field of angles lies (strictly) on one half of the complex plane. Thus, we can find a ray which does not intersect either field of values!
One possible choice is to measure the angle from this ray. We shall make a slightly different choice which plays better when we treat as a complex number . Recall that a number is an argument for if for some real number . The argument is multi-valued since is an argument for as long as is (for all integers ). However, once we exclude our ray , we can assign each complex number not on this ray a unique argument which depends continuously on . Denote this “branch” of the argument by . If represents an eigenvalue , we call an eigenangle.
Represent an eigenvalue pair by its associated eigenangle .
How are these eigenangles related to the eigenvalues? It’s now a trigonometry problem:
The eigenvalues are the cotangents of the eigenangles!
The eigenvalue is the cotangent of the eigenangle .
Variational Characterization
Now comes another difficulty spike in our line of reasoning, perhaps the largest in our whole deduction. To properly motivate things, let us first review some facts about the standard Hermitian/symmetric eigenvalue problem. The big idea is that eigenvalues can be thought of as the solution to a certain optimization problem. The largest eigenvalue of a Hermitian/symmetric matrix is given by the maximization problem
The largest eigenvalue is the maximum of the quadratic form over unit vectors . What about the other eigenvalues? The answer is not obvious, but the famous Courant–Fischer Theorem shows that the th largest eigenvalue can be written as the following minimax optimization problem
The minimum is taken over all subspaces of dimension whereas the maximum is taken over all unit vectors within the subspace . Symmetrically, one can also formulate the eigenvalues as a max-min optimization problem
These variational/minimax characterizations of the eigenvalues of a Hermitian/symmetric matrix are essential to perturbation theory for Hermitian/symmetric eigenvalue problems, so it is only natural to go looking for a variational characterization of the generalized eigenvalue problem. There is one natural way of doing this that works for positive definite: specifically, one can show that
This characterization, while useful in its own right, is tricky to deal with because it is nonlinear in and . It also treats and non-symmetrically, which should set off our alarm bells that there might be a better way. Indeed, the ingenious idea, due to G. W. Stewart in 1979, is to instead provide a variational characterization of the eigenangles! Specifically, Stewart was able to show16Stewart’s original definition of the eigenangles differs from ours; we adopt the definition of Mathias and Li. The result amounts to the same thing.
for the eigenangles .17Note that since the cotangent is decreasing on , this means that the eigenvalues are now in increasing order, in contrast to our convention from earlier in this section. This shows, in particular, that the field of values is subtended by the smallest and largest eigenangles.
The eigenangles satisfy a minimax variational characterization.
How Big is the Perturbation?
We’re tantalizingly close to our objective. The final piece in our jigsaw puzzle before we’re able to start proving perturbation theorems is to quantify the size of the perturbing matrices and . Based on what we’ve done so far, we see that the eigenvalues are natural associated with the complex number , so it is natural to characterize the size of the perturbing pair by the distance between and . But the difference between these two quantities is just
We’re naturally led to the question: how big can be? If the vector has a large norm, then quite large, so let’s fix to be a unit vector. With this assumption in place, the maximum size of is simple the distance of the farthest point in the field of values from zero. This quantity has a name:
The numerical radius of a matrix (in our case ) is .18This maximum is taken over all complex unit vectors .
The size of the perturbation is the numerical radius .
It is easy to upper-bound the numerical radius by more familiar quantities. For instance, once can straightforwardly show the bound , where is the spectral norm. We prefer to state results using the numerical radius because of its elegance: it is, in some sense, the “correct” measure of the size of the pair in the context of this theory.
Stewart’s Perturbation Theory
Now, after many words of prelude, we finally get to our first perturbation theorem. With the work we’ve done in place, the result is practically effortless.
Let denote the eigenangles of the perturbed pair and consider the th eigenangle. Let be the subspace of dimension achieving the minimum in the first equation of the variational principle (1) for the original unperturbed pair. Then we have
This is something of a standard trick when dealing with variational problems in matrix analysis: take the solution (in this case the minimizing subspace) for the original problem and plug it in for the perturbed problem. The solution may no longer be optimal, but it at least gives an upper (or lower) bound. The complex number must lie at least a distance from zero and . We’re truly toast if the perturbation is large enough to perturb to be equal to zero, so we should assume that .
For our perturbation theory to work, we must assume .
lies on or outside the circle centered at zero with radius . might lie anywhere in a circle centered at with radius , so one must have to ensure the perturbed problem is nonsingular (equivalently for every ).
Making the assumption that , bounding the right-hand side of (2) requires finding the most-counterclockwise angle necessary to subtend a circle of radius centered at , which must lie a distance from the origin. The worst-case scenario is when is exactly a distance from the origin, as is shown in the following diagram.
In the worst case, lies on the circle centered at zero with radius , which is subtended above by angle .
Solving the geometry problem for the counterclockwise-most subtending angle in this worst-case sitation, we conclude the eigenangle bound . An entirely analogous argument using the max-min variational principle (1) proves an identical lower bound, thus showing
In the language of eigenvalues, we have19I’m being a little sloppy here. For a result like this to truly hold, I believe all of the perturbed and unperturbed eigenangles should all be contained in one half of the complex plane.
Interpreting Stewart’s Theory
After much work, we have finally proven our first generalized eigenvalue perturbation theorem. After taking a moment to celebrate, let’s ask ourselves: what does this result tell us?
Let’s start with the good. This result shows us that if the perturbation, measured by the numerical radius , is much smaller than the definiteness of the original problem, measured by the Crawford number , then the eigenangles change by a small amount. What does this mean in terms of the eigenvalues? For small eigenvalues (say, less than one in magnitude), small changes in the eigenangles also lead to small changes of the eigenvalues. However, for large eigenangles, small changes in the eigenangle are magnified into potentially large changes in the eigenvalues. One can view this result in a positive or negative framing. On the one hand, large eigenvalues could be subject to dramatic changes by small perturbations; on the other hand, the small eigenvalues aren’t “taken down with the ship” and are much more well-behaved.
Stewart’s theory is beautiful. The variational characterization of the eigenangles (1) is a master stroke and exactly the extension one would want from the standard Hermitian/symmetric theory. From the variational characterization, the perturbation theorem follows almost effortlessly from a little trigonometry. However, Stewart’s theory has one important deficit: the Crawford number. All that Stewart’s theory tells is that all of the eigenangles change by at most roughly “perturbation size over Crawford number”. If the Crawford number is quite small since the problem is nearly indefinite, this becomes a tough pill to swallow.
The Crawford number is in some ways essential: if the perturbation size exceeds the Crawford number, the problem can become indefinite or even singular. Thus, we have no hope of fully removing the Crawford number from our analysis. But might it be the case that some eigenangles change by much less than “pertrubation size over Crawford number”? Could we possibly improve to a result of the form “the eigenangles change by roughly perturbation size over something (potentially) much less than the Crawford number”? Sun improved Stewart’s analysis in 1982, but the scourge of the Crawford number remained.20Sun’s bound does not explicitly have the Crawford number, instead using the quantity and another hard-to-concisely describe quantity. In many cases, one has nothing better to do than to bound , in which case the Crawford number has appeared again. The theory of Mathias and Li, published in a technical report in 2004, finally produced a bound where the Crawford number is replaced.
The Mathias–Li Insight and Reduction to Diagonal Form
Let’s go back to the Stewart theory and look for a possible improvement. Recall in the Stewart theory that we considered the point on the complex plane. We then argued that, in the worst case, this point would lie a distance from the origin and then drew a circle around it with radius . To improve on Stewart’s bound, we must somehow do something better than using the fact that . The insight of the Mathias–Li theory is, in some sense, as simple as this: rather than using the fact that (as in Stewart’s analysis), use how far actually is from zero, where is chosen to be the unit norm eigenvectors of .21This insight is made more nontrivial by the fact that, in the context of generalized eigenvalue problems, it is often not convenient to choose the eigenvectors to have unit norm. As Mathias and Li note, there are often two more popular normalizations for . If is positive definite, one often normalizes such that —the eigenvectors are thus made “-orthonormal”, generalizing the fact that the eigenvectors of a Hermitian/symmetric matrix are orthonormal. Another popular normalization is to scale such that . In this way, just taking the eigenvector to have unit norm is already a nontrivial insight.
Before going further, let us quickly make a small reduction which will simplify our lives greatly. Letting denote a matrix whose columns are the unit-norm eigenvectors of , one can verify that and are diagonal matrices with entries and respectively. With this in mind, it can make our lives a lot easy to just do a change of variables and (which in turn sends and ). The change of variables is very common in linear algebra and is called a congruence transformation.
Perform a change of variables by a congruence transformation with the matrix of eigenvectors.
While this change of variables makes our lives a lot easier, we must first worry about how this change of variables might effect the size of the perturbation matrices . It turns out this change of variables is not totally benign, but it is not maximally harmful either. Specifically, the spectral radius can grow by as much as a factor of .22This is because, in virtue of having unit-norm columns, the spectral norm of the matrix is . Further, note the following variational characterization of the spectral radius . Plugging these two facts together yields . This factor of isn’t great, but it is much better than if the bound were to degrade by a factor of the condition number , which can be arbitrarily large.
This change of variables may increase by at most a factor of .
From now on, we shall tacitly assume that this change of variables has taken place, with and being diagonal and and being such that is at most a factor larger than it was previously. We denote by and the th diagonal element of and , which are given by and where is the th unit-norm eigenvector
Mathias and Li’s Perturbation Theory
We first assume the perturbation is smaller than the Crawford number in the sense , which is required to be assured that the perturbed problem does not lose definiteness. This will be the only place in this analysis where we use the Crawford number.
Draw a circle of radius around .
If is the associated eigenangle, then this circle is subtended by arcs with angles
It would be nice if the perturbed eigenangles were guaranteed to lie in these arcs (i.e., ). Unfortunately this is not necessarily the case. If one is close to the origin, it will have a large arc which may intersect with other arcs; if this happens, we can’t guarantee that each perturbed eigenangle will remain within its individual arc. We can still say something though.
What follows is somewhat technical, so let’s start with the takeaway conclusion: is larger than any of the lower bounds . In particular, this means that is larger than the th largest of all the lower bounds. That is, if we rearrange the lower bounds in decreasing order , we hace . An entirely analogous argument will give an upper bound, yielding
For those interested in the derivation, read on the in the following optional section:
Derivation of the Mathias–Li Bounds
Since and are diagonal, the eigenvectors of the pair are just the standard basis vectors, the th of which we will denote . The trick will be to use the max-min characterization (1) with the subspace spanned by some collection of basis vectors . Churning through a couple inequalities in quick fashion,23See pg. 17 of the Mathias and Li report. we obtain
Here, denotes the convex hull. Since this holds for every set of indices , it in particular holds for the set of indices which makes the largest. Thus, .
How to Use Mathias–Li’s Perturbation Theory
The eigenangle perturbation bound (4) can be instantiated in a variety of ways. We briefly sketch two. The first is to bound by its minimum over all , which then gives a bound on (and )
Plugging into (4) and simplifying gives
This improves on Stewart’s bound (3) by replacing the Crawford number by ; as Mathias and Li show is always smaller than or equal to and can be much much smaller.24Recall that Mathias and Li’s bound first requires us to do a change of variables where and both become diagonal, which can increase by a factor of . Thus, for an apples-to-apples comparison with Stewart’s theory where and are non-diagonal, (5) should be interpreted as .
For the second instantiation (4), we recognize that if an eigenangle is sufficiently well-separated from other eigenangles (relative to the size of the perturbation and ), then we have and . (The precise instantiation of “sufficiently well-separated” requires some tedious algebra; if you’re interested, see Footnote 7 in Mathias and Li’s paper.25You may also be interested in Corollary 2.2 in this preprint by myself and coauthors.) Under this separation condition, (4) then reduces to
This result improves on Stewart’s result (4) by even more, since we have now replaced the Crawford number by for a sufficiently small perturbation. In fact, a result of this form is nearly as good as one could hope for.26Specifically, the condition number of the eigenangle is , so we know for sufficiently small perturbations we have and is the smallest number for which such a relation holds. Mathias and Li’s theory allows for a statement of this form to be made rigorous for a finite-size perturbation. Again, the only small deficit is the additional factor of “” from the change of variables to diagonal form.
The Elegant Geometry of Generalized Eigenvalue Perturbation Theory
As I said at the start of this post, what fascinates me about this generalized eigenvalue perturbation is the beautiful and elegant geometry. When I saw it for the first time, it felt like a magic trick: a definite generalized eigenvalue problem with real eigenvalues was transformed by sleight of hand into a geometry problem on the complex plane, with solutions involving just a little high school geometry and trigonometry. Upon studying the theory, I began to appreciate it for a different reason. Upon closer examination, the magic trick was revealed to be a sequence of deductions, each logically following naturally from the last. To the pioneers of this subject—Stewart, Sun, Mathias, Li, and others—this sequence of logical deductions was not preordained, and their discovery of this theory doubtlessly required careful thought and leaps of insight. Now that this theory has been discovered, however, we get the benefit of retrospection, and can retell a narrative of this theory where each step follows naturally from the last. When told this way, one almost imagines being able to develop this theory by oneself, where at each stage we appeal to some notion of mathematical elegance (e.g., by treating and symmetrically) or by applying a standard trick (e.g., identifying a pair with the complex number ). Since this theory took several decades to fall into place, we should not let this storytelling exercise fool us into thinking the prospective act of developing a new theory will be as straightforward and linear as this retelling, pruned of dead ends and halts in progress, might suggest.
That said, I do think the development of the perturbation theory of the generalized eigenvalue problem does have a lesson for those of us who seek to develop mathematical theories: be guided by mathematical elegance. At several points in the development of the perturbation theory, we obtained great gains by treating quantities which play a symmetric role in the problem symmetrically in the theory or by treating a pair of real numbers as a complex number and asking how to interpret that complex number. My hope is that this perturbation theory serves as a good example for how letting oneself be guided by intuition, a small array of standard tricks, and a search for elegance can lead one to conceptualize a problem in the right way which leads (after a considerable amount of effort and a few lucky breaks) to a natural solution.
Let’s start our discussion of low-rank matrices with an application. Suppose that there are 1000 weather stations spread across the world, and we record the temperature during each of the 365 days in a year.1I borrow the idea for the weather example from Candes and Plan. If we were to store each of the temperature measurements individually, we would need to store 365,000 numbers. However, we have reasons to believe that significant compression is possible. Temperatures are correlated across space and time: If it’s hot in Arizona today, it’s likely it was warm in Utah yesterday.
If we are particularly bold, we might conjecture that the weather approximately experiences a sinusoidal variation over the course of the year:
For a station , denotes the average temperature of the station and denotes the maximum deviation above or below this station, signed so that it is warmer than average in the Northern hemisphere during June-August and colder-than-average in the Southern hemisphere during these months. The phase shift is chosen so the hottest (or coldest) day in the year occurs at the appropriate time. This model is clearly grossly inexact: The weather does not satisfy a simple sinusoidal model. However, we might plausibly expect it to be fairly informative. Further, we have massively compressed our data, only needing to store the numbers rather than our full data set of 365,000 temperature values.
Let us abstract this approximation procedure in a linear algebraic way. Let’s collect our weather data into a matrix with 1000 rows, one for each station, and 365 columns, one for each day of the year. The entry corresponding to station and day is the temperature at station on day . The approximation Eq. (1) corresponds to the matrix approximation
Let us call the matrix on the right-hand side of Eq. (2) for ease of discussion. When presented in this linear algebraic form, it’s less obvious in what way is simpler than , but we know from Eq. (1) and our previous discussion that is much more efficient to store than . This leads us naturally to the following question: Linear algebraically, in what way is simpler than ?
The answer is that the matrix has low rank. The rank of the matrix is whereas almost certainly possesses the maximum possible rank of . This example is suggestive that low-rank approximation, where we approximate a general matrix by one of much lower rank, could be a powerful tool. But there any many questions about how to use this tool and how widely applicable it is. How can we compress a low-rank matrix? Can we use this compressed matrix in computations? How good of a low-rank approximation can we find? What even is the rank of a matrix?
What is Rank?
Let’s do a quick review of the foundations of linear algebra. At the core of linear algebra is the notion of a linear combination. A linear combination of vectors is a weighted sum of the form , where are scalars2In our case, matrices will be comprised of real numbers, making scalars real numbers as well.. A collection of vectors is linearly independent if there is no linear combination of them which produces the zero vector, except for the trivial -weighted linear combination . If are not linearly independent, then they’re linearly dependent.
The column rank of a matrix is the size of the largest possible subset of ‘s columns which are linearly independent. So if the column rank of is , then there is some sub-collection of columns of which are linearly independent. There may be some different sub-collections of columns from that are linearly dependent, but every collection of columns is guaranteed to be linearly dependent. Similarly, the row rank is defined to be the maximum size of any linearly independent collection of rows taken from . A remarkable and surprising fact is that the column rank and row rank are equal. Because of this, we refer to the column rank and row rank simply as the rank; we denote the rank of a matrix by .
Linear algebra is famous for its multiple equivalent ways of phrasing the same underlying concept, so let’s mention one more way of thinking about the rank. Define the column space of a matrix to consist of the set of all linear combinations of its columns. A basis for the column space is a linear independent collection of elements of the column space of the largest possible size. Every element of the column space can be written uniquely as a linear combination of the elements in a basis. The size of a basis for the column space is called the dimension of the column space. With these last definitions in place, we note that the rank of is also equal to the dimension of the column space of . Likewise, if we define the row space of to consist of all linear combinations of ‘s rows, then the rank of is equal to the dimension of ‘s row space.
The upshot is that if a matrix has a small rank, its many columns (or rows) can be assembled as linear combinations from a much smaller collection of columns (or rows). It is this fact that allows a low-rank matrix to be compressed for algorithmically useful ends.
Rank Factorizations
Suppose we have an matrix which is of rank much smaller than both and . As we saw in the introduction, we expect that such a matrix can be compressed to be stored with many fewer than entries. How can this be done?
Let’s work backwards and start with the answer to this question and then see why it works. Here’s a fact: a matrix of rank can be factored as , where is an matrix and is an matrix. In other words, can be factored as a “thin” matrix with columns times a “fat” matrix with rows. We use the symbols and for these factors to stand for “left” and “right”; we emphasize that and are general and matrices, not necessarily possessing any additional structure.3Readers familiar with numerical linear algebra may instinctively want to assume that and are lower and upper triangular; we do not make this assumption. The fact that we write the second term in this factorization as a transposed matrix “” is unimportant: We adopt a convention where we write a fat matrix as the transpose of a thin matrix. This notational choice is convenient allows us to easily distinguish between thin and fat matrices in formulas; this choice of notation is far from universal. We call a factorization such as a rank factorization.4Other terms, such as full rank factorization or rank-revealing factorization, have been been used to describe the same concept. A warning is that the term “rank-revealing factorization” can also refer to a factorization which encodes a good low-rank approximation to rather than a genuine factorization of .
Rank factorizations are useful as we can compactly store by storing its factors and . This reduces the storage requirements of to numbers down from numbers. For example, if we store a rank factorization of the low-rank approximation from our weather example, we need only store 2,730 numbers rather than 365,000. In addition to compressing , we shall soon see that one can rapidly perform many calculations from the rank factorization without ever forming itself. For these reasons, whenever performing computations with a low-rank matrix, your first step should almost always be to express it using a rank factorization. From there, most computations can be done faster and using less storage.
Having hopefully convinced ourselves of the usefulness of rank factorizations, let us now convince ourselves that every rank- matrix does indeed possess a rank factorization where and have columns. As we recalled in the previous section, since has rank , there is a basis of ‘s column space consisting of vectors . Collect these vectors as columns of an matrix . But since the columns of comprise a basis of the column space of , every column of can be written as a linear combination of the columns of . For example, the th column of can be written as a linear combination , where we suggestively use the labels for the scalar multiples in our linear combination. Collecting these coefficients into a matrix with th entry , we have constructed a factorization . (Check this!)
This construction gives us a look at what a rank factorization is doing. The columns of comprise a basis for the column space of and the rows of comprise a basis for the row space of . Once we fix a “column basis” , the “row basis” is comprised of linear combination coefficients telling us how to assemble the columns of as linear combinations of the columns in .5It is worth noting here that a slightly more expansive definition of rank factorization has also proved useful. In the more general definition, a rank factorization is a factorization of the form where is , is , and is . With this definition, we can pick an arbitrary column basis and row basis . Then, there exists a unique nonsingular “middle” matrix such that . Note that this means there exist many different rank factorizations of a matrix since one may pick different column bases for .6This non-uniqueness means one should take care to compute a rank factorization which is as “nice” as possible (say, by making sure and are as well-conditioned as is possible). If one modifies a rank factorization during the course of an algorithm, one should take care to make sure that the rank factorization remains nice. (As an example of what can go wrong, “unbalancing” between the left and right factors in a rank factorization can lead to convergence problems for optimization problems.)
Now that we’ve convinced ourselves that every matrix indeed has a rank factorization, how do we compute them in practice? In fact, pretty much any matrix factorization will work. If you can think of a matrix factorization you’re familiar with (e.g., LU, QR, eigenvalue decomposition, singular value decomposition,…), you can almost certainly use it to compute a rank factorization. In addition, manydedicatedmethods have been developed for the specific purpose of computing rank factorizations which can have appealing properties which make them great for certain applications.
Let’s focus on one particular example of how a classic matrix factorization, the singular value decomposition, can be used to get a rank factorization. Recall that the singular value decomposition (SVD) of a (real) matrix is a factorization where and are an and (real) orthogonal matrices and is a (possibly rectangular) diagonal matrix with nonnegative, descending diagonal entries . These diagonal entries are referred to as the singular values of the matrix . From the definition of rank, we can see that the rank of a matrix is equal to its number of nonzero singular values. With this observation in hand, a rank factorization of can be obtained by letting be the first columns of and being the first rows of (note that the remaining rows of are zero).
Computing with Rank Factorizations
Now that we have a rank factorization in hand, what is it good for? A lot, in fact. We’ve already seen that one can store a low-rank matrix expressed as a rank factorization using only numbers, down from numbers by storing all of its entries. Similarly, if we want to compute the matrix-vector product for a vector of length , we can compute this product as . This reduces the operation count down from operations to operations using the rank factorization. As a general rule of thumb, when we have something expressed as a rank factorization, we can usually expect to reduce our operation count (and storage costs) from something proportional to (or worse) down to something proportional to .
Let’s try something more complicated. Say we want to compute an SVD of . In the previous section, we computed a rank factorization of using an SVD, but suppose now we computed in some other way. Our goal is to “upgrade” the general rank factorization into an SVD of . Computing the SVD of a general matrix requires operations (expressed in big O notation). Can we do better? Unfortunately, there’s a big roadblock for us: We need operations even to write down the matrices and , which already prevents us from achieving an operation count proportional to like we’re hoping for. Fortunately, in most applications, only the first columns of and are important. Thus, we can change our goal to compute a so-called economy SVD of , which is a factorization , where and are and matrices with orthonormal columns and is a diagonal matrix listing the nonzero singular values of in decreasing order.
Let’s see how to upgrade a rank factorization into an economy SVD . Let’s break our procedure into steps:
Compute (economy7The economy QR factorization of an thin matrix is a factorization where is an matrix with orthonormal columns and is a upper triangular matrix. The economy QR factorization is sometimes also called a thin or compact QR factorization, and can be computed in operations.) QR factorizations of and : and . Reader beware: We call the “” factor in the QR factorizations of and to be and , as we have already used the letter to denote the second factor in our rank factorization.
Compute the small matrix .
Compute an SVD of .
Set and .
By following the procedure line-by-line, one can check that indeed the matrices and have orthonormal columns and , so this procedure indeed computes an economy SVD of . Let’s see why this approach is also faster. Let’s count operations line-by-line:
Economy QR factorization of an and matrix require and operations.
The product of two matrices requires operations.
The SVD of an matrix requires operations.
The products of a and a matrix by matrices requires and operations.
Accounting for all the operations, we see the operation count is , a significant improvement over the operations for a general matrix.8We can ignore the term of order since so is .
As the previous examples show, many (if not most) things we want to compute from a low-rank matrix can be dramatically more efficiently computed using its rank factorization. The strategy is simple in principle, but can be subtle to execute: Whatever you do, avoid explicitly computing the product at all costs. Instead, compute with the matrices and directly, only operating on , , and matrices.
Another important type of computation one can perform with low-rank matrices are low-rank updates, where we have already solved a problem for a matrix and we want to re-solve it efficiently with the matrix where has low rank. If is expressed in a rank factorization, very often we can do this efficiently as well, as we discuss in the following bonus section. As this is somewhat more niche, the uninterested reader should feel free to skip this and continue to the next section.
Low-rank Updates
Suppose we’ve solved a system of linear equations by computing an LU factorization of the matrix . We now wish to solve the system of linear equations , where is a low-rank matrix expressed as a rank factorization . Our goal is to do this without recomputing a new factorization from scratch.
The first solution uses the Sherman-Morrison-Woodbury formula, which has a nice proof via the Schur complement and block Gaussian elimination which I described here. In our case, the formula yields
where and denote the and identity matrices. This formula can easily verified by multiplying with and confirming one indeed recovers the identity matrix. This formula suggests the following approach to solving . First, use our already-computed LU factorization for to compute . (This involves solving linear systems of the form to compute each column of from each column of .) We then compute an LU factorization of the much smaller matrix . Finally, we use our factorization of once more to compute , from which our solution is given by
The net result is we solved our rank--updated linear system using solutions of the original linear system with no need to recompute any factorizations of matrices. We’ve reduced the solution of the system to an operation count of which is dramatically better than the operation count of recomputing the LU factorization from scratch.
This simple example demonstrates a broader pattern: Usually if a matrix problem took to solve originally, one can usually solve the problem after a rank- update in an additional time of only something like operations.9Sometimes, this goal of can be overly optimistic. For symmetric eigenvalue problems, for instance, the operation count may be a bit larger by a (poly)logarithmic factor—say something like . An operation count like this still represents a dramatic improvement over the operation count of recomputing by scratch. For instance, not only can we solve rank--updated linear systems in operations, but we can actually update the LU factorization itself in operations. Similar updates exist for Cholesky, QR, symmetric eigenvalue, and singular value decompositions to update these factorizations in operations.
An important caveat is that, as always with linear algebraic computations, it’s important to read the fine print. There are many algorithms for computing low-rank updates to different matrix factorizations with dramatically different accuracy properties. Just because in principle rank-updated versions of these factorizations can be computed doesn’t mean it’s always advisable. With this qualification stated, these ways of updating matrix computations with low-rank updates can be a powerful tool in practice and reinforce the computational benefits of low-rank matrices expressed via rank factorizations.
Low-rank Approximation
As we’ve seen, computing with low-rank matrices expressed as rank factorizations can yield significant computational savings. Unfortunately, many matrices in application are not low-rank. In fact, even if a matrix in an application is low-rank, the small rounding errors we incur in storing it on a computer may destroy the matrix’s low rank, increasing its rank to the maximum possible value of . The solution in this case is straightforward: approximate our high-rank matrix with a low-rank one, which we express in algorithmically useful form as a rank factorization.
Here’s one simple way of constructing low-rank approximations. Start with a matrix and compute a singular value decomposition of , . Recall from two sections previous that the rank of the matrix is equal to its number of nonzero singular values. But what if ‘s singular values aren’t exactly zero, but they’re very small? It seems reasonable to expect that is nearly low-rank in this case. Indeed, this intuition is true. To approximate a low-rank matrix, we can truncate‘s singular value decomposition by setting ‘s small singular values to zero. If we zero out all but the largest singular values of , this procedure results in a rank- matrix which approximates . If the singular values that we zeroed out were tiny, then will be very close to and the low-rank approximation is accurate. This matrix is called an -truncated singular value decomposition of , and it is easy to represent it using a rank factorization once we have already computed an SVD of .
It is important to remember that low-rank approximations are, just as the name says, approximations. Not every matrix is well-approximated by one of small rank. A matrix may be excellently approximated by a rank-100 matrix and horribly approximated by a rank-90 matrix. If an algorithm uses a low-rank approximation as a building block, then the approximation error (the difference between and its low-rank approximation ) and its propagations through further steps of the algorithm need to be analyzed and controlled along with other sources of error in the procedure.
Despite this caveat, low-rank approximations can be startlingly effective. Many matrices occurring in practice can be approximated to negligible error by a matrix with very modestly-sized rank. We shall return to this surprising ubiquity of approximately low-rank matrices at the end of the article.
We’ve seen one method for computing low-rank approximations, the truncated singular value decomposition. As we shall see in the next section, the truncated singular value decomposition produces excellent low-rank approximations, the best possible in a certain sense, in fact. As we mentioned above, almost every matrix factorization can be used to compute rank factorizations. Can these matrix factorizations also compute high quality low-rank approximations?
Let’s consider a specific example to see the underlying ideas. Say we want to compute a low-rank approximation to a matrix by a QR factorization. To do this, we want to compute a QR factorization and then throw away all but the first columns of and the first rows of . This will be a good approximation if the rows we discard from are “small” compared to the rows of we keep. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. As a worst case example, if the first columns of are zero, then the first rows of will definitely be zero and the low-rank approximation computed this way is worthless.
We need to modify something to give QR factorization a fighting chance for computing good low-rank approximations. The simplest way to do this is by using column pivoting, where we shuffle the columns of around to bring columns of the largest size “to the front of the line” as we computing the QR factorization. QR factorization with column pivoting produces excellent low-rank approximations in a large number of cases, but it can still give poor-quality approximations for some special examples. For this reason, numerical analysts have developed so-called strong rank-revealing QR factorizations, such as the one developed by Gu and Eisenstat, which are guaranteed to compute quite good low-rank approximations for every matrix . Similarly, there exists a strong rank-revealing LU factorizations which can compute good low-rank approximations using LU factorization.
The upshot is that most matrix factorizations you know and love can be used to compute good-quality low-rank approximations, possibly requiring extra tricks like row or column pivoting. But this simple summary, and the previous discussion, leaves open important questions: what do we mean by good-quality low-rank approximations? How good can a low-rank approximation be?
Best Low-rank Approximation
As we saw in the last section, one way to approximate a matrix by a lower rank matrix is by a truncated singular value decomposition. In fact, in some sense, this is the best way of approximating a matrix by one of lower rank. This fact is encapsulated in a theorem commonly referred to as the Eckart–Young theorem, though the essence of the result is originally due to Schmidt and the modern version of the result to Mirsky.10A nice history of the Eckart–Young theorem is provided in the book Matrix Perturbation Theory by Stewart and Sun.
But what do we mean by best approximation? One ingredient we need is a way of measuring how big the discrepancy between two matrices is. Let’s define a measure of the size of a matrix which we will call ‘s norm, which we denote as . If is a matrix and is a low-rank approximation to it, then is a good approximation to if the norm is small. There might be many different ways of measuring the size of the error, but we have to insist on a couple of properties on our norm for it to really define a sensible measure of size. For instance if the norm of a matrix is , then the norm of should be . A list of the properties we require a norm to have are listed on the Wikipedia page for norms. We shall also insist on one more property for our norm: the norm should be unitarily invariant.11Note that every unitarily invariant norm is a special type of vector norm (called a symmetric gauge function) evaluated on the singular values of the matrix. What this means is the norm of a matrix remains the same if it is multiplied on the left or right by an orthogonal matrix. This property is reasonable since multiplication by orthogonal matrices geometrically represents a rotation or reflection12This is not true in dimensions higher than 2, but it gives the right intuition that orthogonal matrices preserve distances. which preserves distances between points, so it makes sense that we should demand that the size of a matrix as measured by our norm does not change by such multiplications. Two important and popular matrix norms satisfy the unitarily invariant property: the Frobenius norm and the spectral (or operator 2-) norm, which measures the largest singular value.13Both the Frobenius and spectral norms are examples of an important subclass of unitarily invariant norms called Schatten norms. Another example of a Schatten norm, important in matrix completion, is the nuclear norm (sum of the singular values).
With this preliminary out of the way, the Eckart–Young theorem states that the truncated singular value decomposition of truncated to rank is the closest of all rank- matrices when distances are measured using any unitarily invariant norm . If we let denote the -truncated singular value decomposition of , then the Eckart–Young theorem states that
Less precisely, the -truncated singular value decomposition is the best rank- approximation to a matrix.
Let’s unpack the Eckart–Young theorem using the spectral and Frobenius norms. In this context, a brief calculation and the Eckart–Young theorem proves that for any rank- matrix , we have
where are the singular values of . This bound is quite intuitive. The error in low-rank approximation will be “small” when we measure the error in the spectral norm when each singular value we zero out is “small”. When we measure error in the Frobenius norm, the error in low-rank approximation is “small” when all of the singular values we zero out are “small” in aggregate when squared and added together.
The Eckart–Young theorem shows that possessing a good low-rank approximation is equivalent to the singular values rapidly decaying.14At least when measured in unitarily invariant norms. A surprising result shows that even the identity matrix, whose singular values are all equal to one, has good low-rank approximations in the maximum entrywise absolute value norm; see, e.g., Theorem 1.0 in this article. If a matrix does not have nice singular value decay, no good low-rank approximation exists, computed by the -truncated SVD or otherwise.
Why Are So Many Matrices (Approximately) Low-rank?
As we’ve seen, we can perform computations with low-rank matrices represented using rank factorizations much faster than general matrices. But all of this would be a moot point if low-rank matrices rarely occurred in practice. But in fact precisely the opposite is true: Approximately low-rank matrices occur all the time in practice.
Sometimes, exact low-rank matrices appear for algebraic reasons. For instance, when we perform one step Gaussian elimination to compute an factorization, the lower right portion of the eliminated matrix, the so-called Schur complement, is a rank-one update to the original matrix. In such cases, a rank- matrix might appear in a computation when one performs steps of some algebraic process: The appearance of low-rank matrices in such cases is unsurprising.
However, often, matrices appearing in applications are (approximately) low-rank for analytic reasons instead. Consider the weather example from the start again. One might reasonably model the temperature on Earth as a smooth function of position and time . If we then let denote the position on Earth of station and the time representing the th day of a given year, then the entries of the matrix are given by . As discussed in my article on smoothness and degree of approximation, a smooth function function of one variable can be excellently approximated by, say, a polynomial of low degree. Analogously, a smooth function depending on two arguments, such as our function , can be excellently be approximated by a separable expansion of rank :
Similar to functions of a single variable, the degree to which a function can to be approximated by a separable function of small rank depends on the degree smoothness of the function . Assuming the function is quite smooth, then can be approximated has a separable expansion of small rank . This leads immediately to a low-rank approximation to the matrix given by the rank factorization
Thus, in the context of our weather example, we see that the data matrix can be expected to be low-rank under the reasonable-sounding assumption that the temperature depends smoothly on space and time.
What does this mean in general? Let’s speak informally. Suppose that the th entries of a matrix are samples from a smooth function for points and . Then we can expect that will be approximately low-rank. From a computational point of view, we don’t need to know a separable expansion for the function or even the form of the function itself: If the smooth function exists and is sampled from it, then is approximately low-rank and we can find a low-rank approximation for using the truncated singular value decomposition.15Note here an important subtlety. A more technically precise version of what we’ve stated here is that: if depending on inputs and is sufficiently smooth for in the product of compact regions and , then an matrix with and will be low-rank in the sense that it can be approximated to accuracy by a rank- matrix where grows slowly as and increase and decreases. Note that, phrased this way, the low-rank property of is asymptotic in the size and and the accuracy . If is not smooth on the entirety of the domain or the size of the domains and grow with and , these asymptotic results may no longer hold. And if and are small enough or is large enough, may not be well approximated by a matrix of small rank. Only when there are enough rows and columns will meaningful savings from low-rank approximation be possible.
This “smooth function” explanation for the prevalence of low-rank matrices is the reason for the appearance of low-rank matrices in fast multipole method-type fast algorithms in computational physics and has been proposed16This article considers piecewise analytic functions rather than smooth functions; the principle is more-or-less the same. as a general explanation for the prevalence of low-rank matrices in data science.
(Another explanation for low-rank structure for highly structured matrices like Hankel, Toeplitz, and Cauchy matrices17Computations with these matrices can often also be accelerated with other approaches than low-rank structure; see my post on the fast Fourier transform for a discussion of fast Toeplitz matrix-vector products. which appear in control theory applications has a different explanation involving a certain Sylvester equation; see this lecture for a great explanation.)
Upshot: A matrix is low-rank if it has many fewer linearly independent columns than columns. Such matrices can be efficiently represented using rank-factorizations, which can be used to perform various computations rapidly. Many matrices appearing in applications which are not genuinely low-rank can be well-approximated by low-rank matrices; the best possible such approximation is given by the truncated singular value decomposition. The prevalence of low-rank matrices in diverse application areas can partially be explained by noting that matrices sampled from smooth functions are approximately low-rank.
In this post, I want to answer a simple question: how can randomness help in solving a deterministic (non-random) problem?
Let’s start by defining some terminology. An algorithm is just a precisely defined procedure to solve a problem. For example, one algorithm to compute the integral of a function on the interval is to pick 100 equispaced points on this interval and output the Riemann sum . A randomized algorithm is simply an algorithm which uses, in some form, randomly chosen quantities. For instance, a randomized algorithm1This randomized algorithm is an example of the strategy of Monte Carlo integration, which has proved particularly effective at computing integrals of functions on high-dimensional spaces. for computing integrals would be to pick 100 random points uniformly distributed in the interval and output the average . To help to distinguish, an algorithm which does not use randomness is called a deterministic algorithm.
This may seem puzzling and even paradoxical. There is no randomness in, say, a system of linear equations, so why should introducing randomness help solve such a problem? It can seem very unintuitive that leaving a decision in an algorithm up to chance would be better than making an informed (and non-random) choice. Why do randomized algorithms work so well; what is the randomness actually buying us?
A partial answer to this question is that it can be very costly to choose the best possible option at runtime for an algorithm. Often, a random choice is “good enough”.
A Case Study: Quicksort
Consider the example of quicksort. Given a list of integers to sort in increasing order, quicksort works by selecting an element to be the pivot and then divides the elements of the list into groups larger and smaller than the pivot. One then recurses on the two groups, ending up with a sorted list.
The best choice of pivot is the median of the list, so one might naturally think that one should use the median as the pivot for quicksort. The problem with this reasoning is that finding the median is time-consuming; even using the fastest possible median-finding algorithm,3There is an algorithm guaranteed to find the median in time, which is asymptotically fast as this problem could possibly be solved since any median-finding algorithm must in general look at the entire list.quicksort with exact median pivot selection isn’t very quick. However, one can show quicksort with a pivot selected (uniformly) at random achieves the same expected runtime as quicksort with optimal pivot selection and is much faster in practice.4In fact, is the fastest possible runtime for any comparison sorting algorithm.
But perhaps we have given up on fast deterministic pivot selection in quicksort too soon. What if we just pick the first entry of the list as the pivot? This strategy usually works fairly well too, but it runs into an unfortunate shortfall: if one feeds in a sorted list, the first-element pivot selection is terrible, resulting in a algorithm. If one feeds in a list in a random order, the first-element pivot selection has a expected runtime,5Another way of implementing randomized quicksort is to first randomize the list and then always pick the first entry as the pivot. This is fully equivalent to using quicksort with random pivot selection in the given ordering. Note that randomizing the order of the list before its sorted is still a randomized algorithm because, naturally, randomness is needed to randomize order. but for certain specific orderings (in this case, e.g., the sorted ordering) the runtime is a disappointing . The first-element pivot selection is particularly bad since its nemesis ordering is the common-in-practice already-sorted ordering. But other simple deterministic pivot selections are equally bad. If one selects, for instance, the pivot to be the entry in the position , then we can still come up with an ordering of the input list that makes the algorithm run in time . And because the algorithm is deterministic, it runs in time every time with such-ordered inputs. If the lists we need to sort in our code just happen to be bad for our deterministic pivot selection strategy, quicksort will be slow every time.
We typically analyze algorithms based on their worst-case performance. And this can often be unfair to algorithms. Some algorithms work excellently in practice but are horribly slow on manufactured examples which never occur in “real life”.6The simplex algorithm is an example of algorithm which is often highly effective in practice, but can take a huge amount of time on some pathological cases. But average-case analysis of algorithms, where one measures the average performance of an algorithm over a distribution of inputs, can be equally misleading. If one were swayed by the average-case analysis of the previous section for quicksort with first-element pivot selection, one would say that this should be an effective pivot selection in practice. But sorting an already-sorted or nearly-sorted list occurs all the time in practice: how many times do programmers read in a sorted list from a data source and sort it again just to be safe? In real life, we don’t encounter random inputs to our algorithms: we encounter a very specific distribution of inputs specific to the application we use the algorithm in. An algorithm with excellent average-case runtime analysis is of little use to me if it is consistently and extremely slow every time I run it on my input data on the problem I’m working on. This discussion isn’t meant to disparage average-case analysis (indeed, very often the “random input” model is not too far off), but to explain why worst-case guarantees for algorithms can still be important.
To summarize, often we have a situation where we have an algorithm which makes some choice (e.g. pivot selection). A particular choice usually works well for a randomly chosen input, but can be stymied by certain specific inputs. However, we don’t get to pick which inputs we receive, and it is fully possible the user will always enter inputs which are bad for our algorithms. Here is where randomized algorithms come in. Since we are unable to randomize the input, we instead randomize the algorithm.
A randomized algorithm can be seen as a random selection from a collection of deterministic algorithms. Each individual deterministic algorithm may be confounded by an input, but most algorithms in the collection will do well on any given input. Thus, by picking a random algorithm from our collection, the probability of poor algorithmic performance is small. And if we run our randomized algorithm on an input and it happens to do poorly by chance, if we run it again it is unlikely to do so; there isn’t a specific input we can create which consistently confounds our randomized algorithm.
The Game Theory Framework
Let’s think about algorithm design as a game. The game has two players: you and an opponent. The game is played by solving a certain algorithmic problem, and the game has a score which quantifies how effectively the problem was solved. For example, the score might be the runtime of the algorithm, the amount of space required, or the error of a computed quantity. For simplicity of discussion, let’s use runtime as an example for this discussion. You have to pay your opponent a dollar for every second of runtime, so you want to have the runtime be as low as possible.7In this scenario, we consider algorithms which always produce the correct answer to the problem, and it is only a matter of how long it takes to do so. In the field of algorithms, randomized algorithms of this type are referred to as Las Vegas algorithms. Algorithms which can also give the wrong answer with some (hopefully small) probability are referred to as Monte Carlo algorithms.
Each player makes one move. Your move is to present an algorithm which solves the problem. Your opponent’s move is to provide an input to your algorithm. Your algorithm is then run on your opponents input and you pay your opponent a dollar for every second of runtime.
This setup casts algorithm design as a two-person, zero-sum game. It is a feature of such games that a player’s optimal strategy is often mixed, picking a move at random subject to some probability distribution over all possible moves.
To see why this is the case, let’s consider a classic and very simple game: rock paper scissors. If I use a deterministic strategy, then I am forced to pick one choice, say rock, and throw it every time. But then my savvy opponent could pick paper and be assured victory. By randomizing my strategy and selecting between rock, paper, and scissors (uniformly) at random, I improve my odds to winning a third of the time, losing a third of the time, and drawing a third of the time. Further, there is no way my opponent can improve their luck by adopting a different strategy. This strategy is referred to as minimax optimal: among all (mixed) strategies I could adopt, this strategy has the best performance over all strategies provided my opponent always counters my strategy with the best response strategy they can find.
Algorithm design is totally analogous. For the pivot selection problem, if I pick a the fixed strategy of choosing the first entry to be the pivot (analogous to always picking rock), then my opponent could always give me a sorted list (analogous to always picking paper) and I would always lose. My randomizing my pivot selection, my opponent could input the list in whatever order they choose and my pivot selection will always have the excellent (expected) runtime characteristic of quicksort. In fact, randomized pivot selection is the minimax optimal pivot selection strategy (assuming pivot selection is non-adaptive in that we don’t choose the pivot based on the values in the list).8This is not to say that quicksort with randomized pivot selection is necessarily the minimax optimal sorting algorithm, but to say that once we have fixed quicksort as our sorting algorithm, randomized pivot selection is the minimax optimal non-adaptive pivot selection strategy for quicksort.
How Much Does Randomness Buy?
Hopefully, now, the utility of randomness is less opaque. Randomization, in effect, allows an algorithm designer to trade algorithm which runs fast for most inputs all of the time for an algorithm which runs fast for all inputs most of the time. They do this by introducing randomized decision-making to hedge against particular bad inputs which could confound their algorithm.
Randomness, of course, is not a panacea. Randomness does not allow us to solve every algorithmic problem arbitrarily fast. But how can we quantify this? Are there algorithmic speed limits for computational problems for which no algorithm, randomized or not, can exceed?
The game theoretic framework for randomized algorithms can shed light on this question. Let us return to the framing of last section where you choose an algorithm , your opponent chooses an input , and you pay your opponent a dollar for every second of runtime. Since this cost depends on the algorithm and the input, we can denote the cost .
Suppose you devise a randomized algorithm for this task, which can be interpreted as selecting an algorithm from a probability distribution over the class of all algorithms which solve the problem. (Less formally, we assign each possible algorithm a probability of picking it and pick one subject to these probabilities.) Once your opponent sees your randomized algorithm (equivalently, the distribution ), they can come up with the on-average slowest possible input and present it to your algorithm.
But now let’s switch places to see things from your opponent. Suppose they choose their own strategy of randomly selecting an input from among all inputs with some distribution . Once you see the distribution , you can come up with the best possible deterministic algorithm to counter their strategy.
The next part gets a bit algebraic. Suppose now we apply your randomized algorithm against your opponents strategy. Then, your randomized algorithm could only take longer on average than because, by construction, is the fastest possible algorithm against the input distribution . Symbolically, we have
Here, and denote the average (expected) value of a random quantity when an input is drawn randomly with distribution or an algorithm is drawn randomly with distribution . But we know that is the slowest input for our randomized algorithm, so, on average, our randomized algorithm will take longer on worst-case input then a random input from . In symbols,
In words, the average performance of any randomized algorithm on its worst-case input can be no better than the average performance of the best possible deterministic algorithm for adistribution of inputs.10In fact, there is a strengthening of Yao’s minimax principle. That Eqs. (1) and (2) are equalities when and are taken to be the minimax optimal randomized algorithm and input distribution, respectively. Specifically, assuming the cost is a natural number and we restrict to a finite class of potential inputs, This nontrivial fact is a consequence of the full power of the von Neumann’s minimax theorem, which itself is a consequence of strong duality in linear programming. My thanks go to Professor Leonard Schulman for teaching me this result.
This, in effect, allows the algorithm analyst seeking to prove “no randomized algorithm can do better than this” to trade randomness in the algorithm to randomness in the input in their analysis. This is a great benefit because randomness in an algorithm can be used in arbitrarily complicated ways, whereas random inputs can be much easier to understand. To prove any randomized algorithm takes at least cost to solve a problem, the algorithm analyst can find a distribution on which every deterministic algorithm takes at least cost . Note that Yao’s minimax principle is an analytical tool, not an algorithmic tool. Yao’s principle establishes speed limits on the best possible randomized algorithm: it does not imply that one can just use deterministic algorithms and assume or make the input to be random.
There is a fundamental question concerning the power of randomized algorithms not answered by Yao’s principle that is worth considering: how much better can randomized algorithms be than deterministic ones? Could infeasible problems for deterministic computations be solved tractably by randomized algorithms?
Questions such as these are considered in the field of computational complexity theory. In this context, one can think of a problem as tractably solvable if it can be solved in polynomial time—that is, in an amount of time proportional to a polynomial function of the size of the input. Very roughly, we call the class of all such problems to be . If one in addition allows randomness, we call this class of problems.11More precisely, is the class of problems solvable in polynomial time by a Monte Carlo randomized algorithm. The class of problems solvable in polynomial time by a Las Vegas randomized algorithm, which we’ve focused on for the duration of this article, is a possibly smaller class called .
It has widely been conjectured that : all problems that can be tractably solved with randomness can tractably be solved without. There is some convincing evidence for this belief. Thus, provided this conjecture turns out to be true, randomness can give us reductions in operation counts by a polynomial amount in the input size for problems already in , but they cannot efficiently solve -hard computational problems like the traveling salesman problem.12Assuming the also quite believable conjecture that .
So let’s return to the question which is also this article’s title: why randomized algorithms? Because randomized algorithms are often faster. Why, intuitively, is this the case? Randomization can us to upgrade simple algorithms that are great for most inputs to randomized algorithms which are great most of the time for all inputs. How much can randomization buy? A randomized algorithm on its worst input can be no better than a deterministic algorithm on a worst-case distribution. Assuming a widely believed and theoretically supported, but not yet proven, conjecture, randomness can’t make intractable problems into tractable ones. Still, there is great empirical evidence that randomness can be an immensely effective algorithm design tool in practice, including computational math and science problems like trace estimation and solving Laplacian linear systems.
I’m delighted to share that my first applied mathematics paper, Minimal Rank Completions for Overlapping Blocks, coauthored with Nithin Govindarajan and Shivkumar Chandrasekaran, has been accepted for publication in Linear Algebra and its Applications. (We also have a preprint on arXiv.) In this post, I wanted to share what our paper is about and share an alternate derivation which ended up being cut from the final paper.
Our paper is concerned with the following question: given a collection of matrices which overlap in a particular way, can we choose the region of simultaneous overlap so as to minimize the rank of each of the individual matrices? This is a multi-objective optimization problem, so a priori it is not clear it has a simultaneous solution. So it was of great surprise to us when we discovered that it does. In fact, we were able to find a tractable algorithm to find all solutions to this multi-objective problem.
Our enormous thanks go to the anonymous reviewer, who went above and beyond by discovering and sketching to us a dramatically shorter and more revealing proof1In particular, our original proof only produced some solutions to this problem, where the reviewer’s improved proof strategy allowed us to characterize all solutions. of our main theorem. We are truly indebted to this extraordinary reviewer for the significantly streamlined and more understandable presentation in the current iteration of our paper.
For the remainder of this post, I want to discuss minimal rank completions in a little more generality and present a solution to a special case of a minimal rank completion problem which can be tractably solved. I will present a solution to this problem we discovered which I have not seen elsewhere in the literature. I hope that this perspective will be complementary to existing solutions to this problem published in the literature including the summary of this result in our paper.
Minimal Rank Completion Problems
Minimal rank completions have achieved a lot of buzz in statistics and data science. Given a matrix with unknown entries, it is often very natural to impute the missing entries as those minimizing the rank of the matrix. This is justified by a kind of Occam’s razor argument: big data matrices are very often (approximately) low-rank, so when data is missing, we may assume it takes whatever values are necessary to minimize the rank.
Alternately, if the missing entries belong to a special pattern, it may be possible to find the rank-minimizing choice of the unknown entries using linear algebraic tools like matrix factorizations. These approaches have significantly more limited domains of applicability than optimization-based approaches, but have advantages in that they
can be more tractable as they involve matrix factorizations rather than solving optimization problems;
can find all ways of choosing the entries to minimize the rank, in particular certifying or dis-certifying the uniqueness of the rank-minimizing choice; and
are guaranteed to find the rank-minimizer, without any statistical assumptions.
These algebraic methods have their roots in systems theory, integral operators, and rank-structured matrices. The last of these was the application which motivated our interest in the subject.
Our paper concerns an overlapping variant of this problem, where we simultaneously minimize the ranks of several matrices by choosing the entries in the overlap carefully. This problem emerged to us naturally in the construction of certain matrix representations, and we hope it might prove useful in tackling other problems. As it turns out, the overlapping problem can be solved very much in the spirit of a much simpler problem, the block minimal rank completion problem, which we will spend most of the remainder of this post discussing.
A Solution to the Block 2×2 Case
The block minimal rank completion problem is as follows: given a partially filled block matrix
how can the “?” be filled in to minimize the rank of this matrix?
A generalized version of this problem was originally solved by Kaashoek and Woerdeman. An alternate derivation using matrix factorizations is given by Eidelman, Gohberg, and Haimovici, though they only find some of the solutions to this problem. We seek to characterize all ways of choosing the “?” so that the rank is minimize the rank.
Here, I present the solution to this problem which my coauthors and I originally discovered, which is different than the one we summarize in the final version of our paper.2This construction does appear in Section 4 of an initial preprint of ours on rank-structured matrices. This solution is in the spirit of the one by Eidelman, Gohberg, and Haimovici but does produce all solutions.
Let’s start by recalling some facts about linear algebra. Given an real3The analysis in this discussion holds over any field, but we shall use the real numbers for concreteness. matrix , one can define its column space, which I will denote , to be the vector space consist of all linear combinations of the columns of . From this column space, or indeed any vector subspace of , one can extract a basis for this subspace, meaning every vector in the subspace can be uniquely decomposed as a linear combination of elements from the basis. In this discussion, we shall always arrange the basis vectors as columns of a basis matrix . If we instead consider the row space of , then we arrange the elements of a basis as rows of a matrix .
Before we solve the problem, let’s reason about the lowest possible rank we could possibly expect for the completed matrix. Since the rank of a matrix can be no smaller than the rank of any of its submatrices, clearly we must have that, for any assignment of the “?”,
However, in general, the rank of the completed matrix must be higher than , as is exemplified when and are both zero but is not. In addition to rank of , we must also account for rows of which cannot be written as linear combinations of the rows above, no matter how is chosen. With a little noodling, one can convince oneself that there are always at least such rows, leading to the bound
We shall show that, by judicious choice of , Eq. (3) can always be achieved with equality, making the minimal rank for this completion problem.
Let us now find such a rank-minimizing . The construction begins by considering the column spaces and of the matrices and . The intersection of these column spaces is again a vector subspace, and we choose a basis for it. The subspace might have a smaller size than . Therefore, to find a basis for , we can extend the basis by adding new columns to it so that the enlarged matrix forms a basis for . Similarly, we can find new columns to add to so that the matrix forms a basis for .
Now comes something subtle. Since forms a basis for , every column in can be written as a linear combination of columns in . In matrix language, this means there exists a matrix such that —in fact, this exact forms a basis for . Since is divided into two collections of columns, it is only natural to similarly (and conformally) divide into two pieces as . Thus, doing the same with as we did with , we obtain two matrix factorizations
Now we do the same song and dance with the row spaces of and . Let’s go through the construction somewhat quickly. We start with a basis for the intersection of . We then extend these to bases and for and . From here, we derive the existence of matrix factorizations analogous to Eq. (4):
For the next part, we shall take advantage of a powerful fact: if I have a bases and for the row and column spaces of a matrix , there exists a nonsingular matrix for which . Applying this fact to the bases and for ‘s column and row spaces, we get the existence of a matrix such that
We now have all ingredients to describe the solution. Rather than trying to “derive” the solution in a rigorous way, let us try and discover the solution in a non-rigorous way and justify our work later. We’re hoping to find assignments of the “?” such that achieves the minimum possible rank defined in Eq. (3). To do so, let’s try and find a rank factorization of the completed matrix and then infer what values will take. First off, let’s build a rank factorization for using the building blocks we’ve already built
Now we want to extend this to a rank factorization for the entire completed matrix. Let’s build up to this in stages, denoting by entries whose value we have yet to determine. For us to have a hope of representing the matrix , we’ll need to somehow add into our rank factorization. Doing exactly this, we get the partially specified rank factorization
Now, to fill in the second block row of the left factor, we recall that . From Eqs. (5) and (6), we deduce that . Thus, we can fill in more entries:
With these entries filled in, the remaining ‘s can be chosen arbitrarily. Assigning names and to these free variables, we conclude that
From all the analysis previous, we know that all ‘s of the form Eq. (11) solve the minimal rank completion problem, making the completed matrix achieve the minimal rank defined in Eq. (3). With a little more elbow grease, one can also confirm that all such minimal completions are of the form Eq. (11), proving that Eq. (11) indeed characterizes all solutions to the minimal rank completion problem. This completes the characterization and construction of the complete set of minimizers to the block minimal rank completion problem.
The Overlapping Block Minimal Rank Completion Problem
If you found this post interesting, be sure to check out our paper (or here on arXiv) for an explanation of a different way of thinking about the solution of the block minimal rank completion problem and a solution to a more general “overlapping” variant. The treatment should be reasonably self-contained, and we hope the solution to this problem could prove a useful tool in tackling open problems in systems theory and the study of rank-structured matrices.
The famous law of the instrument states that “when all you have is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail.” In general, this tendency is undesirable: most problems in life are not nails and could better be addressed by a more appropriate tool. However, one can also review the law of the instrument in a more positive framing: when presented with a powerful new tool, it is worth checking how many problems it can solve. The fast Fourier transform (FFT) is one of the most important hammers in an applied mathematician’s toolkit. And it has made many seemingly unrelated problems look like nails.
In this article, I want to consider three related questions:
What is the FFT—what problem is it solving and how does it solve it fast?
How can the ideas behind the FFT be used to solve other problems?
How can the FFT be used as a building block in solving a seemingly unrelated problem?
The FFT is widely considered one of the most important numerical algorithms, and as such every sub-community of applied mathematics is inclined to see the most interesting applications of the FFT as those in their particular area. I am unapologetically victim to this tendency myself, and thus will discuss an application of the FFT that I find particularly beautiful and surprising. In particular, this article won’t focus on the manifold applications of the FFT in signal processing, which I think has been far better covered by authors more familiar with that field.
The Discrete Fourier Transform
At its core, the FFT is a fast algorithm to compute complex numbers given real or complex numbers defined by the formula1The factor of is not universal. It is common to omit the factor in (1) and replace the in Eq. (2) with a . We prefer this convention as it makes the DFT a unitary transformation. When working with Fourier analysis, it is important to choose formulas for the (discrete) Fourier transform and the inverse (discrete) Fourier transform which form a pair in the sense they are inverses of each other.
The outputs is called the discrete Fourier transform (DFT) of . The FFT is just one possible algorithm to evaluate the DFT.
The DFT has the following interpretation. Suppose that is a periodic function defined on the integers with period —that is, for every integer . Choose to be the values of given by for . Then, in fact, gives an expression for as a so-called trigonometric polynomial2The name “trigonometric polynomial” is motivated by Euler’s formula which shows that , so indeed the right-hand side of Eq. (2) is indeed a “polynomial” in the “variables” and :
This shows that (1) converts function values of a periodic function to coefficients of a trigonometric polynomial representation of , which can be called the Fourier series of . Eq. (2), referred to as the inverse discrete Fourier transform, inverts this, converting coefficients to function values .
Fourier series are an immensely powerful tool in applied mathematics. For example again, if represents a sound wave produced by a chord on a piano, its Fourier coefficients represents the intensity of each pitch comprising the chord. An audio engineer could, for example, compute a Fourier series for a piece of music and zero out Fourier coefficients, thus reducing the amount of data needed to store a piece of music. This idea is indeed part of the way audio compression standards like MP3 work. In addition to many more related applications in signal processing, the Fourier series is also a natural way to solve differential equations, either by pencil and paper or by computer via so-called Fourier spectral methods. As these applications (and more to follow) show, the DFT is a very useful computation to perform. The FFT allows us to perform this calculation fast.
The Fast Fourier Transform
The first observation to make is that Eq. (1) is a linear transformation: if we think of Eq. (1) as describing a transformation , then we have that . Recall the crucial fact from linear algebra that every linear transformation can be represented by a matrix-vector muliplication.3At least in finite dimensions; the story for infinite-dimensional vector spaces is more complicated. In my experience, one of the most effective algorithm design strategies in applied mathematics is, when presented with a linear transformation, to write its matrix down and poke and prod it to see if there are any patterns in the numbers which can be exploited to give a fast algorithm. Let’s try to do this with the DFT.
We have that for some matrix . (We will omit the subscript when its value isn’t particularly important to the discussion.) Let us make the somewhat non-standard choice of describing rows and columns of by zero-indexing, so that the first row of is row and the last is row . Then we have that . Comparing with Eq. (1), we see that . Let us define . Thus, we can write the matrix out as
This is a highly structured matrix. The patterns in this matrix are more easily seen for a particular value of . We shall focus on in this discussion, but what will follow will generalize in a straightforward way to any power of two (and in less straightforward ways to arbitrary —we will return to this point at the end).
Instantiating Eq. (3) with (and writing ), we have
To fully exploit the patterns in this matrix, we note that represents a clockwise rotation of the complex plane by an eighth of the way around the circle. So, for example is twenty-one eighths of a turn or simply just turns. Thus and more generally . This allows us to simplify as follows:
Now notice that, since represents a clockwise rotation of an eighth of the way around the circle, represents a quarter turn of the circle. This fact leads to the surprising observation we can actually find the DFT matrix for hidden inside the DFT matrix for !
To see this, rearrange the columns of to interleave every other column. In matrix language this is represented by right-multiplying with an appropriate4In fact, this permutation has a special name: the perfect shuffle. permutation matrix :
The top-left sub-block is precisely (up to scaling). In fact, defining the diagonal matrix (called the twiddle factor) and noting that , we have
The matrix is entirely built up of simple scalings of the smaller DFT matrix ! This suggests the following decomposition to compute :
Here represent the even-indexed entries of and the odd-indexed entries. Thus, we see that we can evaluate by evaluating the two expressions and . We have broken our problem into two smaller problems, which we then recombine into a solution of our original problem.
How then, do we compute the smaller DFTs and ? We just use the same trick again, breaking, for example, the product into further subcomputations and . Performing this process one more time, we need to evaluate expressions of the form , which are simply given by since the matrix is just a matrix whose single entry is .
This procedure is an example of a recursive algorithm: we designed an algorithm which solves a problem by breaking it down into one or more smaller problems, solve each of the smaller problems by using this same algorithm, and then reassemble the solutions of the smaller problems to solve our original problem. Eventually, we will break our problems into such small pieces that they can be solved directly, which is referred to as the base case of our recursion. (In our case, the base case is multiplication by ). Algorithms using this recursion in this way are referred to as divide-and-conquer algorithms.
Let us summarize this recursive procedure we’ve developed. We want to compute the DFT where is a power of two. First, we use the DFT to recursively compute and . Next, we combine these computations to evaluate by the formula
This procedure is the famous fast Fourier transform (FFT), whose modern incarnation was presented by Cooley and Tukey in 1965 with lineage that can be traced back to work by Gauss in the early 1800s. There are many variants of the FFT using similar ideas.
Let us see why the FFT is considered “fast” by analyzing its operation count. As is common for divide-and-conquer algorithms, the number of operations for computing using the FFT can be determined by solving a certain recurrence relation. Let be the number of operations required by the FFT. Then the cost of computing consists of
proportional-to- operations (or operations, in computer science language5 refers to big-O notation. Saying an algorithm takes operations is stating that, more or less, the algorithm takes less than some multiple of operations to complete.) to:
add, subtract, and scale vectors and
multiply by the diagonal matrix and
two recursive computations of for , each of which requires operations.
This gives us the recurrence relation
Solving recurrences is a delicate art in general, but a wide class of recurrences are immediately solved by the flexible master theorem for recurrences. Appealing to this result, we deduce that the FFT requires operations. This is a dramatic improvement of the operations to compute directly using Eq. (1). This dramatic improvement in speed is what makes the FFT “fast”.
Extending the FFT Idea
The FFT is a brilliant algorithm. It exploits the structure of the discrete Fourier transform problem Eq. (1) for dramatically lower operation counts. And as we shall see a taste of, the FFT is useful in a surprisingly broad range of applications. Given the success of the FFT, we are naturally led to the question: can we learn from our success with the FFT to develop fast algorithms for other problems?
I think the FFT speaks to the power of a simple problem-solving strategy for numerical algorithm design6As mentioned earlier, the FFT also exemplifies a typical design pattern in general (not necessarily numerical) algorithm design, the divide-and-conquer strategy. In the divide-and-conquer strategy, find a clever way of dividing a problem into multiple subproblems, conquering (solving) each, and then recombining the solutions to the subproblems into a solution of the larger problem. The challenge with such problems is often finding a way of doing the recombination step, which usually relies on some clever insight. Other instances of divide-and-conquer algorithms include merge sort and Karatsuba’s integer multiplication algorithm.: whenever you have a linear transformation, write it as a matrix-vector product; whenever you have a matrix, write it down and see if there are any patterns.7Often, rearranging the matrix will be necessary to see any patterns. We often like to present mathematics with each step of a derivation follows almost effortlessly from the last from a firm basis of elegant mathematical intuition. Often, however, noticing patterns by staring at symbols on a page can be more effective than reasoning grounded in intuition. Once the pattern has been discovered, intuition and elegance sometimes will follow quickly behind.
The most natural generalization of the FFT is the fast inverse discrete Fourier transform, providing a fast algorithm to compute the inverse discrete Fourier transform Eq. (2). The inverse FFT is quite an easy generalization of the FFT presented in the past section; it is a good exercise to see if you can mimic the development in the previous section to come up with this generalization yourself. The FFT can also be generalized to otherdiscrete trigonometric transforms and 2D and 3D discrete Fourier transforms.
I want to consider a problem more tangentially related to the FFT, the evaluation of expressions of the form , where is an matrix, is an matrix, is a vector of length , and denotes the Kronecker product. For the unitiated, the Kronecker product of and is a matrix defined as the block matrix
We could just form this matrix and compute the matrix-vector product directly, but this takes a hefty operations.8Equally or perhaps more problematically, this also takes space. We can do better.
The insight is much the same as with the FFT: scaled copies of the matrix are embedded in . In the FFT, we needed to rearrange the columns of the DFT matrix to see this; for the Kronecker product, this pattern is evident in the natural ordering. To exploit this fact, chunk the vectors and into pieces and of length and respectively so that our matrix vector product can be written as9This way of writing this expression is referred to as a conformal partitioning to indicate that one can multiply the block matrices using the ordinary matrix product formula treating the block entries as if they were simple numbers.
To compute this product efficiently, we proceed in two steps. First, we compute the products which takes time in total. Next, we compute each component by using the formula
which takes a total of operations to compute all the ‘s. This leads to a total operation count of for computing the matrix-vector product , much better than our earlier operation count of .10There is another way of interpreting this algorithm. If we interpret and as the vectorization of and matrices and , then we have . The algorithm we presented is equivalent to evaluating this matrix triple product in the order . This shows that this algorithm could be further accelerated using Strassen–style fast matrix multiplication algorithms.
While this idea might seem quite far from the FFT, if one applies this idea iteratively, one can use this approach to rapidly evaluate a close cousin of the DFT called the Hadamard-Walsh transform. Using the Kronecker product, the Hadamard-Walsh transform of a vector is defined to be
If one applies the Kronecker product trick we developed repeatedly, this gives an algorithm to evaluate the Hadamard-Walsh transform of a vector of length in operations, just like the FFT.
The Hadamard-Walsh transform can be thought of as a generalization of the discrete Fourier transform to Boolean functions, which play an integral role in computer science. The applications of the Hadamard-Walsh transform are numerous and varied, from everything to voting systems to quantum computing. This is really just the tip of the iceberg. The ideas behind the FFT (and related ideas from the fast multipole method) allow for the rapid evaluation of a largenumberoftransformations, some of which are connected by deep and general theories.
Resisting the temptation to delve into these interesting subjects in any more depth, we return to our main idea: when presented with a linear transformation, write it as a matrix-vector product; whenever you have a matrix, write it down and see if there are any patterns. The FFT exploits one such pattern, noticing that (after a reordering) a matrix contains many scaled copies of the same matrix. Rapidly evaluation expressions of the form involves an even simpler application of the same idea. But there are many other patterns that can be exploited: sparsity, (approximate) low rank, off-diagonal blocks approximately of low rank, and displacement structure are other examples. Very often in applied math, our problems have additional structure that can be exploited to solve problems much faster, and sometimes finding that structure is as easy as just trying to look for it.
An Application of the FFT
A discussion of the FFT would be incomplete without exploring at least one reason why you’d want to compute the discrete Fourier transform. To focus our attention, let us consider another linear algebraic calculation which appears to have no relation to the FFT on its face: computing a matrix-vector product with a Toeplitz matrix. A matrix is said to be Toeplitz if it has the following structure:
We seek to compute the matrix-vector product . Let us by considering a special case of a Toeplitz matrix, a circulant matrix. A circulant matrix has the form
By direct computation, the matrix-vector product is given by
A surprising and non-obvious fact is that the circulant matrix is diagonalized by the discrete Fourier transform. Specifically, we have where . This gives a fast algorithm to compute in time : compute the DFTs of and and multiply them together entrywise, take the inverse Fourier transform, and scale by .
There is a connection with signal processing and differential equations that may help to shed light on why technique works for those familiar with those areas. In the signal processing context, the matrix-vector product can be interpreted as the discrete convolution of with (see Eq. (17)) which is a natural extension of the convolution of two functions and on the real line. It is an important fact that the Fourier transform of a convolution is the same as multiplication of the Fourier transforms: (up to a possible normalizing constant).11A related identity also holds for the Laplace transform. The fact that the DFT diagonalizes a circulant matrix is just the analog of this fact for the discrete Fourier transform and the discrete convolution.
This fast algorithm for circulant matrix-vector products is already extremely useful. One can naturally reframe the problems of multiplying integers and polynomials as discrete convolutions, which can then be computed rapidly by applying the algorithm for fast circulant matrix-vector products. This video gives a great introduction to the FFT with this as its motivating application.
Let’s summarize where we’re at. We are interested in computing the Toeplitz matrix-vector product . We don’t know how to do this for a general Toeplitz matrix yet, but we can do it for a special Toeplitz matrix called a circulant matrix . By use of the FFT, we can compute the circulant matrix-vector product in operations.
We can now leverage what we’ve done with circulant matrices to accelerate Toeplitz matrix-vector product. The trick is very simple: embedding. We construct a big circulant matrix which contains the Toeplitz matrix as a sub-matrix and then use multiplications by the bigger matrix to compute multiplications by the smaller matrix.
Consider the following circulant matrix, which contains as as defined in Eq. (15) a sub-matrix in its top-left corner:
This matrix is hard to write out, but essentially we pad the Toeplitz matrix with extra zeros to embed it into a circulant matrix. The “” vector for this larger circulant matrix is obtained from the parameters of the Toeplitz matrix Eq. (15) by .
Here comes another clever observation: we can choose the number of padding zeros used cleverly to make the size of exactly equal to a power of two. This is useful because it allows us to compute matrix-vector products with the power-of-two FFT described above, which we know is fast.
Finally, let’s close the loop and use fast multiplications with to compute fast multiplications with . We wish to compute the product fast. To do this, vector into a larger vector by padding with zeros to get
where we use to denote matrix or vector entries which are immaterial to us. We compute by using our fast algorithm to compute and then discarding everything but the first entries of to obtain . If you’re careful to analyze how much padding we need to make this work, we see that this algorithm also takes only operations. Thus, we’ve completed our goal: we can compute Toeplitz matrix-vector products in a fast operations.
Finally, let us bring this full circle and see a delightfully self-referential use of this algorithm: we can use the FFT-accelerated fast Toeplitz matrix-vector multiply to compute DFT itself. Recall that the FFT algorithm we presented above was particularized to which were powers of . There are natural generalizations of the along the lines of what we did above to more general which are highly composite and possess many small prime factors. But what if we want to evaluate the DFT for which is a large prime?
Recall that the DFT matrix has th entry . We now employ a clever trick. Let be a diagonal matrix with the th entry equal to . Then, defining , we have that , which means is a Toeplitz matrix! (Writing out the matrix entrywise may be helpful to see this.)
Thus, we can compute the DFT for any size by evaluating the DFT as , where the product is computed using the fast Toeplitz matrix-vector product. Since our fast Toeplitz matrix-vector product only requires us to evaluate power-of-two DFTs, this technique allows us to evaluate DFTs of arbitrary size in only operations.
Upshot: The discrete Fourier transform (DFT) is an important computation which occurs all across applied mathematics. The fast Fourier transform (FFT) reduces the operation count of evaluating the DFT of a vector of length to proportional to , down from proportional to for direct evaluation. The FFT is an example of a broader matrix algorithm design strategy of looking for patterns in the numbers in a matrix and exploiting these patterns to reduce computation. The FFT can often have surprising applications, such as allowing for rapid computations with Toeplitz matrices.
A singular value decomposition of an matrix is a factorization of the form , where and are square, orthogonal matrices and is a diagonal matrix with th entry .1Everything carries over essentially unchanged for complex-valued matrices with and being unitary matrices and every being replaced by for the Hermitian transpose. The diagonal entries of are referred to as the singular values of and are conventionally ordered . The columns of the matrices and are referred to as the right- and left- singular vectors of and satisfy the relations and .
One can obtain the singular values and right and left singular vectors of from the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of and . This follows from the calculations and . In other words, the nonzero singular values of are the square roots of the nonzero eigenvalues of and . If one merely solves one of these problems, computing along with or , one can obtain the other matrix or by computing or . (These formulas are valid for invertible square matrices , but similar formulas hold for singular or rectangular to compute the singular vectors with nonzero singular values.)
This approach is often unundesirable for several reasons. Here are a few I’m aware of:
Accuracy: Roughly speaking, in double-precision arithmetic, accurate stable numerical methods can resolve differences on the order of 16 orders of magnitude. This means an accurately computed SVD of can resolve the roughly 16 orders of magnitude of decaying singular values, with singular values smaller than that difficult to compute accurately. By computing , we square all of our singular values, so resolving 16 orders of magnitude of the eigenvalues of means we only resolve 8 orders of magnitude of the singular values of .2Relatedly, the two-norm condition number of is twice that of . The dynamic range of our numerical computations has been cut in half!
Loss of orthogonality: While and are valid formulas in exact arithmetic, they fair poorly when implemented numerically. Specifically, the numerically computed values and may not be orthogonal matrices with, for example, not even close to the identity matrix. One can, of course, orthogonalize the computed or , but this doesn’t fix the underlying problem that or have not been computed accurately.
Loss of structure: If possesses additional structure (e.g. sparsity), this structure may be lost or reduced by computing the product .
There are times where these problems are insignificant and this approach is sensible: we shall return to this point in a bit. However, these problems should disqualify this approach from being the de facto way we reduce SVD computation to a symmetric eigenvalue problem. This is especially true since we have a better way.
The better way is by constructing the so-called Hermitian dilation4As Stewart and Sun detail in Section 4 of Chapter 1 of their monograph Matrix Perturbation Theory, the connections between the Hermitian dilation and the SVD go back to the discovery of the SVD itself, as it is used in Jordan’s construction of the SVD in 1874. (The SVD was also independently discovered by Beltrami the year previous.) Stewart and Sun refer to this matrix as the Jordan-Wiedlant matrix associated with , as they attribute the widespread use of the matrix today to the work of Wiedlant. We shall stick to the term Hermitian dilation to refer to this matrix. of , which is defined to be the matrix
One can show that the nonzero eigenvalues of are precisely plus-or-minus the singular values of . More specifically, we have
All of the remaining eigenvalues of not of this form are zero.5This follows by noting and thus for account for all the nonzero eigenvalues of . Thus, the singular value decomposition of is entirely encoded in the eigenvalue decomposition of .
This approach of using the Hermitian dilation to compute the SVD of fixes all the issues identified with the “” approach. We are able to accurately resolve a full 16 orders of magnitude of singular values. The computed singular vectors are accurate and numerically orthogonal provided we use an accurate method for the symmetric eigenvalue problem. The Hermitian dilation preserves important structural characteristics in like sparsity. For purposes of theoretical analysis, the mapping is linear.6The linearity of the Hermitian dilation gives direct extensions of most results about the symmetric eigenvalues to singular values; see Exercise 22.
Often one can work with the Hermitian dilation only implicitly: the matrix need not actually be stored in memory with all its extra zeros. The programmer designs and implements an algorithm with in mind, but deals with the matrix directly for their computations. In a pinch, however, forming directly in software and utilizing symmetric eigenvalue routines directly is often not too much less efficient than a dedicated SVD routine and can cut down on programmer effort significantly.
As with all things in life, there’s no free lunch here. There are a couple of downsides to the Hermitian dilation approach. First, is, except for the trivial case , an indefinite symmetric matrix. By constast, and are positive semidefinite, which can be helpful in some contexts.7This is relevant if, say, we want to find the small singular values by inverse iteration. Positive definite linear systems are easier to solve by either direct or iterative methods. Further, if (respectively, ), then (respectively, ) is tiny compared to , so it might be considerably cheaper to compute an eigenvalue decomposition of (or ) than .
Despite the somewhat salacious title of this article, the and Hermitian dilation approaches both have their role, and the purpose of this article is not to say the approach should be thrown in the dustbin. However, in my experience, I frequently hear the approach stated as the definitive way of converting an SVD into an eigenvalue problem, with the Hermitian dilation approach not even mentioned. This, in my opinion, is backwards. For accuracy reasons alone, the Hermitian dilation should be the go-to tool for turning SVDs into symmetric eigenvalue problems, with the approach only used when the problem is known to have singular values which don’t span many orders of magnitude or is tall and skinny and the computational cost savings of the approach are vital.
My first experience with the numerical solution of partial differential equations (PDEs) was with finite difference methods. I found finite difference methods to be somewhat fiddly: it is quite an exercise in patience to, for example, work out the appropriate fifth-order finite difference approximation to a second order differential operator on an irregularly spaced grid and even more of a pain to prove that the scheme is convergent. I found that I liked the finite element method a lot better1Finite element methods certainly have their own fiddly-nesses (as anyone who has worked with a serious finite element code can no doubt attest to). as there was a unifying underlying functional analytic theory, Galerkin approximation, which showed how, in a sense, the finite element method computed the best possible approximate solution to the PDE among a family of potential solutions. However, I came to feel later that Galerkin approximation was, in a sense, the more fundamental concept, with the finite element method being one particular instantiation (with spectral methods, boundary element methods, and the conjugate gradient method being others). In this post, I hope to give a general introduction to Galerkin approximation as computing the best possible approximate solution to a problem within a certain finite-dimensional space of possibilities.
Systems of Linear Equations
Let us begin with a linear algebraic example, which is unburdened by some of the technicalities of partial differential equations. Suppose we want to solve a very large system of linear equations , where the matrix is symmetric and positive definite (SPD). Suppose that is where is so large that we don’t even want to store all components of the solution on our computer. What can we possibly do?
One solution is to consider only solutions lying in a subspace of the set of all possible solutions . If this subspace has a basis , then the solution can be represented as and one only has to store the numbers . In general, will not belong to the subspace and we must settle for an approximate solution .
The next step is to convert the system of linear equations into a form which is more amenable to approximate solution on a subspace . Note that the equation encodes different linear equations where is the th row of and is the th element of . Note that the th equation is equivalent to the condition , where is the vector with zeros in all entries except for the th entry which is a one. More generally, by multiplying the equation by an arbitrary test row vector , we get for all . We refer to this as a variational formulation of the linear system of equations . In fact, one can easily show that the variational problem is equivalent to the system of linear equations:
Since we are seeking an approximate solution from the subspace , it is only natural that we also restrict our test vectors to lie in the subspace . Thus, we seek an approximate solution to the system of equations as the solution of the variational problem
One can relatively easily show this problem possesses a unique solution .2Here is a linear algebraic proof. As we shall see below, the same conclusion will also follow from the general Lax-Milgram theorem. Let be a matrix whose columns form a basis for . Then every can be written as for some . Thus, writing , we have that for every . But this is just a variational formulation of the equation . The matrix is SPD since for since is SPD. Thus has a unique solution . Thus is the unique solution to the variational problem Eq. (2). In what sense is a good approximate solution for ? To answer this question, we need to introduce a special way of measuring the error to an approximate solution to . We define the -inner product of a vector and to be and the associated -norm .3Note that -norm can be seen as a weighted Euclidean norm, where the components of the vector in the direction of the eigenvectors of are scaled by their corresponding eigenvector. Concretely, if where is an eigenvector of with eigenvalue (), then we have . All of the properties satisfied by the familiar Euclidean inner product and norm carry over to the new -inner product and norm (e.g., the Pythagorean theorem). Indeed, for those familiar, one can show satisfies all the axioms for an inner product space.
We shall now show that the error between and its Galerkin approximation is -orthogonal to the space in the sense that for all . This follows from the straightforward calculation, for ,
where since solves the variational problem Eq. (1) and since solves the variational problem Eq. (2).
The fact that the error is -orthogonal to can be used to show that is, in a sense, the best approximate solution to in the subspace . First note that, for any approximate solution to , the vector is -orthogonal to . Thus, by the Pythagorean theorem,
Thus, the Galerkin approximation is the best approximate solution to in the subspace with respect to the -norm, for every . Thus, if one picks a subspace for which the solution almost lies in 4In the sense that is small then will be a good approximate solution to , irrespective of the size of the subspace .
Variational Formulations of Differential Equations
As I hope I’ve conveyed in the previous section, Galerkin approximation is not a technique that only works for finite element methods or even just PDEs. However, differential and integral equations are one of the most important applications of Galerkin approximation since the space of all possible solution to a differential or integral equation is infinite-dimensional: approximation in a finite-dimensional space is absolutely critical. In this section, I want to give a brief introduction to how one can develop variational formulations of differential equations amenable to Galerkin approximation. For simplicity of presentation, I shall focus on a one-dimensional problem which is described by an ordinary differential equation (ODE)boundary value problem. All of this generalized wholesale to partial differential equations in multiple dimensions, though there are some additional technical and notational difficulties (some of which I will address in footnotes). Variational formulation of differential equations is a topic with important technical subtleties which I will end up brushing past. Rigorous references are Chapters 5 and 6 from Evans’ Partial Differential Equations or Chapters 0-2 from Brenner and Scott’s The Mathematical Theory of Finite Element Methods.
As our model problem for which we seek a variational formulation, we will focus on the one-dimensional Poisson equation, which appears in the study of electrostatics, gravitation, diffusion, heat flow, and fluid mechanics. The unknown is a real-valued function on an interval which take to be .5In higher dimensions, one can consider an arbitrary domain with, for example, a Lipschitz boundary. We assume Dirichlet boundary conditions that is equal to zero on the boundary .6In higher dimensions, one has on the boundary of the region . Poisson’s equations then reads7 on and for higher dimensions, where is the Laplacian operator.
We wish to develop a variational formulation of this differential equation, similar to how we develop a variational formulation of the linear system of equations in the previous section. To develop our variational formulation, we take inspiration from physics. If represents, say, the temperature at a point , we are never able to measure exactly. Rather, we can measure the temperature in a region around with a thermometer. No matter how carefully we engineer our thermometer, our thermometer tip will have some volume occupying a region in space. The temperature measured by our thermometer will be the average temperature in the region or, more generally, a weighted average where is a weighting function which is zero outside the region . Now let’s use our thermometer to “measure” our differential equation:
This integral expression is some kind of variational formulation of our differential equation, as it is an equation involving the solution to our differential equation which must hold for every averaging function . (The precise meaning of every will be forthcoming.) It will benefit us greatly to make this expression more “symmetric” with respect to and . To do this, we shall integrate by parts:8Integrating by parts is harder in higher dimensions. My personal advice for integrating by parts in higher dimensions is to remember that integration by parts is ultimately a result of the product rule. As such, to integrate by parts, we first write an expression involving our integrand using the product rule of some differential operator and then integrate by both sides. In this case, notice that . Rearranging and integrating, we see that . We then apply the divergence theorem to the last term to get , where represents an outward facing unit normal to the boundary and represents integration on the surface . If is zero on , we conclude for all nice functions on satisfying on .
In particular, if is zero on the boundary , then the second two terms vanish and we’re left with the variational equation
Compare the variational formulation of the Poisson equation Eq. (8) to the variational formulation of the system of linear equations in Eq. (1). The solution vector in the differential equation context is a function satisfying the boundary condition of being zero on the boundary . The right-hand side is replaced by a function on the interval . The test vector is replaced by a test function on the interval . The matrix product expression is replaced by the integral . The product is replaced by the integral . As we shall soon see, there is a unifying theory which treats both of these contexts simultaneously.
Before this unifying theory, we must address the question of which functions we will consider in our variational formulation. One can show that all of the calculations we did in this section hold if is a continuously differentiable function on which is zero away from the endpoints and and is a twice continuously differentiable function on . Because of technical functional analytic considerations, we shall actually want to expand the class of functions in our variational formulation to even more functions . Specifically, we shall consider all functions which are (A) square-integrable ( is finite), (B) possess a square integrable derivative9More specifically, we only insist that possess a square-integrable weak derivative. ( is finite), and (C) are zero on the boundary. We refer to this class of functions as the Sobolev space.10The class of functions satisfying (A) and (B) but not necessarily (C) is the Sobolev space . For an arbitrary function in , the existence of a well-defined restriction to the boundary and is actually nontrivial to show, requiring showing the existence of a trace operator. Chapter 5 of Evan’s Partial Differential Equations is a good introduction to Sobolev spaces. The Sobolev spaces and naturally extend to spaces and for an arbitrary domain with a nice boundary.
Now this is where things get really strange. Note that it is possible for a function to satisfy the variational formulation Eq. (8) but for not to satisfy the Poisson equation Eq. (5). A simple example is when possesses a discontinuity (say, for example, a step discontinuity where is and then jumps to ). Then no continuously differentiable will satisfy Eq. (5) at every point in and yet a solution to the variational problem Eq. (8) exists! The variational formulation actually allows us to give a reasonable definition of “solving the differential equation” when a classical solution to does not exist. Our only requirement for the variational problem is that , itself, belongs to the space . A solution to the variational problem Eq. (8) is called a weak solution to the differential equation Eq. (5) because, as we have argued, a weak solution to Eq. (8) need not always solve Eq. (5).11One can show that any classical solution to Eq. (5) solves Eq. (8). Given certain conditions on , one can go the other way, showing that weak solutions are indeed bonafide classical solutions. This is the subject of regularity theory.
The Lax-Milgram Theorem
Let us now build up an abstract language which allows us to use Galerkin approximation both for linear systems of equations and PDEs (as well as other contexts). If one compares the expressions from the linear systems context and from the differential equation context, one recognizes that both these expressions are so-called bilinear forms: they depend on two arguments ( and or and ) and are a linear transformation in each argument independently if the other one is fixed. For example, if one defines one has . Similarly, if one defines , then .
Implicitly swimming in the background is some space of vectors or function which this bilinear form is defined upon. In the linear system of equations context, this space of -dimensional vectors and in the differential context, this space is as defined in the previous section.12The connection between vectors and functions is even more natural if one considers a function as a vector of infinite length, with one entry for each real number . Call this space . We shall assume that is a special type of linear space called a Hilbert space, an inner product space (with inner product ) where every Cauchy sequence converges to an element in (in the inner product-induced norm).13Note that every inner product space has a unique completion to a Hilbert space. For example, if one considers the space of smooth functions which are zero away from the boundary of with the inner product , the completion is . A natural extension to higher dimensions hold. The Cauchy sequence convergence property, also known as metric completeness, is important because we shall often deal with a sequence of entries which we will need to establish convergence to a vector . (Think of as a sequence of Galerkin approximations to a solution .)
With these formalities, an abstract variational problem takes the form
where is a bilinear form on and is a linear form on (a linear map ). There is a beautiful and general theorem called the Lax-Milgram theorem which establishes existence and uniqueness of solutions to a problem like Eq. (9).
Theorem (Lax-Milgram): Let and satisfy the following properties:
(Boundedness of ) There exists a constant such that every , .
(Coercivity) There exists a positive constant such that for every .
(Boundedness of ) There exists a constant such that for every .
Then the variational problem Eq. (9) possesses a unique solution.
For our cases, will also be symmetric for all . While the Lax-Milgram theorem holds without symmetry, let us continue our discussion with this additional symmetry assumption. Note that, taken together, properties (1-2) say that the -inner product, defined as , is no more than so much bigger or smaller than the standard inner product of and .14That is, one has that the -norm and the -norm are equivalent in the sense that . so the norms and define the same topology.
Let us now see how the Lax-Milgram theorem can apply to our two examples. For a reader who wants a more “big picture” perspective, they can comfortably skip to the next section. For those who want to see Lax-Milgram in action, see the discussion below.
Applying the Lax-Milgram Theorem
Begin with the linear system of equations with with inner product , , and . Note that we have the inequality .15This is an easy consequence of the Courant-Fischer theorem. More generally, note that, since is symmetric, has an orthonormal basis of eigenvectors with eigenvalues . Then and . The inequalities follow from noting the Parseval relation and noting that is a convex combination of the eigenvalues of . In particular, we have that . Property (1) then follows from the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality applied to the -inner product: . Property (2) is simply the established inequality . Property (3) also follows from the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality: . Thus, by Lax-Milgram, the variational problem for has a unique solution . Note that the linear systems example shows why the coercivity property (2) is necessary. If is positive semi-definite but not positive-definite, then there exists an eigenvector of with eigenvalue . Then for any positive constant and is singular, so the variational formulation of has no solution for some choices of the vector .
Applying the Lax-Milgram theorem to differential equations can require powerful inequalities. In this case, the -inner product is given by , , and . Condition (1) is follows from a application of the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality for integrals:16 In higher dimensions, we need even more Cauchy-Schwarz! First, we note that the absolute value of integral is less than the integral of absolute value . Second, we apply the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality for the vectors and to get where, e.g., is the Euclidean norm of the vector . This gives . Next, we apply the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality for integrals to get . Finally, we note that and thus obtain . This is the desired inequality with constant one.
Let’s go line-by-line. First, we note that the absolute value of integral is less than the integral of absolute value. Next, we apply the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality for integrals. Finally, we note that . This establishes Property (1) with constant . As we already see one third of the way into verifying the hypotheses of Lax-Milgram, establishing these inequalities can require several steps. Ultimately, however, strong knowledge of just a core few inequalities (e.g. Cauchy-Schwarz) may be all that’s needed.
Proving coercivity (Property (2)) actually requires a very special inequality, Poincaré’s inequality.17In higher dimensions, Poincaré’s inequality takes the form for a constant depending only on the domain . In it’s simplest incarnation, the inequality states that there exists a constant such that, for all functions ,18A simple proof of Poincaré’s inequality for continuously differentiable with goes as follows. Note that, by the fundamental theorem of calculus, . Applying the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality for integrals gives since . Thus for all integrating over gives . This proves Poincaré’s inequality with the constant .
With this inequality in tow, property (2) follows after another lengthy string of inequalities:19The same estimate holds in higher dimensions, with the appropriate generalization of Poincaré’s inequality.
For Property (3) to hold, the function must be square-integrable. With this hypothesis, Property (3) is much easier than Properties (1-2) and we leave it as an exercise for the interested reader (or to a footnote20The proof is similar in one dimension or higher dimensions, so we state it for arbitrary domain for brevity. By Cauchy-Schwarz, we have that . for the uninterested reader).
This may seem like a lot of work, but the result we have achieved is stunning. We have proven (modulo a lot of omitted details) that the Poisson equation has a unique weak solution as long as is square-integrable!21And in the footnotes, we have upgraded this proof to existence of a unique weak solution to the Poisson equation on a domain . What is remarkable about this proof is that it uses the Lax-Milgram theorem and some inequalities alone: no specialized knowledge about the physics underlying the Poisson equation were necessary. Going through the details of Lax-Milgram has been a somewhat lengthy affair for an introductory post, but hopefully this discussion has illuminated the power of functional analytic tools (like Lax-Milgram) in studying differential equations. Now, with a healthy dose of theory in hand, let us return to Galerkin approximation.
General Galerkin Approximation
With our general theory set up, Galerkin approximation for general variational problem is the same as it was for a system of linear equations. First, we pick an approximation space which is a subspace of . We then have the Galerkin variational problem
Provided and satisfy the conditions of the Lax-Milgram theorem, there is a unique solution to the problem Eq. (13). Moreover, the special property of Galerkin approximation holds: the error is -orthogonal to the subspace . Consequently, is te best approximate solution to the variational problem Eq. (9) in the -norm. To see the -orthogonality, we have that, for any ,
where we use the variational equation Eq. (9) for and Eq. (13) for . Note the similarities with Eq. (3). Thus, using the Pythagorean theorem for the -norm, for any other approximation solution , we have22Compare Eq. (4).
Put simply, is the best approximation to in the -norm.23Using the fact the norms and are equivalent in virtue of Properties (1-2), one can also show that is within a constant factor of the best approximation in the norm . This is known as Céa’s Lemma.
Galerkin approximation is powerful because it allows us to approximate an infinite-dimensional problem by a finite-dimensional one. If we let be a basis for the space , then the approximate solution can be represented as . Since form a basis of , to check that the Galerkin variational problem Eq. (13) holds for all it is sufficient to check that it holds for .24For an arbitrary can be written as , so . Thus, plugging in and into Eq. (13), we get (using bilinearity of )
If we define and , then this gives us a matrix equation for the unknowns parametrizing . Thus, we can compute our Galerkin approximation by solving a linear system of equations.
We’ve covered a lot of ground so let’s summarize. Galerkin approximation is a technique which allows us to approximately solve a large- or infinite-dimensional problem by searching for an approximate solution in a smaller finite-dimensional space of our choosing. This Galerkin approximation is the best approximate solution to our original problem in the -norm. By choosing a basis for our approximation space , we reduce the problem of computing a Galerkin approximation to a linear system of equations.
Design of a Galerkin approximation scheme for a variational problem thus boils down to choosing the approximation space and a basis . Picking to be a space of piecewise polynomial functions (splines) gives the finite element method. Picking to be a space spanned by a collection of trigonometric functions gives a Fourier spectral method. One can use a space spanned by wavelets as well. The Galerkin framework is extremely general: give it a subspace and it will give you a linear system of equations to solve to give you the best approximate solution in .
Two design considerations factor into the choice of space and basis . First, one wants to pick a space , where the solution almost lies in. This is the rationale behind spectral methods. Smooth functions are very well-approximated by short truncated Fourier expansions, so, if the solution is smooth, spectral methods will converge very quickly. Finite element methods, which often use low-order piecewise polynomial functions, converge much more slowly to a smooth . The second design consideration one wants to consider is the ease of solving the system resulting from the Galerkin approximation. If the basis function are local in the sense that most pairs of basis functions and aren’t nonzero at the same point (more formally, and have disjointsupports for most and ), the system will be sparse and thus usually much easier to solve. Traditional spectral methods usually result in a harder-to-solve dense linear systems of equations.25There are clever ways of making spectral methods which lead to sparse matrices. Conversely, if one uses high-order piecewise polynomials in a finite element approximation, one can get convergence properties similar to a spectral method. These are called spectral element methods. It should be noted that both spectral and finite element methods lead to ill-conditioned matrices, making integral equation-based approaches preferable if one needs high-accuracy.26For example, only one researcher using a finite-element method was able to meet Trefethen’s challenge to solve the Poisson equation to eight digits of accuracy on an L-shaped domain (see Section 6 of this paper). Getting that solution required using a finite-element method of order 15! Integral equations, themselves, are often solved using Galerkin approximation, leading to so-called boundary element methods.
Upshot: Galerkin approximation is a powerful and extremely flexible methodology for approximately solving large- or infinite-dimensional problems by finding the best approximate solution in a smaller finite-dimensional subspace. To use a Galerkin approximation, one must convert their problem to a variational formulation and pick a basis for the approximation space. After doing this, computing the Galerkin approximation reduces down to solving a system of linear equations with dimension equal to the dimension of the approximation space.